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    Lucid Dreams

    1. The Kid Is Not My Son

      by , 09-05-2012 at 05:52 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #14: The Kid Is Not My Son

      Wife and I are attending a class led by my neighbor K, who is for some reason now a history professor. He's giving an interesting lecture on the early 20th century and every student in the class is captivated by his talk.

      One very attractive student (who identifies herself as "Melinda") is shamelessly flirting with him. I lean over to Wife and whisper this to her but she insists that she hasn't noticed it.

      I look to my right and notice that there's a mirror running the length of the wall. I see myself in this mirror except slightly from the back. Also apparent from my reflection is that I have chosen to attend class wearing no shirt. The combination of these two oddities
      brings me into lucidity.

      My hair is cut short just like waking life but my physique is leaner and more muscular than in reality. I rub my hands together and my beefcake reflection does a perfect replica. Clarity is very, very high. I remark out loud that, "This lucidity is just incredible." Wife verbally agrees, "It really is! But quit checking yourself out in the mirror." I laugh because she totally caught me.

      All of the students and Professor K are looking at me now. I see that Melinda is now wearing a Baby Bjorn that contains a squirming little blonde baby. Melinda looks Asian or half-Asian so the blonde hair is a bit of a surprise. A bigger surprise still is when Melinda says, "It's yours."

      I'm left shocked and stammering for a response/denial/whimper. Melinda laughs, saying, "Not him! He's mine. She's yours." She points to my left. A nurse in scrubs and a surgical mask walks up to me and hands me a brown-haired little girl of about one. The little girl reaches for my nose and smiles up at me. I'm about to look for Wife's response to all of this
      but I wake up.
    2. Dad's Dream Journal

      by , 09-05-2012 at 05:24 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #13: Dad's Dream Journal

      My dad has started a dream journal and he's looking for my advice on lucid dreaming. For some reason, he secretly dead drops the journal to me in the back of a car. I have to pick it up late at night to make sure that nobody finds out that he's keeping a dream journal.

      His journal describes a dream that he had falling asleep in a chair. I read through it and conclude that he was very close to a WILD. I'm very happy for him and attempt to place a rah-rah green check mark in the margin of his DJ. To my astonishment, it comes out as a boldfaced "left 2". I wonder what the hell is going on and decide to reality check "just in case". I use the nose pinch RC
      and instantly become lucid.

      My sudden lucidity shocks me into a false awakening in the hotel room I am sharing with Wife. I know that it's a false awakening because I still have the nose pinch clamped down and I'm still breathing freely. I get up out of bed but the sheets are wrapped tightly around me. I flail and struggle to free myself from the sheets and finally fling them across the room.

      The room's incredibly dark and I can barely see anything. I feel on the wall, expecting to find a light switch. I flick it on and rather than illuminating the room it causes a very dim light to come on outside. I feel for another switch and this one seems to turn on a dim bathroom light behind me, but this soon goes out. I'm looking for another switch when the room's air conditioning suddenly roars to life and
      I awaken to the sound of the (very loud) hotel room A/C.

      These dark rooms can be tricky! Next time I may try just walking through doors as quickly as I can. I saw that OpheliaBlue had some success using that to escape darkness. If that doesn't work, perhaps I'll just hurl myself off of an imaginary cliff again and try my luck.
      Tags: dad, darkness
      lucid , false awakening
    3. Whistling the "Ashokan Farewell"

      by , 08-28-2012 at 03:24 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #12: Whistling the "Ashokan Farewell"

      I'm walking past a school building with Wife. For reasons I can no longer remember, I'm clutching a handful of documents.

      It's close to dusk and the sky is growing red. I look up as we walk beneath the branches of a live oak and
      suddenly I'm lucid. I stop walking and look down at the papers in my hand. On top is a piece of sheet music that I can't read. I try to think of what I had intended to do and I (incorrectly) think that I wanted to perform a piece of music that I know from waking life.

