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    We Don't Have The Correct Dress Code (23.8.15)

    by CHiLLEN on 08-23-2015 at 10:39 PM
    We Don't Have The Correct Dress Code (23.8.15)
    I'm out the front of a bungalow that has no blinds. It's my cousin Rach's place that she stays. I think that she doesn't have any privacy, and what if she wanted to have sex.

    I'm out the front of a night club, waiting in line. I realize I don't have the right pants on to be able to enter the club. I was wearing tracksuit pants. My brother gets knocked back due to his shoes. We walk into a near by toilet where he changes them. The shoes he is now wearing were going to be tight putting on, but he had some spray which must make his foot slide into his shoes much better.

    I get a taxi back to my old house with lee and my brother. I feel a nice confidence about myself when talking to Lee. I run inside and get what I needed. Now that I think about it, I thought I had spare pants that I could change into when I was out front of the club. So I could have changed in toilets with brother.

    2 Cool Looking Rabbits/Girl Of My Dreams (22.8.15)

    by CHiLLEN on 08-22-2015 at 12:03 AM
    2 Cool Looking Rabbits/Girl Of My Dreams
    I'm across the road of my old house, sitting down. A rabbit which is red comes up to me. It looks beautiful. It's red that is blended in with the original color. I see another rabbit, which is purple, and just as beautiful. The rabbits are inseparable. They follow one another by the looks of it. They go onto the middle of the road. I begin to worry, as I can hear a car coming from around the corner. The car goes over them, and I'm uncertain if any have been ran over. The man stops his car to check something, maybe he knew he almost ran over rabbits. He drives off and both rabbits are ok. Close call, I'm relieved.

    I'm sitting on the grass out front of my house, and the rabbits jump over the fence. I feel like it may not come back and feel sad. I look over the fence where the palm tree is, and I see REX, but he doesn't see me. I move out of sight before he sees me, as I didn't want him to get excited from seeing me. Moments later the red rabbit comes running over to me from out of a bushes. Im happy to see it and pat it. The purple rabbit comes over also. Soon after, they both leave back over the fence.

    I'm in a house and one of the rabbits comes to the backdoor. It wants to come inside, so I allow it in. Moments later, the other rabbit wants to come in also. I open the door, but it seems to not be open wide enough for it. It stands up like a human and turns itself sideways, and squeezes easily through the gap. There's people I know here as well, and I'm happy they got a chance to see the rabbits.

    I'm with a girl that's my partner. She's beautiful. I feel extremely lucky to have this girl, and feel I'm punching above my weight for sure. I'm in the backyard, under the veranda in my home. I come up behind her as she's sitting on a chair and hug her. She feels around and notices my penis is half effect. I'm pretty aroused right now. I look at old photos of her and appreciate on how lucky I am to have her. There's something about the way she looks, that I really like.

    We're in the bathroom, and my girlfriend and Brooke Ky are dressed to impress in their sexy get up. My girlfriend looks to have a bit of weight on, more then I expected. Brooke's ass looks more impressive, as I see them both pose. They begin interlocking there bodies and get a bit of pussy on pussy action happening.

    I'm standing outside and there is a cooking competition going on with some people I know. A judge is about to try the first recipe, which is a multi colored drink. They called it the crazy drink or something similar to that. As the judge poured it into a bowl, the mixture was quite thick and had a awesome color to it. The different colors looked like a multi layered gob stopper, if I was to cut it in half. I see some motorbikes go passed in the distance. It was the contestants. I see Jon Rick preparing his meal in front of me. The judge is combining everything together for the crazy drink, and I bit falls onto the ground. I pick it up and try it. It's pretty good. I wasn't sure if it was Jon's or the Crazy drink.

    I'm in a room which has been decked out for the contestants. It's like a big brother finale moment, where they have to sit In front of a screen and talk to the host etc.
    non-lucid , memorable

    The Feast, Nanna Wanders Into Traffic (19.8.15)

    by CHiLLEN on 08-21-2015 at 11:50 PM
    The Feast
    I was at a girls house and she kept making me food. I was sitting on the couch eating it. Her family grabbed some food off the plate also. The brother took a cake which had pink icing around it. I was left with a pie which was awesome. The pastry was nice and crunchy. I kept eating and eating like an endless pit.

    I walk into the bathroom and have a wank to get myself ready for a some action later.

