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    Xanous' Dream Journal


    by , 05-16-2013 at 06:38 PM (745 Views)
    Non lucid false awakening. My ass feels wet so I get out of bed. Glenn from works walks in the bathroom and laughs. He tells me I shit my pants. I take off my underwear and see I'm drenched wet with spatters of brown. I think I must have horrible diarrhea. I wake up on my left side. My ass was out of the covers and got cold.

    #182 - DEILD - 5:26AM - 2 of 4

    The alarm goes off and my wife hits snooze.

    I hold still and concentrate on awareness. I feel someone stroking my hair next to me. I think it is my mom. The TV is on. I hear my dad on my right. I feel like a little child again. I am trying to get lucid. My left leg twitches and my mom laughs at me. She says something about me falling asleep. My dad just grunts a "huh". I twitch again letting my body do its natural falling asleep. I am aware. This time both legs twitch. My mom giggles. My mom? What the hell?

    I realize I am deeper that I thought and get out of bed. I go straight outside out the font door. It is chilly and I feel like I am just in my underwear. The wind picks up. I feel it swirl around me then lift me. I am suddenly sucked off the porch and land in the yard. When I roll over to my back I see the porch light has become super bright. The intense yellow hurts my eyes and I advert my gaze so that I don't become lost in it.

    I wonder around in the yard a bit, looking at the grass, feeling it and stabilizing. I see many stars but for some reason looking up is difficult. It's like my head wouldn't move up and my eyes kept darting back and forth. I wanted to focus on a star and fly there but I just couldn't hold it still.

    Then I remember my original task and proudly proclaim, "I'm the doctor!" I left the TARDIS right around the side of the house. I fully believe myself as I walk around. I can see my back yard and a street light and BAM! A dark silhouette of something like a tall box. Not quite what I had imagined in my MILD attempt earlier but it'll do. I run up to it and when I get next to it, I see its about half my height. It's dark but I can see the police call box sign and the blue doors. NO! Not good enough I reach inside it and pull it apart. It stretches out and becomes big enough to step into. Ah but its just a dark box! I am a little irritated that it's not bigger on the inside with that sweet center console but I'm just glad I finally found it. I decide not to close the door and just imagine that its going to work anyway. I see the scene outside morph and change. It looks snowy for a second then darkness. Then someplace bright and sunny, Then I am flying. I see treetops and stars. Then it gets all wobbly. I can't seem to control it so I decide to bail. I jump out and find myself face down in the grass. There is darkness and confusion.

    I am back in bed. I get up and try to open my eye but I feel like I open my real eyes.

    The snooze alarm goes off.
    JoannaB, Sibyline, NyxCC and 1 others like this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      I see many stars but for some reason looking up is difficult. It's like my head wouldn't move up and my eyes kept darting back and forth. I wanted to focus on a star and fly there but I just couldn't hold it stil
      Hey, I've had this happen to me as well! In my case it manifested as a limited ability to turn my gaze where I wanted. I assume that it's just one of those silly mental games that takes root in dreams sometimes. In this case, though, it pointed you toward something much cooler anyway.

      And congratulations on finding the TARDIS! I know you've been looking for it.
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Sibyline's Avatar
      My ass feels wet so I get out of bed. Glenn from works walks in the bathroom and laughs. He tells me I shit my pants. I take off my underwear and see I'm drenched wet with spatters of brown. I think I must have horrible diarrhea. I wake up on my left side. My ass was out of the covers and got cold.
      Were you trying to lay an egg or something?
      CanisLucidus, Xanous and NyxCC like this.
    3. JoannaB's Avatar
      DV hive mind appears to be at work: I did not record this dream in any dream journal, but a few days ago, I dreamed I was at work and shit my pants, and was in my dream wondering what to do, whether to go home right away or not. My awareness level and logical skills were pretty low in that non-lucid.
      CanisLucidus, Xanous and NyxCC like this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      DV hive mind appears to be at work: I did not record this dream in any dream journal, but a few days ago, I dreamed I was at work and shit my pants, and was in my dream wondering what to do, whether to go home right away or not. My awareness level and logical skills were pretty low in that non-lucid.
      Ha, that's pretty crazy... now it's just down to honing this ability further. Ideally you can begin sharing the more pleasant dream themes that don't concern the shitting of one's pants.
      JoannaB, Xanous and NyxCC like this.
    5. Xanous's Avatar
      Hey, I've had this happen to me as well! In my case it manifested as a limited ability to turn my gaze where I wanted. I assume that it's just one of those silly mental games that takes root in dreams sometimes. In this case, though, it pointed you toward something much cooler anyway.

      And congratulations on finding the TARDIS! I know you've been looking for it.
      Thanks CanisLucidus. It was really cool finding something like that. I just hope next time works out better. And maybe the eye thing was actual REMness?

      Were you trying to lay an egg or something?
      HAHA! Nope. I must have associated cold with wet and the only logical thing was shit.