      I tell Wife that I'm going to whistle "a song from the Civil War" that I know from childhood.
      (I looked this up -- I meant Ashokan Farewell, a song that is actually from the Ken Burns documentary on the Civil War. I had not thought of this song in many years.) Wife laughs, saying, "Only you would pick a song like that." She waits to listen. I whistle a few bars of "Ashokan Farewell" before I wind up accidentally turning it into "The First Noël".

      Once I'm done with the chorus I decide that it's time to fly. I realize that I've completely forgotten to stabilize the dream and I feel myself losing my grip on the experience. Suddenly flustered, I'm frozen in place as the dream scene collapses around me.

      I attempt to DEILD back into the dream scene but sleep won't come. My alarm clock rings a few minutes later.

      Updated 08-28-2012 at 04:00 PM by 57387

    4. Lucid Chains, Lions, and Evasive Olympic Dreams

      by , 08-21-2012 at 03:04 PM
      Tonight was my first chained lucid dream (achieved via DEILD.) The first lucid segment was induced via SSILD. I chained from this one into my second with DEILD. This was a very cool experience but it came with a price: I lost almost all memory of how I became lucid in the first dream!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #11: Lucid Chains, Lions, and Evasive Olympic Dreams

      I'm standing in the vast courtyard of a Shinto-style shrine. There are signs to guide me but they're all written in Japanese. It's early morning and the sun is just beginning to rise. Dream characters mill about peacefully in the courtyard.

      I walk by a dream character that I recognize as DK, a very old friend that I grew apart from in childhood. I had not thought of him in a long while. We shake hands and exchange pleasantries, reminiscing about the past (especially the "Quest for Glory" game series.) However, when I ask DK what he's doing with his life and what sort of career path he took, he will no longer answer me. He looks guarded and embarrassed.

      We walk to the edge of the courtyard and find a waterfall. Next to this is an enormous rollercoaster here that goes along a track which is somehow made entirely of water. I leave DK behind and grab on to the roller coaster. It immediately starts rocketing along the track, spraying water on me and rushing alongside the temple wall. I realize that the roller coaster car has no seat but only tiny handholds that I must cling to for dear life. Feeling completely exposed and unsafe, I jump off, falling about 30 feet to the ground.

      A nearby sign is in Japanese but has a tiny bit of English text warning me (in big red letters) that this is a "Nature Preserve". A few feet away from the sign, a dangerous-looking lion has his eyes locked on me. I try to remember what you are supposed to do when you're close to a lion. I have no idea, so decide to try backing slowly away. This isn't good enough and the lion charges at me, knocking me to the ground. The jolt is enormous but I'm seemingly unhurt. I choose "flight" over "fight" and run back toward the temple wall, the lion charging after me. He bashes me again just as I'm running through a door into a poorly-lit room with a single table in the middle of it.

      I wake up but don't open my eyes. I decide to try to chain back into another lucid dream via DEILD. I think about that little room for a while and seconds later, I am lucid again. The room's better lit now but otherwise the same. I decide that I'm going to try for the Olympics again. There are four exits from the room and I command the dream to show me the one that will lead me to the Olympics. Obediently, one of the exits is illuminated and I step through it into an auditorium full of howling spectators. There's a table tennis table in the middle of the auditorium -- so table tennis it is, then!

      After approaching the table, I find that rather than a proper paddle, I have an old, deflated latex balloon in my hand. I put it out of sight and will it to turn into an excellent paddle with top-notch rubber. This works. My opponent comes bounding down the stairs and the crowd goes wild for him. They're all cheering for him rather than me in my own dream! Ah well, doesn't matter. This is my dream, so it will be his butt receiving the shellacking.

      The crowd starts performing this ridiculous, choreographed rump-shaking dance in celebration of my opponent. I command them that "You will stop doing that stupid dance!" They obey but my opponent runs up into the stands, whoops once, and starts doing laps, refusing to come down to face me. I'm exasperated by his obnoxious behavior and soon
      wake up.

