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    Xanous' Dream Journal


    by , 10-30-2017 at 02:30 AM (678 Views)
    #516 - OBE - 3:00AM

    I find myself just chilling in a quasi-SP space in deep thought. Suddenly it occurs to me to try to have an OBE. I feel vibrations as I deepen my relaxation and focus my awareness. In a few seconds I transition and swim away into the void. I need some visualization so I imagine swimming in water. I am in a deep pool with distorted sunlight filtering. A deep feeling of joy and peace washes over me. I stay here for as long as I can. I wake up remembering that we are more than our physical bodies.
    NyxCC likes this.

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    lucid , memorable


    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the ld! Were you wbtbing for this one?

      A deep feeling of joy and peace washes over me. I stay here for as long as I can. I wake up remembering that we are more than our physical bodies.
      Love this part!
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Thank you! I cant recall if I did WBTB. If I did it was brief. Ive been pretty lazy at it lately...
      NyxCC likes this.