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    1. Avericia

      by , 12-16-2019 at 02:22 AM
      It is an annoyance and a tragedy that the immediate recollections of our escapades within the kaleidoscopic realm of dreams should vacate our minds with such cruel transience upon our withdrawal therefrom. Indeed, there is nary a dreamer – even among the most deliberate and experienced – who is spared the frustration of awakening from the dream realm with only fragmentary evocations of the awesome experiences they had and the amazing things their half-conscious eyes beheld; and there are fewer still who are spared the woefully common tragedy of awakening to no such remembrances at all, vainly grasping in the darkness for memories already gone. And so, as many diligent dreamers do upon awakening, I set immediately to writing the details of my most recent venture through the dream realm, fervently recording as much as I could before the bulk those precious memories faded into the ether. However, regardless of my efforts, many of the important details surrounding this tale were still lost in memory, not least of which were the details of the inciting event from which this tale would otherwise commence.

      Because of this, all I can tell is that certain financial circumstances of an unfortunate sort had brought my mother, my sister, and me within the doleful residence of what is infamously known as a “Corporate City.” I cannot, however, tell the specific details of what forced us to settle into such a municipality. If I was ever made aware of the name of this place, I cannot remember it now and so, I will give it the name, “Avericia.” A fitting designation as you will soon tell.

      The city of Avericia would most certainly stand as the ultimate staple of Late Stage Capitalism for Avericia was a place ruled by men of power and relentless greed. The rulers were not politicians of any sort, but corporate elites who reside in high towers and look down upon the working masses with little empathy and cruel indifference. Surrounded by a great wall rivaling that of Jericho, Avericia was home to those unfortunate souls who were subjugated to the whims of those ruthless men by whom they were employed.

      At some undetermined point in time, I was treated to a panoramic view of the place. The panorama presented to me a deceptively pleasant skyline superimposed against the iridescent pulchritude of a twilight sky peopled by majestic cumuli decorated with calming shades of pink, orange, and mauve by the setting sun. The outer portion of the radial city boasted a suburban sprawl of asphalt roofs, clean-cut lawns, and lush trees for the viewing pleasure of the residents therein. Peering further towards the city center, I could see a lively metropolis of lights, never-ending festivities, and fanfare beyond imagination. And at the center of it all was a casino of impressive proportion. The exact details of that casino’s architecture are lost to me. All I can say is that its grand aspect had me entranced in a venerable state of awe. Upon initial examination, one would be hard-pressed to find anything wrong with such a beautiful sight and it is that very essence of synthetic beauty that draws wealthy tourists to the fantastical inner parts of that city every year.

      After a procession of events that managed to evade remembrance, I found myself driving through the suburbs towards our place of residence. I remember little save a stretch of road that curved slightly through a neighborhood area, and from this up-close perspective, I could see fully the state of dereliction in which this suburban area was left. Houses were run down and defaced with graffiti and lawns were flooded with the foul overflow of neglected septic tanks. I do not remember the specific condition our home was in; I only remember that the place was crowded as there were several families taking up residence there. I slept in that house, not looking forward to the next morning.

      I do not remember the events the following morning. I simply recall finding myself on an employee monorail tram towards the inner city where My sister and I were to begin our first shift at the casino. The specifics of our job duties were unclear, we only knew that we were to be doing grunt work with only meager compensation. The dereliction of the outer suburbs home to the impoverished employees contrasted with the pulchritude of the inner city which was home to the wealthy tourists. I do not remember the details of this inner-city; I simply remember being taken by the site of that massive casino at the center of it all, silhouetted in part against the rising sun.