      Updated 08-21-2012 at 03:43 PM by 57387

    5. The Horschwager Olympics

      by , 08-17-2012 at 05:48 PM
      Hit my longest lucid yet this morning! It felt like it might have gone 20 minutes. Very exciting! Go go Intro Class!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #10: The Horschwager Olympics (Early this morning)

      I'm at home in the master bedroom and something tips me off that I'm having a dream. Fortunately, it's daytime but I still feel compelled to leave the house as quickly as I can. (I've been getting stuck in the first scene very often lately.) After having trouble getting out of my upstairs window last time, I decide to dash downstairs and try the front door.

      The second floor is a perfect reconstruction of my house, seemingly down to the smallest details. I even have to fiddle with the baby gate to get downstairs. The ground floor, though, has changed into a hot, stifling gaggle of steam tunnels with no obvious exits.

      I notice a mirror on the wall and check my reflection. I look like myself but with a pudgier face and feathered, rather flamboyant 90s-looking hair. (Still dashing, of course!)

      I return to looking for an exit and spy an old-school cast iron stove against the wall. I see that it has a vent/chimney sticking out of the top that I imagine must lead to the outside. It's only a few inches in diameter but I decide that I can squeeze myself up it and make my escape via reverse Santa Claus.

      I crawl through the oven and start willing my way up the vent. It's ultra-confining and hot to the point where I feel some mild pain on my skin during the trek upward. What a way to travel! Why didn't I take the mirror? I operate with a noticeably reduced IQ in my LDs, I'm afraid!

      I finally emerge in daylight on a coastal city on a bright, clear morning. It's like a cross between San Francisco and Nice, France. Wife jogs past me and I jog after her through a bustle of dream characters.

      As we run along, Wife hands me her iPod and tells me to listen. It's playing some catchy pop number with a female vocalist. It's not my style but it's got this great hook that I can't resist humming along to. As I hum, Wife and all of the other dream characters that we pass start singing as well. The sort of thing that only happens on cheesy television programs and my lucid dreams, I think.

      Eventually, the road breaks away from the coast and Wife stops to rest. I decide to go off on my own and try to compete in the Olympics (recent goal.) I walk through the door of a nearby building, expecting to find the Olympics.

      A greeter DC guides me into an enormous room that's a combination locker room and ice skating rink. I'm somewhat perturbed to find myself in the Winter Olympics but figure that I can change this later. I grab a duffel bag out of one of the lockers and carry it with me. A harried-looking receptionist and "E" (IWL friend) direct me to go to the second floor via elevator. I ask them what city this Olympics is taking place in. They respond that it is in "Horschwager" this year.

      The elevators look dilapidated and out of service. (Doors hanging off loosely, bare shafts visible, etc.) I decide to take the stairs. The stairs, however, are a confusing maze of narrow bridges and snaking archways with sheer drop-offs all around. I wander this maze for a good while, reminding myself that "I'm in a lucid dream, about to compete in the Olympics" but the clock eventually runs out just as I reach a strange, glass-enclosed room.
      I wake up.

      Updated 09-10-2012 at 03:59 AM by 57387

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    6. Sunny Day "Sleep Paralysis"

      by , 08-17-2012 at 04:21 PM
      Here was a lucid dream where I had fun but ran into some serious dream control trouble. Still wondering what I might have done differently here.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #9: Sunny Day "Sleep Paralysis" (August 14, 2012)

      I'm walking outside of my childhood home on a bright, sunny day. I'm drinking in the scenery "lucid living" style. I get the sense that I'm dreaming and find myself lucid.

      I'm calm and I rub my hands together, enjoying the beauty of the scenery. Everything looks very vivid in this dream, with none of the darkness I'd struggled with before. Just to check, I ask for "maximum lucidity" anyway, but nothing additional happens.

      My hands look surprisingly normal so I study the sky for a while, enjoying the look of the clouds and the fact that I can stare into the sun without feeling any discomfort.

      When I try to move, though, I suddenly realize that I'm flat on my back, completely paralyzed. It's as if the idea of my physical, paralyzed body is intruding on the dream scene.

