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    11.07.2012 - An epic night of 16 dreams, 1 lucid.

    by , 07-12-2012 at 03:10 PM (1009 Views)
    Date: 11/07/2012
    Place: My bed
    Time of getting into bed: 22.22pm
    Hot bath before bed

    Waking thoughts in black
    Non lucid dreams in blue
    Lucid dreams in red

    I was pretty tired before bed, I was up early for a meeting the day before and didn't nap in the day. Then before bed I had a hot bath and went straight from there to my bed. This was THE BEST nights sleep I've had in a long time, no problems with the bf snoring, or me being too hot, or whatever. I woke up and slept in till 11.30, and still could have slept more I was so comfortable and tired. I was very surprised just at the amount of dreams I had.

    Dream 1 - 2.48am
    I am dreaming about being lucid, and joining a lucid dreaming group on facebook. I keep chatting about how good lucid dreaming is.

    Dream 2 - 3.33am
    I am sleeping over at my Aunt's house, with my bf, my sister, and my mum. The Aunt/Uncle in the dream does not exist in RL. My mum is awake and partying with my Aunt and Uncle, while we try to sleep. We all have separate beds. I am trying to WILD, but my Uncle comes into the room. I really don't like him and feel uncomfortable. He leans over my bed and tells me in a nasty way, to stop WILDing. He then shouts at us, telling us to turn the TV off, and leaves, he has a pitbull type dog that follows him around and it is known to be aggressive and bite. My sister talks to me for some time, then I try to WILD again, this time I have my phone, and notepad and pen in bed with me. I also have a metal chest at my feet. I can hear the adults getting drunk and rowdy downstairs, and distinctly hear my mum laughing. My bf wants to pet my Uncle's dog, but I tell him he will bite, my bf tells me the dog was bought from my brother for £20. so how can he bite? The dream skips to us (my bf, me and sister) sitting on the stairs playing with sane, we are making rude shapes in the sand. The adults come home (I don't know where they've been, but it's late and they're all drunk.) they think it's funny to kick over the shapes I make in the sand, but I'm glad they don't tell me off for making rude shapes. They go to bed and there is a trail of sand behind them, so I know they've been on the beach.

    Dream 3
    In this dream, I am wheelchair bound. I control the wheelchair via an electronic graphics tabletI use a graphics tablet a lot during the day.I am in a large shopping centre, and the shops are closing for the night, there is one particular shop which a woman runs. This shop has big glass fronted doors, and resembles a dentist's room inside. It is quite modern and has a computer on a desk with lots of drawers filled with medical items. The woman is in her 30's, blonde, quite attractive but very bad temper and not a nice person. She particularly hates me, but she has reason to, as I am trying to break into her shop when she leaves. I use my mobile phone to hack the security system, and get into he shop. This takes a few attempts but once I'm in, I rifle through the drawers to find some lucid dreaming pills. I already have some in my pocket, but they are so good I want more! I finally find some, and they are like sprinkles that you sprinkle on ice cream. They are dark red. I steal them. She sees me leaving and walks after me, but I hide them in my waistband. She never finds them.