      The following events can only be described with a vexing degree of vagueness for it is here that all faculties of my recollection begin to break down. The next thing I recall is standing with my sister and the other employees outside of the employee entrance. It was off to the side, hidden from the public eye, and yet it was impressive in size, up to thirty feet high, as though it were a door for giants! I remember the moments where my sister and I would lament our present situation as we were made to clean the bathrooms. Unfortunately, that is all that I remember about the job itself. Sometime later, I found my half-conscious self floating through a cylindrical chamber illuminated by the firey luminescence of an unknown light source far below which caused the walls of this infernal chamber to glow red. The walls were lined with cavities whose openings were barred, each housing a prisoner. There was little doubt in my mind that I was deep within the annals of Sheol, the abode of the damned whose point of entry was at the base of this casino. How I came to be in this place, I do not know.

      I do not remember the reasoning for the internment of the poor people imprisoned within those cavities, but I do recall being tasked with their emancipation. As it turned out, the rulers of this casino, as well as the city surrounding it, were demons and if I wanted to free the poor inmates of Sheol I had to go through the casino and kill each demon, bringing an end to their reign of wickedness and greed. What followed was a series of fantastical happenings of bravery, skill, danger, espionage, and camaraderie. The only demon that I specifically remember fighting was a green naga of tremendous size. One by one the demons fell and as they did, more people began to rise up and join the fight. It was a hard battle, but it was a battle that we were winning.

      I wish I could say that fought to the very end. I wish I could say that I was able to free those poor people trapped in Sheol. Alas, I awoke before I could complete my task and so, as far as I know, the captives still suffer and many of the demonic elites responsible for their imprisonment still live.
    2. The Dare (music)

      by , 11-07-2017 at 11:26 PM
      I don't remember much about this dream. I just remember that I was outside of building along a coastline. It was the hour of Twilight and music began to play in the background. This girl sang along with it. She sang "Do you have what it takes to kill me?" over and over again. She was daring me to kill her or at the very least, daring me to try. I never figured out who this girl was or what her deal was.

      Here's the music I heard. It's not the greatest, I just kinda threw it together: https://soundcloud.com/ghostchild191/untitled
      Tags: weird
    3. Rictus Theater (Music)

      by , 11-07-2017 at 08:57 PM
      I had this dream a while ago. I was walking through a mall with some friends when I happened across what appeared to be an upscale dinner theatre. The theatre walls were a golden color and the carpet had a very festive pattern to it. The big screen was framed to look like a fancy stage theatre. Instead if seat rows there were round dinner tables with white tablecloths, obviously there were chairs, plates, and, of course, the standard cutlery. I remember seeing a sign at the entrance. The sign read, "Todays screening: The Thoughts That Our Smiles Have." I walked in and saw what was on screen. It was literally just a bunch of close up shots of people's smiles. There was an editing filter to make it look like a super 8 film. The truly strange thing was that everyone was standing. No one was actually watching the film, they were all standing by their seats and staring right at us with these really wide grins on their faces. They were all dressed in formal attire, they didn't blink...their faces were perfectly static. It was so unsettling.

      We carefully made our way through the theatre. I remember that we were trying to move through it and get to the exit door on the other side. We stopped halfway and kept our backs against the wall. The lights got dimmer. Everyone was still staring at us with those wide grins. I remember the soundtrack that was playing during the screening. I heard it the moment I walked in. The lyrics made me very uneasy.

      "Smiling is fun. Smiling is fun. Not to smile is illegal. Smiling is fun."

      The singer was female and she had an alto pitch. That last line, "not to smile is illegal" is what got us. These people may have had smiles on their faces but we just knew that they were hostile. They were scrutinizing us...looking for a reason to take us down. I just knew they were. It is here that I became lucid. There was a tall white man standing next to me. Like all the other men, he was in a tux. His hair was brunette and his smile creeped me out the most (probably because he was closer to me than the others). In compliance with the song, we put on our biggest grins. I had a feeling that that's what these people wanted from us. They wanted us to smile like them. But we knew that it wasn't enough. They didn't just want us to look insanely happy, they wanted us to be insanely happy. I looked at the man next to me and showed him my smile, in the hopes that I could fool him into believing that I was like him. In spite of his rigid grin, I could tell that he wasn't fooled. I don't know how I could tell but I could. His grin was unwavering, while mine was painful and twitchy I think he could see that...they all could.