      I struggle to move for a bit, not succeeding. Finally, I attempt an in-dream out of body exit. (This would be a second dream body exiting what I know is my first dream body -- a delightfully weird idea.) I manage to peel a second set of arms out of my paralyzed arms. As my new head and torso start to exit, though, the dream scene collapses and
      I'm awake in bed.

      This one's a real head scratcher. I'm not sure what I should have done differently here apart from trying not to get that mesmerized by the dream scenery. Perhaps I just need more practice with OBE-style exits.

      An alternative idea that I had was to imagine that I'm getting dragged down into the ground. That's a bit too "Nightmare on Elm Street" for me, though, so I don't know!
    7. The Black Bronco

      by , 08-17-2012 at 02:58 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #8: Black Bronco (August 11, 2012)

      I'm in the passenger seat of a Black Bronco that's being driven by Josh Clark of the "Stuff You Should Know" podcast. We're in a gas station and I do not approve of the way he's driving. I'm whining to him to pay attention to what he's doing. Paying no heed, he carelessly backs the Bronco right into this rusty old beater of a car.

      In spite of my prior nagging, he is amazed that this has happened. I tell him to shut off the engine and I go to check out how bad the wreck is. The damage looks all wrong to me. The side of the Bronco is crushed in rather than the back. I look at the beater and see that it's completely unharmed. When I look back at the Bronco, I see that it has vanished completely!
      I'm quickly lucid.

      There's a sudden wobble in my vision and I mutter, "Calm down, calm down..." to myself and rub my hands together. Things settle down a bit. I hit the nose pinch RC to make sure my mind's right and start looking at the now-changed scenery.

      The beater is parked on the side of a gravel road. It's nighttime and on the other side of the road is a grassy field and some distance behind it a school. I start walking along the road, getting ready to make my next move.

      Something is constraining my arms and shoulders. I figure that it's some kind of backpack so I shrug it off of my shoulders and drop it to the ground, freeing my arms. (I don't think to open it.) Shortly after this, I start to lose stability and
      wake up.
      Tags: ssild, sysk
    8. Flashback: doogogol.com

      by , 08-17-2012 at 02:36 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #7: doogogol.com (July 29, 2012)

      Our son "E" wanders into our bedroom in the early morning. I'm groggy but I listen to him tell us about how a "big vortex" was in his room. Wife is shocked that he knows the word "vortex". I tell her that I taught him the word -- then realize I had done so in a previous dream that night. I do the nose pinch reality check and I'm lucid.

      As I get out of bed, the room starts going dark again, just like in lucid dream #5. I rub my hands together and demand, "Increase lucidity!" but it makes no difference. Soon it is completely dark. I shout, "Increase <expletive> lucidity!". Wife gives me a "That's right!" but it still doesn't work. I'm in total darkness.

      I "peel away" the darkness as if it is a curtain but behind it is only more darkness. Out of ideas, I imagine that there's a cliff behind me and I pitch myself backward over it (a suggestion from CosmicIron.)

      I'm falling now and I don't have a destination in mind. I am thinking about searching the internet for help, though, and "land" in a web browser. Success! (Sort of.) I try to type "google.com" but it comes out as "doogogol.com". Fortunately, this works, and I wind up back in the bedroom, mid-morning.

      I tell Wife that I'm going to go out and fly. I struggle to squeeze myself out of the window, noting that all of the trees in the front yard have moved around. I punch the glass out of the window but it's still too tight of a squeeze. During the struggle,
      I wake up.

      Updated 08-17-2012 at 02:58 PM by 57387

      false awakening , lucid
    9. Flashback: Seaside Escape

      by , 08-17-2012 at 05:09 AM
      Easily my favorite lucid dream. Ironically, began as a lucid nightmare. Very satisfying and got about 10 minutes out of it.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #6: Seaside Escape (July 24, 2012)

      Wife and I are walking along a wharf late at night with a man that we believe is our friend. I begin to realize that this man is not who he says he is and I'm growing more and more agitated. Suddenly, Wife screams, "It’s a setup! We’re being ambushed! Run!" and tears off running ahead of me.