    Nanna Walks Into Traffic
    My Nanna with old timers is driving a smallish car. She's confused on what to do. I get out of car and get here out and getting her to go into the back seat. There's traffic near us and I have to push the car back into a correct position. I struggle at first, but get it done. I get into the drivers seat and drive away. Nanna gets out and walks straight into traffic. I ask whoever was in car to go and get Nanna. I make a u-turn which takes me longer then usual to compete the rotation. I park car in a safe area. I walk over to see how Nanna was. I ask the guy that got out and saved her, what she said. He said she asked him what's going on tomorrow. I wake up laughing at casual question after almost walking straight into traffic.

    I Just Want To Party, Offered Some Work (18.8.15)

    by CHiLLEN on 08-18-2015 at 01:20 AM
    I Just Want To Party
    I'm outside and I see that PT trainer on my FB. Her body looks pretty damn sexy. I walk inside, and it seems to be a bit of a gathering. I think it's a new year party. I can see food.

    I'm now in bed with Joelle. I'm looking at her naked body, and notice that her body is not as toned as it usually is. I'm still attracted to her. I want to have sex with this girl.

    I'm walking around and see that Dave and Trev are in a factory with a lot of people. They're celebrating the new year with them.

    I'm in a warehouse. I'm in an area where it's higher up. I recognize some people. The PT is there I think. Dave and Trev seem to like it here, but I'm wanting to party a bit more harder, and this isn't the place to really do it in my eyes. I probably would have liked to be at the factory instead.

    I see a scene of a natural disaster. It's water going through a town, moving buildings down with the flow of water. A guy sitting down was telling me that something like this was going to happen.

    Offered Some Work
    Dave offers me work. He changes his story on what I had to do at work. I try and dig for more information on what I'm doing.

    I arrive at the worksite with Dave. It's a pretty busy area with other workers doing different trades. In front of me, I see two men, each next to a huge stump, wrapping a chain around it. The chain is wrapped from one to the other. I take a closer look, and notice that the chain has moulded itself into the top of the stump.

    Not too far away from the guys that were at the stump is the worksite I'm meant to be situated. It's pretty much just a frame of a house that's up. I see a couple workers on there. I go up a level and am confronted by a 4ft nothing guy. He asks how tall I am, but quickly realizes I'm taller then him and would be allowed on the site. I tell him my height anyways. I notice that the floor is weird, and that it's not the most solid flooring. I feel like something to eat and make some toast. The bread slicers have been broken into halves. I think about cooking some sausages up also. I ask the guys if they want some sausages cooked up. One of the workers thought I was going to cook up his sausages for everyone, and said its cool if we use his. I was going to cook mine anyways. He goes on about his dog and the sausages. He starts acting weird and dancing.

    Break In Distiller (16.8.15)

    by CHiLLEN on 08-16-2015 at 02:09 AM
    Break In Distiller
    I arrive at a house with REX and Bro. I sneak in the backyard and notice there's another dog. Both dogs are friendly to one another. I worry that i will lose sight of REX due to it being night time. I let both dogs out the front. REX is runs up the tree like a cat. I climb up and ladder to the top of a look out, which is near the tree, If not, the tree itself I'm worried about Rex getting down, so I unzip my jacket and zip it back up, this time with Rex under my jacket. I test the waters and see if I'll be able to get down backwards. It seems pretty sketchy due to the ladder not welded to the lookout. I fear the ladder will fall forward as I try and get onto it.
    I see the other dog, it's pretty overweight. It walks off out of my sight. Im worried that I have probably lost someone's pet. I look into the distance and see the beautiful city lights. I think I can see crown from here. I seem to think I'm in Nat's area code.

    I'm in the backyard and set up my water Distiller.

    I get inside the house, and I assume people are asleep. I'm trying to be quiet due to not wanting to get busted trespassing. I go inside and bedroom and look around.

    I see the family that lives their get up. I think they spot me outside, not realizing I had broke into their house. I'm in the kitchen with them. I can hear the Distiller going in the backyard, and worry that they may hear it. The wife goes through the bedroom that I was in earlier, and notices that something's have changed, but not enough to suspect anything.

    I'm packing up the distiller quietly, due to the backdoor being open and I can see the son of the family. He has a beard. I thought he may have caught me sneaking the distiller out of the backyard. I hide it under a car out of front. I'm looking at where I stashed it from a distance, and notice that one of the parts of the distiller is designed like a smiley face.

    I go back inside and I think the wife has realized I broke in or something. I make up an excuse that I'm homeless.
    non-lucid , memorable