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    Magic Carpet School

    by , 03-18-2014 at 04:47 PM (1326 Views)
    Yet another near miss on Task of the Year! I really need to work on learning to close these. Lots of fun though!

    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #193: Magic Carpet School

    I’m part of a large parenting group that’s exploring a gloomy cavern illuminated by translucent pools of water. After quietly exploring this place for a while, we all wind up back at one of the mom’s houses. Somebody suggests that we do a group hug, and we all awkwardly move toward the middle of the room.

    I notice that Andy Bernard from The Office is part of the group. He looks sweaty and awkward and I think, “Hey that guy who plays Andy Bernard sure looks sweaty and awkward in person.” I do a quick mental check to see whether this is a dream and decide that
    yes, it definitely is.

    I walk out of this living room into an elementary school classroom that’s in the middle of some kind of lesson. I pass through without interacting with any of the dream characters, wanting to get outside for a Task of the Year attempt. (The Aladdin’s lamp task with a magic carpet and three wishes.)

    Leaving this classroom takes me to a second classroom and I start worrying that I’ll spend this whole lucid wandering through an endless series of grade school classes. I head for a wall, announcing that “This is a phase outside,” before plunging right through. I wind up in the void, but my hands and forearms are still brightly illuminated and clearly visible.

    I rub my hands together and slowly the void becomes filled with a swirling field of stars. This fades into a scene from the Matrix that has the Youtube logo and controls underneath it, and I see that I am watching a video whose length is “0:98”. I briefly wonder if I went to bed wearing VR goggles or something and that the images are penetrating my eyelids. Scenes from The Matrix flash by and the image slowly rotates.

    Now there’s a crackling sound and my vision fills with a series of strange characters that I can’t identify. I feel a sharp tug backward and I wait for the new scene to form. My vision reforms into… another elementary school classroom, this one a little bigger with an adjacent windowed playroom. I head immediately for the exit and I’m pleased to find myself in an entrance area. I bolt through a set of glass doors and now I’m outside.

    Immediately I start attempting the lamp summon by “finding” it behind my back, but my hand just keeps coming back empty. After three failures, I’m really frustrated by this. On the last attempt my hand comes back with some little piece of dirty, wooden-looking junk about the size of a sugar cube. This time I pretend that this is the lamp but it’s just way too small. “Bigger… bigger…” and do a little magician-esque gesture. It plumps up nicely into a real magic lamp! It’s way too light to be realistic, but who cares, next step!

    I rub the lamp, wishing for the magic carpet. I decide to be really specific, saying, “A magic carpet. Make it rolled up.” A simple little rolled-up rug appears on the ground. I immediately think, Why’d you ask for it rolled up? That’s just a pain in the ass. I expect the magic carpet to unroll and it does, so I quickly sit down. As I do, it lifts me up into the air and starts flying leisurely forward.

    For my second wish, I quickly say “Delicious cookie!” and a tiny little sliver of cookie appears in my hand, like someone had already eaten most of it. I find this awfully stingy for a magic lamp but I stuff it in my mouth. It’s chocolate chip, not bad at all.

    I think about how close I am to completing the task and the excitement gets the best of me. I get one last look at the roof of a one-story building as I float over it before
    the dream ends.

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    Updated 03-18-2014 at 04:51 PM by 57387

    lucid , task of the year


    1. Highlander's Avatar
      Wow congratulations on your TOTY attempt, plus your persistence regarding summoning the lamp and the carpet to appear.

      I bet flying about on it was fun too.

      You were very close with the wishes!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
      Updated 03-18-2014 at 08:06 PM by Highlander
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, Highlander! I was glad I finally got it to work out in the end. Just have to work on controlling my excitement a bit. The trick with these multi-step, kinda exciting tasks is that I start knocking pieces of them out and getting close, it's hard not to let my positive emotions and excitement run away with me the same way the negative ones can too. Emotional control in dreams in just one of those things that I think takes a lot of practice!

      And yeah, the flying was fun, too! Perhaps I should have taken a moment to enjoy it. Maybe I was rushing a little too much!
      Highlander likes this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      Official congrats on the lds and the awesomely valiant Toty attempt!

      You got another cool dream beginning again. With adventures like these, it doesn't even matter if one's lding or not.

      The part where where your hands were actually visible in the void was quite interesting. I think that in a lot of void occasions, I'm completely overwhelmed by its total lack of...anything.

      Very curious what scenes from the matrix were playing?