      I run after her and I hear the footsteps of our pursuers behind me. There are now many of them after us and this has become a full-blown nightmare. I know that the men behind me intend to kill us both.

      Wife is running along the wharf ahead of me but she's approaching its end (or at least a bend) that leads straight into the ocean. We have nowhere left to go and
      I become lucid.

      I run forward faster and faster to catch up with her. As my speed increases, I realized that I am soaring a couple of feet above the ground. I catch her under the arms and jumped up into the sky with her, flying several hundred feet into the air. We fly together over the ocean, splashing down far away from the wharf and our pursuers. The sea is choppy but it's a beautiful night. I'm completely unafraid.

      I jump several more times until we end up in shallower water by a brightly-lit, festive boardwalk. The water is crowded with swimmers. It’s still night and we swim together through the crowd. I look closely at the faces of these other swimmers as we pass by. Vivid, detailed and varied, often with literally dozens of dream characters in the scene at once. I study them all, enjoying their detail. Most of them look like realistic people but one child has a very large head with an exceptionally large chin and lips. I commit his face to memory because it is so notable. He has curly blonde hair and somewhat pale skin.

      We emerge from the water into the boardwalk’s shopping area, which looks very much like a mall food court. This area, too, is bustling with dream characters. I realize that I’ve lost track of Wife now. I feel that she’s safe and has to be nearby. At this point I sense I am at risk of being drawn too much into the "dream plot" and start talking to the characters around me, telling them that I am having a lucid dream.

      I stop at a coffee shop. The girl who is the cashier there presides over a display case of poppy seed muffins. I feel bold and pushy so I tell the cashier that "This is my dream and you will do what I say!" Her hands drop to her sides and she looks ahead, suddenly no longer independently animated. I tell her to leave the cash register and walk out into the food court. She does. Some other DCs are watching, seemingly unsure what to make of this. I'm deciding whether to try to turn the cashier into Wife or try to see how many dream characters I can control at once.

      A feeling of frailty suddenly sweeps over me and my voice becomes a whisper. Moments later,
      I'm awake.

      This was just a great LD. I was riding high for days from this one.

      Updated 08-17-2012 at 04:37 PM by 57387

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    10. Flashback: The Darkened Clock

      by , 08-17-2012 at 04:58 AM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #5: The Darkened Clock (July 20, 2012)

      I am standing at the foot of my bed in the dark. I look over at the alarm clock to see what time it is but it's gone completely dark. At first I think that there has been a power failure but I soon wonder whether I might be dreaming.

      I nose pinch and can breathe through only my left nostril! (More on that later.) Still, this is enough to
      make me lucid. The room is deeply, oppressively dark and I feel like I'm losing the dream scene. I rub my hands together and although the dream feels more stable, the darkness in the room is deepening.

      I rub my hands over my arms again and again and try to say, "Increase lucidity..." But the words only come out in this weak, breathy whisper. I want to make a break for the wall, act boldly like before, but my dream body feels faint and frail.

      I go on like this for a good while, just weakening as everything fades and soon
      I'm awake. I quickly discover the reason that I could only breathe through the left side of my nose during the reality check -- I was sleeping face down with the right side of my face smashed against the pillow!

      Updated 08-17-2012 at 05:15 AM by 57387

      Tags: darkness, ssild, wife
      lucid , false awakening
    11. Flashback: Flight-time Performance Anxiety

      by , 08-16-2012 at 10:59 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #4: Flight-time Performance Anxiety (July 16, 2012)

      I'm chatting with an old friend at a party who's into lucid dreaming (IWL as well as in this dream.) I tell him how things are starting to come together for me and I thank him for his help and advice. Another DC engages my friend in conversation and I wander a few feet away, for some reason deciding that I should listen to my iPod.