      We knew we had to get out of there fast! While doing our best to maintain our unnatural grins, we made our way to the exit on the other side of the theatre. I turned towards the screen and that's when I saw the most unsettling figure yet. He was the only one sitting. It was a big light orange monster with incredibly long and sharp teeth. He had jet black eyes and was looking right at us just like everyone else. He too was smiling. As we moved through the theatre I noticed that everyone was slowly walking towards is. They had us all but surrounded, still wearing those creepy-ass grins. This was it, we had been found out. "Fuck this," I thought, "I'm out."

      I woke up and was glad to be awake.

      I composed the song I heard in this dream. I didn't record the lyrics but I got the melody down. I think I'll create a playlist of all the songs I've heard in my dreams. https://soundcloud.com/ghostchild191/rictus

      Updated 11-09-2017 at 01:56 AM by 69528

      Tags: creepy, theater
      lucid , memorable
    4. Self Improvement

      by , 10-31-2017 at 02:21 AM
      All that I can remember is that I was at a live-in center where I would learn skills on how to improve myself or something. I have only vague memories of the place. At some point, I learned that the food was provided by Walmart. This was a relief as I was afraid that the food would be provided by "Sysco." I've had Sysco food before, it is not the greatest. Though my relief would be short lived as I would later learn that this center had signed a new contract with Sysco. I groaned as I saw the Sysco truck pull in.

      At the dining hall, I decided to bring my own meal as I did not want to eat Sysco's food. I was right to do this, the spaghetti that they were serving was nasty.

      Later I am at a place where a concert was held. I was there with Olga Pataki to help clean up the mess. I remember that I was doing this for a specific reason though I cannot remember what that reason was.
    5. The Pirate Dungeon

      by , 10-30-2017 at 01:11 AM
      It began with a pirate woman and her slave boy. I don't remember where exactly this took place but I do remember that this woman was able to reverse the gravity in the room and cause things to fall "up." When I came onto the scene I saw that she had her slave boy trapped on the ceiling. She reversed the gravity causing him to fall and then reversed it again before he hit the ground. The boy was clearly terrified and begged her to stop. She wouldn't though. The woman was clearly enjoying toying with the boy like this. I don't remember what became of him.

      Sometime later, I ended up in some sort of RPG-like dungeon. I don't remember who I was with but I remember that we were there to do something. We ended up running a perilous gauntlet and we were able to make it through after several tries.

      As we were exiting the dungeon we saw Sandy from SpongeBob Squarepants holding on for dear life as a flying pirate ship attempted to suck her up through a giant vacuum. We rescued her by pulling her into the dungeon. She was grateful.
    6. Kittens, Study, and Travel

      by , 10-29-2017 at 05:26 AM
      I was working in the backroom of a retail store. My boss, Casey**, was there and we were the only two. There were two openings in the backroom the led into caverns. Casey wanted me to retrieve some kittens from the cavern. I do not remember what happened exactly when I was in the cavern but I do remember that I was able to acquire the kittens. The kittens were very intelligent and were able to learn tricks. We really liked having them around.

      In a later dream fragment, I was attending college in England. I don't know why but they had to assign me to a girls dorm. I arrived late at night and my dorm mates were already asleep. The funny thing is, it wasn't so much a dorm as it was a two-story duplex. The place I was staying in consisted of a living room and a bathroom. We were to sleep on mattresses on the floor. There were two girls staying with me and they were already asleep. I was afraid of how they'd respond when they found a guy in their dorm. There was a mattress waiting for me. I walked over to it, lied down and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up before the girls did and looked around the room. The walls were wooden and the floor was covered with a purple shag carpet. Our dorm overlooked a beach and the big windows gave us a clear view. My roommates woke up soon after. One was surprised to find a guy sleeping in their dorm but the other explained that I would be staying with them. The took a moment to examine me and commented that I was "hot." Apparently, they were both warming up to the idea of having an "attractive" male in their dorm. I don't know why but this made me uneasy.