    Dream 4
    Me and my bf are sat in a field, near a small, low brick wall. We are sat on plastic chairs and it is sunny. There are several people walking round, so this could be a park, or a fayre or something. We are enjoying ourselves and just chilling, maybe we have beer? A nearby news reporter walks over to me. She is wearing a revealing red dress, which is pretty skin-tight. She is also wearing bright red lipstick. She has long dark hair and big eyes, very attractive but her face says she is bored and in a bad mood. She is holding a microphone. She asks me if I know anything about 'currant affairs.' I tell her that I am currant affairs, and laugh. Really I do not want to be interviewed. She doesn't smile in the slightest, but says 'Actually.,' in a very pissed-off voice, 'I was asking you what you know about AFFAIRS.' I then say, 'if a man has lipstick on his collar, then he's having an affair. That's all I know. My bf and I crack up at this, roaring with laughter, but she just stands there looking annoyed. Our friends join us, D and K. They are a gay couple, and we all kiss hi, etc. They are very flamboyant and camp, just as in real life. K quickly dashes off as he has to leave, and I tell the reporter that these guys would know nothing about lipstick on their collars, so don't bother asking. Again, we find this funny and laugh, but the reporter is interested in interviewing D. She asks him if he can answer some questions, and he is keen to (he likes the sound of his own voice) they ask me to leave my chair so D can sit down, and I do. I sit on the low wall nearby. Suddenly a crowd of passers by gather to watch the interview. I am suddenly wearing red, or at least I suddenly notice, and D is wearing a red shirt. There is a young guy sat near me, very close but I don't mind. However he puts his arm around my shoulders, and my bf glares at him. He is with some other young people, so I don't take him seriously, however he states that he's never met a gay before. He then says gay men are like horses, to which everyone laughs at him and asks him what the hell he is talking about, including me. I try to leave, but the guy grabs my arm and won't let go, he tells me he's never kissed a guy, but wants to try it. I know he is too young and tell him no. My bf looks very annoyed now and wants to leave. The situation is forgotten when there is a crash, and a woman who had been sittin on the back of a chair, has fallen off. She is lying on the floor, and her legs are all bent and broken. She is in a lot of pain and can't move. I try to help her up, but D tells me off, saying she could have hurt her spine and I shouldn't move her. He strokes her face and tells her everything will be ok. She has light blonde hair and is a little chubby. She starts to cry.

    Dream 5
    I am sat in my old childhood garden, on the grass. There are people around, most of whom I don't know. An old comedian nearby, complains that no one laughs at his jokes anymore. I tell him he needs new material, stuff to appeal to the new generation. He thinks this is ridiculous and the new generation have no sense of humour. I actually say; 'You need to change some of the veg in your picalilly.'For those who don't know, google picalilly. It's a type of food, I use it sometimes on sandwiches. It's amazing. It has chunks of pickled veg in it.Eventually we figure out some jokes for him. I teach him how to get a potato, and cut a hole in it, then insert a carrot, and it makes sex.What the fuck?!We paint some of the grass white, so he can use it as a base for his vegetable sex. Nearby, my Aunt is drunk and falls asleep on the grass. She wakes up, thinking she slept all night and it is the next day, I don't tell her she's only been asleep for 5 minutes. Next, there is some commotion as a nearby young couple are losing their virginity in from of a big crowd. I find it boring and a little disgusting, but everyone else is loving it. He is really going for it, banging her hard, so that he knocks some items over nearby. When they finish, the crowd clap and celebrate.

    Dream 6
    I think there was more to the beginning of this dream. I do remember I was collecting the tickets for a reason, I think someone asked me to prove if I knew my friends or something? Anyway.
    I am running around a school-like building, collecting tickets that vary is size / shape / content. They all feature a friend's name on them, and a date and event that my friends are attending. I only remember one of them was a friend R R isn't really a friend, more of an acquaintance, and I've seen him 2 times in about 5 years.The ticket said R was going to watch a bike show in Sheffield at this certain date. While looking for more tickets, I see my friend S's young son. In RL he is 2, in the dream he was 6ish?He is in a playful mood and runs from me, I play along, running after him pretending to be a monster. He is wearing a thomas the tank engine onesie. I chase him into a room, where his dad, S is sat with his parents watching telly. I feel a bit intrusive and leave, but the child runs out again, begging me to chase him! So I do, it's kind of fun, and I hide behind a door in a room filled with children's toys, so that when he enters the room he doesn't see me. I then jump out to scare him, and he screams with delight, laughing so much he falls over and I catch him. I carry him back to his dad, who is still watching telly in silence. His son then starts saying 'Giggidy,' and moving his head like Quagmire. google Quagmire and giggedy. It's a stupid thing from the TV show Family Guy. I laugh, but S suddenly gets angry at shouts at him to stop, he then starts shouting at his dad in the room, saying it's his fault the child learnt to do that. They argue and I leave.