      I try to plug the headphones into my iPod but discover that there is no headphone jack. At first, I'm suspicious that my friend has switched iPods with me but I stop when I realize how ridiculous this accusation is. I perform the nose pinch RC and
      become lucid. I excitedly tell my friend that apropos of our previous conversation, I'm having a lucid dream right now. He's pleased and doesn't mind when I wander away to start experimenting.

      My first goal in this dream was to compare the quality of dream imagery to that of modern video games. The moment I remember this goal, a tapestry or painting on the wall suddenly changes to a gameplay movie of the early 90s shooter "DOOM". (Okay, subconscious, I'll admit that was a cute trick.) I note that the floor and ceiling are very bland with almost no texturing. The walls, furniture, and dream characters, however, are photo-realistic, well beyond what I see in video games.

      I announce to the dream characters in the room that this is my lucid dream and they are about to see some flight. I attempt to jump up for flight but simply bounce off of the ceiling. Some of the dream characters cut their eyes at one another in an "is this guy for real?" way. I attempt a second jump, bounce off of the ceiling and go careening into a visibly annoyed girl with short hair and glasses. She shoves me away and I go for a third attempt, yielding one more embarrassing failure.

      I rub my hands and arms to restabilize then consider having a huge storm rip the ceiling off the house so that I can salvage my reputation. Before things can get really fun,
      I wake up.
      Tags: dild, flight
    12. Flashback: The Forest Compound

      by , 08-16-2012 at 06:44 PM
      This one was my first SSILD-induced dream. It was long (for me), going 10-12 minutes.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #3: The Forest Compound (July 2, 2012)

      I awaken to a strange noise coming from outside of our bedroom. I go into the hallway to investigate but find that this swirling green energy vortex is blocking my path back into the bedroom. I walk forward, pushing my way through it, and it feels like walking through a Chicago windstorm. It slowly dawns on me that I might be dreaming and I push my finger through my palm. I'm instantly lucid and I decide to get out of the room as fast as possible so that I can fly.

      I'm feeling unusually bold so I shove myself right through the wall. The scene blanks for a moment before placing me on top of an office building. I run straight for the edge of the building, leap off, and try to fly. I fail, falling several hundred feet to the empty streets. The landing is jarring but painless. This time I try jumping straight up and find that I can jump thousands of feet into the air. The office buildings shrink into the distance below me. I can't soar but I find that I can leap across the city this way, each leap ending in an awkward crash landing. Each time that I jump, the voice of my young son giggles "Again!" even though he is not here.

      I do one last clumsy leap and crash into a forested area, knocking over a tree. There's a compound nearby and I run into the first building that I see. It's a long, windowed, sunlit hallway with high ceilings and teeming with dream characters. I stop an Asian lady in her late 30's (a stranger) and tell her that I'm dreaming. She looks a little reluctant to admit this but finally confesses that I'm right. I sense that talking this frankly is an awkward bending of the rules for her. She seems very real and I feel a little bit bad for putting her in this position.

      At the end of the hall I find an apartment where two identical twins who are IWL friends of mine live. I barge right in, announcing that this is all taking place in my lucid dream. One of the twins laughs and she becomes very interested in how this all works, peppering me with questions like,

      "So, we're both dreaming? No? How's this work then? Will I remember this tomorrow?"
      "You mean, I'm not real and you are? This is your dream? That's hilarious."
      "What's going to happen to me after you wake up?" I'm caught off-guard by this and left fumbling for an answer.

      The three of us chat for a while before I sense that my lucidity is slipping. I bid them goodbye and run back down the hall. On the way, I run into a guy named "Robert Lamb", the host of the "Stuff to Blow Your Mind" podcast (the place where I first heard of lucid dreaming.) I announce to him that we're in my lucid dream and without missing a beat, he says, "I hope they don't have to amputate." "Yeah, lucid dreams that last for too long cause a total loss of circulation in the dreamer's limbs, limb necrosis and eventually require amputation."

      "It's really terrible," he adds helpfully.

