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    Chessica's Dream Journal


    by , 07-29-2014 at 11:51 PM (633 Views)

    I'm at work. C. is there and another person is present too. I think I forgot to clock in. I'm at the lunch room, but I leave without eating. I worry about getting hungry later, but go out into the store anyway. Another person is with me. She asks if I want to come look at the animals by the front entrance. I say 'yes!' and we go through the store towards the entrance. When we arrive I see two wooden boxes about 1x1 m in size. The sides are only about 15 cm high. The wooden boxes are a mix between boxes and a frying pan, and in the boxes are large frogs. Maybe 1-2 kg. in size. They are slowly frying - alive!! The heat is just warm enough for their skin to get toasted brown and crisp, but not warm enough to kill them. It's awful! Really horrible! They are obviously in great pain, trying to crawl out of the box/pan. I'm horrified! I wonder why the hell is this happening?? But I don't realize it's a dream...



    I'm out geocaching with my friend J. One of my dogs are with me (M), she goes into a container sort of thing. There's a geocache in there, but the place is dirty and smelly. The smell is oily and rotten. Yuck. I go in, have to balance on the edge of a container, hoping I won't fall in. The cache is found and I head out. On my way J's nephew comes towards me (also balancing on the edge of the container), he wants to pass me and just barely manages to without falling in the black, yucky-smelling goo that's in the container. After this I find that we're at another location searching for a geocache. we're at a red house. It's small, maybe more like a cottage than a house. J. says she's been looking for the cache for a long time. I suddenly find it. It's deviously hidden - like a part of the building. It's located just under the edge of the roof, a wooden tube painted the same color as the building. I show it to J. We both agree it's very well made! After this we go to another location looking for a cache. This time it's also found on a building, except this is a weird small construction of sorts. It's white and seems made only to conceal a geocache, there's lots of "fake" hiding places and decoy caches. J. finds the real cache immediately though. And like before we both agree it's a fantastically creative geocache!


    I'm holding a gift in my hands. It's for H's dad. Suddenly I realize it's just a square plastic bag filled with water. What was I thinking wrapping up a lousy present like that?? I open it up again, wondering what to put in it to make it more worthy as a birthday gift. I go to one of my aquariums to find some nice aquatic plants to put in the bag, but all the plants are overgrown with algae. I discover a dead fish too! It's a Crossocheilus siamensis, and it's been partly eaten by other fish. Disgusting! After some stress about not finding anything nice I discover some beautiful cichlids swimming in the back. I catch 2 or 3 of them thinking they will be a nice present. They are very nice looking - red, blue and gold! I call for H. to come over with the plastic bag so I can put the fish in the water.


    J. is with me in my house (her dog is with her?). I'm watering some plants on a table. I'm filling the pots up with water so that it almost spills over the edge. My dog (H) tries to drink from the flowerpots, but I stop her. J. says she wants me to drive her home. A thunderstorm is just starting in the distance.
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    1. AnotherDreamer's Avatar
      Treasure hunting in a dream!? such a good idea! I am now inspired to go on a grand adventure tonight.
      Chessica likes this.