      Very nice summon for toty! I totally loved the cookie part - what an efficient solution to combine Toty with a dream food tasting experience. And the fact that the dream ended means you have three more wishes!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
      Updated 03-19-2014 at 01:58 AM by NyxCC
    4. Prelin's Avatar
      I enjoyed reading that.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    5. Sibyline's Avatar
      Awww... the genie ate your delicious cookie!

      But still... you got two-thirds of the way through and did some badass dream control. Congratulations on getting this far. You'll get all three wishes next time!

    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, Nyx!

      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC
      The part where where your hands were actually visible in the void was quite interesting. I think that in a lot of void occasions, I'm completely overwhelmed by its total lack of...anything.
      Yes, absolutely. This is the typical experience for me as well. The void is usually very much a... well, void. When I'm coming back out of it, the scene will fade in as the sensation of sight returns. The sensation of touch and of having a dream body usually hangs on the longest, which is why hand rubbing seems to work for me. Or perhaps these sensations hang around because of the hand rubbing, you know?

      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC
      Very curious what scenes from the matrix were playing?
      There were definitely bits of the subway fight scene, and then a lot of other action sequences, some of which were a bit abstract. A little bit of the falling letters effect, too, mixed in with my transition back to a dream scene.

      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC
      Very nice summon for toty! I totally loved the cookie part - what an efficient solution to combine Toty with a dream food tasting experience. And the fact that the dream ended means you have three more wishes!
      Thanks! I wasn't totally sure how successful I needed the wishes to be for task credit, so I was going for something fun but reasonable in difficulty. Food seems perfect, don't you think?
      NyxCC likes this.
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      @Prelin - Thanks!

      @Sibyline - Ha ha, yes, I was a bit disappointed to find so little was left of my cookie, but I'm glad he/she left me enough for the task (and to get a little taste!)

      Love the blinged out genie! She's got a really subtle, understated style of attire, particularly the bracelet that blinks like a strand of Christmas lights. Hopefully I'll see her again soon and stay in the dream long enough to get that third wish out!
    8. Sibyline's Avatar
      You guessed it, I was trying very subtly and stealthily to incubate a little something into your next LD. So you can work on curbing your excitement and... stuff.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    9. fogelbise's Avatar
      Awesome job CL!! Perhaps the TOTY should be on a graded system which would give you a solid B at least and passing marks for summoning a genie lamp and genie say 55% and then 15% for each of the wishes achieved, giving you at least 85%...you passed in my mind...

      That genie from Sibyline is liable to sidetrack you though! haha I know that that genie would sidetrack me...even Barbara Eden in her "I Dream of Jeannie" days would!

      Sibyline and CanisLucidus like this.
    10. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      @Sibyline - That's hilarious. Now that I know you were performing magical dream incubation my comment about the third wish sounds a lot more suggestive than I'd intended.

      Seriously, I really appreciate the Task of the Year encouragement. These are tough and I've still yet to fully knock one out.

      @fogelbise - Nice, I like how you grade, teach! A solid B sounds quite respectable. Surely I can pull off a few more D+ attempts to limp over the finish line.

      "I Dream of Jeanie"! Been ages since I thought about that show. I remember seeing old syndicated episodes of that when I was lazing around during the summer as a little kid!
      Sibyline likes this.
    11. Iokheira's Avatar
      I loved your wishes, and even more so the responses from the lamp Maybe it only gave you what you wanted the first time (the rolled-up carpet) because it knew unrolling it would be a pain in the ass! Fortunately you beat that one real quick.

      Seems like you've been having a lot of lucids, so I bet you'll have another tonight. And I'm never wrong about these things. Sleep well man!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    12. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, Art! Yeah, with my asking for my magic carpet to be rolled up for absolutely no reason the genie doesn't even have to figure out a clever way to screw me over.

      Agreed, tonight's a perfect night for a lucid dream! (I know you wrote this yesterday, but you clearly meant tonight!) Looking forward to hearing tomorrow how yours went! In fact, I still need to hear about the one you had a few days ago!
      NewArtemis and Sibyline like this.
    13. NyxCC's Avatar
      @ CL

      There were definitely bits of the subway fight scene, and then a lot of other action sequences, some of which were a bit abstract. A little bit of the falling letters effect, too, mixed in with my transition back to a dream scene.
      Oh, that is cool. Maybe you are secretly planning on a full matrix scene reenactment some time soon?

      @ Sibyline - lol, no one can find pics like you do!
      Sibyline and CanisLucidus like this.
      Updated 03-21-2014 at 12:16 AM by NyxCC