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    The Labrynth of the Mind


    by , 12-10-2011 at 06:03 PM (392 Views)
    I ate some peanut butter last night before bed, for the tryptophan content. I also took about 75mg of vitamin b-6, hoping to convert some of that tryptophan to serotonin. I had many dreams last night, but my recall is still terrible. I know I dream a lot, but I can remember only a little.

    Chased by Nebuchadnezzar

    I am somewhere, being chased by Nebuchadnezzar. He is animal-like, although I don't recall if he was in one of his animal phases. He is chasing a lot of people. I crawl under a couch to hide, which seems to be a clever thing to do. At times, it isn't Nebuchadnezzar but somebody else (the police?). One of my tactics seems to involve holding my breath and counting. There is more to this dream but I can't remember it.

    Dream journal

    I am in a library somewhere taking books off of shelves. One of them is my dream journal, and I realize that I should write in it. I dream something about lucid dreams, but don't become lucid.

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