    Dream 7
    Again, I have a vague memory of more to the beginning of this dream, but alas, I didn't write it down in time and forgot.
    I am back in my old childhood bedroom, with my sister. My sister is a young girl again, not sure about myself though. We are sat on a windowsill, watching the pitch black outside and talking. Suddenly, a squirrel hits the window and scares us, is scrabbles around a bit, and we are unsure of what is happening, but then we see it is being chased. Suddenly, a tabby cat hits the window, it's eyes are wild as it chases the squirrel. For a moment, I think 'hang on, how did they get up so high? They are...flying?' but I lose that train of thought as the squirrel disappears and the cat starts following my hand inside the window. I tease it a bit, and it goes crazy, scrabbling at the glass to get my fingers. I suddenly notice my sister is on the outside of the window, she must have climbed out when I wasn't looking!! SHe sits on the sill, in her nightdress, and the cat gently sits on her lap. I start to think 'Oh no, what if she falls off!? I must get her inside!' then BOOM. I'm lucid. I realise she can't hurt herself in a dream, so she's ok sat there. I watch the scene and she strokes the cat, and it rubs against her, purring and calm. It's only a kitten now, and not so scary and wild. I wake up.

    Dream 8
    I am babysitting my nephews. They begin to fight over a toy. The older one has the toy and won't share. I tell him that if he lets his brother hold the toy for a few minutes, he'll be happy then he can take it back. He does this and it works, they both play happily.

    Dream 9
    This was a longer dream but I only remember this bit.
    I am helping my mum unpack the shopping, and put it away in her house. I open the fridge, and start taking out food to make room for the shopping, as I am doing this, my mum is putting food inside, so essentially we are just being pointless. Eventually I realise, and give up, letting my mum fill the fridge how she likes.

    Dream 10
    My friend L has been out drinking with another friend. They get back and we are sharing the same hotel room. I notice her friend is heavily pregnant, and very drunk. I am concerned for the baby, but they don't seem bothered. I try to discuss the bad points, but the pregnant girl is so drunk she passes out. I talk to my friend about it, and even though she is drunk and seems not to care, she tells me I am right, but what am I gonna do?

    Dream 11
    I am in the bathI did get a hot bath before bed.I am in the bath at my mums old house, where I grew up until I was 10. I'm on my laptop in the bath, and get distracted, when I turn back I've dropped the laptop in the water. Shit! I panic and pull it out, then I turn it upside down and try to dry it out, it still works but now all the programs are really old, like the first ever Windows. And really bad graphics etc. I'm just glad I didn't lose my work.

    Dream 12
    I am in a train station, in a queue. When I get to the front, I ask for tickets to a certain place, for a certain date, but I keep getting confused. The man behind the counter is not very helpful. A woman stands behind him, and she is pretty stern, she keeps looking at me and making me nervous. I stammer a bit, then realise I said the wrong dates and change them around. 16th of August is what I wrote, it is a 5 day trip to Birmingham, UK. I am buying 2 tickets, one for me and one for my bf. I ask them questions but they don't help me. I try to get money out to pay, and scrabble around in my jean back pocket which is full of crap. I hand over a pot of hummusWhat the hell!? But I do love hummus They get angry, and the woman says I cannot pay with Hummus. It's a genuine mistake, but now there's a big queue behind me and I get embarrassed. I take the hummus back, and pull out the contents of my pocket, which includes lots of bits of paper, string, buttons and receipts. I find my card and pay. I'm super embarrassed. Now they kick me out of the queue, and I fight to get back to the window, I make it but they shut the window on me. I open the window, they try to stop me but I squeeze my way in and shout at them. They tell me my tickets have been printed, and are waiting in the machine behind me to be collected, I turn around, and there they are. I feel stupid for shouting and go and get my tickets while everyone watches me.

