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    The Order

    by , 11-14-2014 at 01:29 AM (749 Views)
    11 November 2014

    Now this dream actually had a back story. I cannot remember how I came to know the story but I have vague memories of flashbacks withing the dream. The story went like this. Long ago there was an order of individuals who had dreams of world peace. I do not remember if the group had a name so I will just call it The Order. The Order worked hard towards that goal of peace. They were an underground team of vigilantes and they sought out to surreptitiously influence the zietgiest as well as the ruling government parties. I cannot remember for certain how they did this but they did and I have feeling that a huge part of it was through force (ie eliminating certain harmful individuals). The Order was centered somewhere at Johnson County Community College and word of their actions began to surface. They were feared by oppressors and revered by the general populace. It seemed inevitable that the order would slowly move out from the shadows and more directly impact the world. Soon The Order was able to establish itself as a political party and somehow, I cannot remember exactly how, The Order established itself as a ruling government entity and was able to assume arbitrary jurisdiction over a small area and the college was the capital of this new state. While the state was small The Order was able to more greatly influence the world as a ruling entity.

    It was at around this point that things went south. Now The Order did things in secret and they had many ways of hiding themselves. At some point, The Order began to disagree as to how they should continue doing this. Some believed that the best way to hide was by jumping over rooftops and staying off of the ground. Other believed that the best way was to gather in groups of at least twenty and hide by walking under realistic life sized house costumes. In other words, these guys believed that the best disguise was a giant walking house. The former came to be known as Jumpers and latter came to be known as House Walkers. While this argument may seem silly and trite but it was taken very seriously. Much so, in fact, that it caused The Order to divide and go to war. The House Walkers were able to suppress The Jumpers and assume control of The Order and, therefore, the entire state. It turned out, though, that it was not just the method of hiding that the House Walkers wanted done differently. It was the way they ran the state and the way we influenced the world. The House Walkers dreamed of bringing about a new world order; a utopia of perfect equality and collective ideals, only then would peace truly reign. They saw subjugation as a means of liberation and soon the state saw a dark era of oppression and tyranny at the hands of the new Order. And as a government power their influence was having an adverse effect on the rest of the world. The Jumpers were suppressed but they were not dead. They refused to stand by and watch as the House Walkers undermineded everything that The Order had worked for. The war continued in the shadows, away from the public eye...just like before.

    My role in the dream was sometime after all of this took place. I was working for the Jumpers in the capital building that was once my college. While The House Walkers did have control over the building we were able to hide among them like blades in the crowed. I was a high ranking officer in the Jumper community and was notorious for my skill. As such, I was given a special suit that allowed by to jump even higher and faster than before. I was given a mission; to deliver a package to a former member of our cause. Needless to say, The House Walkers had made traveling by rooftop illegal so I had to be extra careful.

    I do not remember exactly how I got there but I did. I made it to the neighborhood where a childhood friend of mine was now living (it was actually really was my old childhood home). When I got to her house, I thought that I could sneak in through the window as to not draw too much attention to myself but somehow I managed to eject myself from the suit as I began my jump. So the mechanical suit made it to the roof...but without me in it. I decided to leave it there and get it back later because I knew the longer I stayed here the greater risk I assumed of getting captured. I decided to just go in through the front door (which happened to be in the garage). That's where I was met by a childhood friend of mine named Nichol. Now Nichol was not happy to see me. There were two other kids who were slightly younger than her living there. She was afraid for herself and her family. She knew that if The House Walkers saw me in there they would kill her and her family. Without even letting me speak she shooed me out. It was all that I could do to get one word out as she frantically tried to get me out of her house. She pushed me out and closed the garage door so that I could not get back in. I was unable to deliver the package.

    I would have gone back for my suit but I no longer had time. I saw a giant walking house moving by as I began to climb. Seriously, what a dumb idea for a disguise. I decided to leave the suit and head back to my car which just so happened to be there I just prayed that the Walkers would not recognize me. My heart raced as they parked the house right there in the middle of the parking lot and one by one they poured out of the house. There had to have been at least 60 of them. I quickened my pace as one began to walk in my direction. I was able to get to my car with no problems and made my way back to JCCC. As I drove my car down the sidewalk I took a moment to contemplate the situation. My suit was there now and I was certain that the Walkers would confiscate it. No doubt Nichol would be interrogated by the Walkers but, knowing her, I was sure she would feign ignorance; she was never the type to turn on a friend, no matter how frightened she may have been. I was not worried about the suit. It was traceable and there was no doubt in my mind that we could get it back. I was mainly worried for my friend Nichol. Even if the Walkers believed her my presence alone was enough to severely compromise he security. There was no doubt in my mind that she would feel compelled to relocate.

    Modus Operandi of The Order is similar to that of The Assassins in Assassin's Creed

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    1. KestrelKat's Avatar
      This seems like an interesting dream!

      Don't you love how, when you dream, you know these back stories as if you had always known them? It makes me wonder all sorts of things when that happens to me. Like, how was it so natural and just there? Even though we didn't dream it, we still knew, as if we just always had. Like the memories were implanted in our minds overnight or something.
      MortalTrinity likes this.