• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    by , 05-31-2017 at 09:07 PM (753 Views)
    I was living inside a astral place with my family and upset an old lady who took out her sword or machete cause we bumped into each other when I was guarding my family.

    In my other dream I was lucid and non lucid. I had a child in the dream and was running away from a guide in the form of a monkey.

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    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Lately I haven't the feeling to post. Sometimes its because the site is slow, other times its strange/uninteresting dreams.
      Man of Shred and Psionik like this.
    2. Man of Shred's Avatar
      Yeah one day I posed but there was connection problems and suddenly i had 3 of the same entry...
      DawnEye11 likes this.
    3. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Having more than one entry being posted has happened to me too before but not alot. It would be cool if there was a notification saying you posted more than one of the same entry like with the comments though.On a positive note now dreamviews feels somewhat faster but idk if it'll stay like that.
      Updated 06-01-2017 at 04:43 AM by DawnEye11
    4. Psionik's Avatar
      Sometimes I don't have feeling to post... if the dream is insignificant... if it is too personal... in some LD/OBE I was told not to share what I learned.
      DawnEye11 likes this.