      DV hive mind appears to be at work: I did not record this dream in any dream journal, but a few days ago, I dreamed I was at work and shit my pants, and was in my dream wondering what to do, whether to go home right away or not. My awareness level and logical skills were pretty low in that non-lucid.
      Well you and NyxCC must be in my subC somehow. Very strange!

      Ha, that's pretty crazy... now it's just down to honing this ability further. Ideally you can begin sharing the more pleasant dream themes that don't concern the shitting of one's pants.
      Funny! Hey speaking of sharing maybe it's time to try some shared dreaming!
      NyxCC and CanisLucidus like this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks CanisLucidus. It was really cool finding something like that. I just hope next time works out better. And maybe the eye thing was actual REMness?
      Good point. Laberge's research tells us definitively that a lucid dreamer can make eye movements that manifest in the waking world, so it stands to reason that things could bleed over in the other direction.

      If that's the case, the solution might be to imagine your whole body (or at least your whole head) turning in the direction you desire. (The idea being to take all awareness of the eyes out of the equation.) Interesting. It's rare enough that I don't worry about it too much.

      Funny! Hey speaking of sharing maybe it's time to try some shared dreaming!
      You might be surprised to hear this from a skeptical cat like me, but I am definitely down for trying out shared dreaming. Have you ever tried it in the past?
      Xanous and NyxCC like this.
    7. Xanous's Avatar
      You might be surprised to hear this from a skeptical cat like me, but I am definitely down for trying out shared dreaming. Have you ever tried it in the past?
      Really? I've never tried. I'm not even sure how to go about it.
      CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.
      Updated 05-16-2013 at 09:50 PM by Xanous (wrong quote. ha!)
    8. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Really? I've never tried. I'm not even sure how to go about it.
      Yeah, I've never tried either. NewArtemis proposed trying it out someday but even though I thought it sounded like a great idea, we haven't made any attempts yet. I'll have to review what Waggoner had to say about it. Even though I come from a much more skeptical perspective than Waggoner, I believe 100% that the experience is possible and probably extremely cool.

      The only two methods that come to mind for me are people agreeing on some sort of summoner/summonee (?) scenario or teleporting to some prearranged location. But I really know nothing about how it's done in practice.
      NyxCC likes this.
    9. Xanous's Avatar
      Did Waggoner talk about it in his book? I don't remember it. We'll have to look more into that and form a plan. Maybe we can organize having the same G night to improve the odds. :cheek:
      CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.
    10. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Did Waggoner talk about it in his book? I don't remember it. We'll have to look more into that and form a plan. Maybe we can organize having the same G night to improve the odds. :cheek:
      Cool, I'll need to re-read Waggoner's section on this. Since Art was the first to suggest the idea, I should check with her first to see whether she's ready to try.

      The synchronized G idea is kind of awesome. The only downside is that I'm worried that I'll try to "force" G night when I really shouldn't (like if I don't get enough sleep.) But the possibilities make it very appealing...
      Xanous and NyxCC like this.
    11. Xanous's Avatar
      The synchronized G idea is kind of awesome. The only downside is that I'm worried that I'll try to "force" G night when I really shouldn't (like if I don't get enough sleep.) But the possibilities make it very appealing...
      Sweet. Well don't force it. I mean there's no hurry on this stuff but it'd be fun to try.
      NyxCC and CanisLucidus like this.
    12. NyxCC's Avatar
      Dang, Xanos and JoannaB, now I am very worried about my next dream. OK, I won't be trying to lay an egg in the next few nights for sure.

      Also don't forget Penny as well with the smoke and Jesus dreams! We must be on the lookout!

      By the way, I feel that if I were to arrange to have a shared dream attempt with someone on a specific night, I would get so overexcited that I would probably end up with an all-night insomnia. Need to be more zen, maybe it will happen by itself then.
      Xanous and CanisLucidus like this.
      Updated 05-17-2013 at 01:50 AM by NyxCC
    13. JoannaB's Avatar
      Well, I am not sure whether or not I believe in shared dreaming, but I am open minded about it. So maybe I should set up to have a shared dream with Xanous. Let's agree to do something pleasant tonight in a dream.
      Xanous and CanisLucidus like this.
    14. JoannaB's Avatar
      Wait a minute! Xanous, did you watch that commercial which I think someone on DV posted the link to about all kinds of people saying stuff like "I just shipped my pants" and it sounds like shit my pants? I think that was posted to a DV thread. If you and I both watched that, this could explain it.
      Xanous and CanisLucidus like this.
    15. Xanous's Avatar
      Well I saw that video a long time ago so I'm not sure that was it. I want to start some sort of shared dreaming experiment with you all soon. I need to do some research first. Should be fun to try!
      CanisLucidus, PennyRoyal and NyxCC like this.
    16. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      This is awesome. Keep me up to date if you think of a good protocol for a mass shared dreaming experiment! I'm going to have this in mind as well.
      NyxCC and Xanous like this.