    The next dream, I'm going to write as the same dream as above. However I thought it could be another dream with the same characters, but I'm not sure cos I didn't clearly state in my DJ weather it was anew dream or not.

    am at the pub with friends and my bf. We are at the bar, it is a wetherspoons type pub, with wooden bars, kind of busy. The staff are the people who served me at the train station in the previous dream. We order drinks, and I'm left to pay while the others walk off to find some seats. I pay, and grab the drinks ( 3 x cokes and one beer) but the lady tells me off, because one of the cokes is not mine. I get annoyed, why did they put it in front of me then? How was I supposed to know? I pick it p anyway and take it, but they start shouting saying I haven't paid for it, and I need to put it back. I throw the drink at the man's feet in rage, and walk off to find the others. I hope to myself that they don't kick me out. I find the others sat on a circular table outside and join them. Soon, someone comes up to me and congratulates me on showing the barman who was boss. I smile and say thanks. Then another person does the same, and another, my friends don't know what they are talking about. I feel a little embarrassed but also kind of cool at the same time. Then someone tells me the barmaid is telling people she threw a tea towel at me after I threw the drink, I laugh and say this isn't true, but I'm glad she's pissed off.

    Dream 13
    I am walking in the pitch black at night, it is raining. I walk past a very nice yellow and black sports car with cream leather interior. I note that it's getting wet, because it's raining Dur, really? lol, I actually think this is my ADA passing through to my dreams.

    Dream 14
    I am talking to a foreign guy (swedish / polish / lithuanian?) about the film JAWS. I tell him it was a great film, and explain the concept to him. In my dream, the concept is pretty accurate, except I say the water was full of rusty junk metal. He claims that in his country, the film is totally different, and although there is a shark in it, it is not the same film.

    Dream 15
    I am lying on a bed, with my bf. He is sat over me, this is a very sexual dream. I'll not go into detail as it's explicit - but I will say it's very erotic and vivid. I wake up really horny.

    Dream 16
    I am part of a zombie fighting team. The team consists of people I have never met, one I remember as having an unshaved face, a big scruffy. We drive a van similar to the A team van everyone has to know this, google it.We are pretty good at what we do.I made the mistake after waking of only writing the main bits of the dream, and as a result when I fully woke, I couldn't remember all the details. I'm annoyed with myself yet again for doing this.After fighting some zombies, we celebrate with beer. One of the guys opens his beer near my face, splashing me with froth, it's funny, so I do it back. He then tips his beer all over my head, and my hair get's soaked in beer. I'm pretty pissed.I love my hair, I take pride in it, and whenever anyone touches it I usually get annoyed in RL. I storm out the room in a strop, and down the street, intent on quitting our zombie fighting team. I look around for a way home, but realise I'm stranded here. I wring my hair out, and the street is full of bustling people. Someone passes by in a rucksack, and looking like a hippy. I recognise him from my little school This guy was from my 'First school' 4 yrs to 12 yrs. I haven't seen him since then - 13 years ago.I ask him what he's been up to since I last saw him, and he says he's been on drugs for a few years, living in a hippy commune and just got back. He walks of in a hurry, waving as he goes. Then the van turns up and the zombie team ask me to get in, apologizing for pouring beer in my hair. I'm still pissed, but have nowhere else to go so I get in, and forgive them.

    I woke up, feeling like I'd had the best night sleep in a long, long time. I didn't want to get up.
    CaptainCrounche, Camo and Nivv like this.

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    1. CaptainCrounche's Avatar
      isthisit likes this.
    2. Camo's Avatar
      OMG this is a lot of dreams ~~!!
      isthisit likes this.
    3. isthisit's Avatar
      I know! But I was asleep for over 13 hours...
    4. Chrisito's Avatar