      Even though I don't believe this, I'm a little shaken up at the thought. I run further down the hall, ducking into a dark bar just before
      I wake up.
      Tags: flight, ssild
      lucid , false awakening
    13. Flashback: Lucid Experimentation

      by , 08-16-2012 at 05:51 PM
      During my two-month dry spell between LD#1 and LD#2, I'd come up with a long list of experiments that I wanted to perform in a lucid dream. I managed to try the "level of detail" ones here.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid Experimentation (June 24th, 2012)

      I'm attending a black tie party with Wife at some palatial estate. While we're exploring the grounds, I decide that I need to use the restroom. I tell Wife I'll meet with her later and go in search of the facilities.

      I find them at the top of a long walkway filled with classic arcade machines ("Millipede" was definitely there.) Through the walkway door is an enormous, low-lit video arcade filled with machines and players. I find a light switch and flip it so that I can see better. Instead of lighting the room, this winds up turning off every machine in the arcade and the angry patrons look around, cursing. Badly embarrassed, I duck into the bathroom.

      A Japanese couple follows me into the bathroom but instead of berating me for my stupidity, they request help with a tapioca pudding recipe that they're working on. I suggest that we return to my kitchen to work on it. We somehow blink into the kitchen and
      I immediately realize that this is a dream. I push my finger through my palm to RC and the left hand stretches like taffy around my finger. The Japanese couple smiles broadly and stands back to wait for me to try whatever it was I had in mind.

      I experiment with clarity, committing to memory my in-dream assessment of how detailed / realistic everything appears. I say that everything looks crystal clear and can be viewed to an arbitrary level of detail. I am unprepared for how clear everything is. I study my hands (which have an unusual bend and one extra finger on the left) as well as the brushed metal refrigerator (which I assess as 100% realistic at every level of detail I try.)

      My vision briefly collapses into milky gray but I manage to restabilize by rubbing my hands over my forearms. I quickly realize that the Japanese DCs still need my help. I will their tapioca pudding recipe to be fixed and they laugh, smiling gratefully. I then think about how I can rejoin Wife at the party since I no longer know how to get there. Soon afterward, though, I
      find myself awake back in bed.

      I quickly grab the dream journal and start excitedly writing. About three lines in, I notice unusual notations in the margin. I don't understand them and have no memory of making them. Scanning back over what I've already written, I realize I can no longer make sense of any of it. I wonder whether I am actually awake.
      I immediately wake up (for real this time), reality check and go for the dream journal. A great way to break a dry spell!

      Updated 08-18-2012 at 02:20 AM by 57387

      Tags: arcade, mild, wife
    14. Flashback: Lucid Kitchen Aggression

      by , 08-16-2012 at 05:08 PM
      I've decided to journal up all of my past lucid dreams before moving into the "present day". I definitely want to record all lucid dreams here. I hope that I stick with recording non-lucids as well but my primary DJ is pen-and-paper. We'll see how it goes.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid Kitchen Aggression (April 24th, 2012)

      I'm in a false awakening, walking downstairs in my own home. I'm nearing the bottom of the stairs when I suddenly realize that the alarm is on and that I'm going to set off the motion detector if I don't stop. The worry seems to focus my mind. I look into the kitchen and see that the breakfast table has been moved several feet to the right. It suddenly occurs to me that I am dreaming.

      Giddy at my own clarity of mind, I run into the kitchen, looking around for something "cool" to do. Even though I'm ostensibly a fully grown man, the only thing I want to do is wreck my kitchen with magical powers. I raise my hands from my sides, willing the kitchen island to pull out of the floor. It groans for a moment then gives a loud crack as it wrenches out of the floor. I float it around the room for a couple of seconds before excitement overtakes me. The dream scene goes to milky gray
      and I'm awake almost immediately.

      My heart is pounding with excitement and I have trouble getting back to sleep. I know I'm hooked... and so it begins.

      Updated 08-16-2012 at 05:53 PM by 57387

      Tags: dild
      lucid , false awakening
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