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    Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions

    From Drinking to the Gym

    by , 09-22-2018 at 04:56 PM (403 Views)
    I'm at a bar with several friends I know. We are laughing and having a good time right outside the doors when a cop car shows up. It's just pulled up on the street watching everyone, and doesn't have any lights on, yet. One of the guys and I don't like being here with the cop and we can't get back through the doors right behind us so we decide to pretend like we're gay and hold hands while walking around to the other side of the building (don't know why that was the best idea in my head). As we begin walking, we can hear the cop car behind us slowly following. I get really annoyed at this as why would he need to follow us? Eventually, as we round a corner, the cop stops and turns back around and we make it to the other side to head back in. Inside is a new atmosphere from when we were first here. Now, everything's quiet, and a group of people is arguing over some contract. I walk downstairs to find that a lot of people are sitting quietly all over the floor, like they're hiding from the people upstairs. As I keep walking down a hallway, I emerge in a large gym. a group of guys I don't know is testing out some of the equipment. I walk over as they are testing the floor mats which look to be memory foam. A guy drops a heavy weight from shoulder height and it lands with a highly muffled boom, like the sound of a cannon firing from outside the building. This is a good sound, though, meaning the foam dispersed the shock of the weight really well.

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