      I left to use the bathroom then came back out to find that they were listening to a song by Slipknot (I don't remember which one). They were curious as to what the meaning of the song was and so I began to explain it to them. I woke up before I was done explaining.

      **Casey (not her real name) is my boss IRL though we I actually work at the mall, not a retail store.
    7. Angelica's Reign: Part II

      by , 10-27-2017 at 07:43 AM
      24 October 2017

      I found myself back in front of the mall with only faint memories of what had happened last time. I stood before what appeared to be an empty pool. It was the hour of twilight. Something was wrong. The place was deserted. Not just the mall but the entire surrounding area. I entered the mall, it was dimly lit. I was overcome with this sudden feeling of dread. I looked around and my heart began to race. I couldn't calm down. Why couldn't I calm down? As I looked around I began to flashback to events that had taken place after I had left the dream realm. Apparently, a lot had happened in the short time I was away. Angelica Pickles was actually the leader of her own syndicate and all along her ultimate goal was to take over this mall. I had vague memories of gunfights and struggles but ultimately, Angelica came out on top. Apparently, the mall doubled as the city's primary water source, I guess it was some sort of water facility. And since Angelica controlled the water, she essentially controlled the city. I never did learn what Jenkins and his family had to do with all of this, though. I went back outside and saw what appeared to be a terminal at the end of the pool. The terminal was huge and resembled a tanning booth. When I opened the terminal, I saw a small space where a disc was supposed to go. Somehow in that moment, I was able to surmise that the disc that used to be there was some kind of "key" and this key-disc would unlock the cities water supply. I also surmised that the empty pool served as some sort of reservoir

      As I looked around the mall I began to realize that I was dreaming. I was actually quite nervous since I knew that this place would be crawling with hostiles. I actually considered waking myself up. But then I remembered My Magic Watch. a handy tool I use and experiment with whenever I am having a lucid dream. First I checked my Social Status Indicator to make sure there weren't any hostiles in the area, then I decided to see if I couldn't use my watch to summon an ally to help me out. I looked down at my watch and pressed (what I hoped was) the 'help' button. Then I waited. I stood there for a while, periodically checking my Social Status Indicator. Then, to my relief, I saw a woman walking in my direction. Not only was she naked but her skin was completely transparent except for her face which was paper white. She had short brunette hair. I never got her name so I will call her "Kenda" a name that means "Clear."

      I don't remember how but we found ourselves in what appeared to be a school within the mall. And we were chasing Angelica down. Unfortunately, Angelica was fast, we couldn't get her. Then Kenda ran off in a different direction. She did not say anything but I knew what she was planning, she was going to get ahead of Angelica and flank her. I continued to chase Angelica down the hall, then down a flight of stairs until finally, Kenda came darting out from behind a corridor ahead of Angelica and cold-cocked her. Angelica was down for the count. I grabbed the key-disc off of Angelica's person and let out a sigh of relief. It was over.

      A little later, I found Kenda rummaging through one of the school lockers. I don't remember what she said but I do remember thanking her for her help. I remember we connected for a moment. She opened up to me and told me about the stake she had in this (I don't remember the specifics). I asked her if she would like to come with me to the terminal and do the honors of putting the key-disc back where it belonged. She politely declined and explained that she had her own business to attend to. After she left, Angelica showed up and, to my amazement, she admitted that she was wrong to do all that she had done. She apologized for everything, the false accusation, the hostile takeover, and all the pain that she had caused. I could tell that she was genuinely contrite. I commended her for her turn-around. We wished each other well and then I headed out. As I was walking through the mall I saw Kenda again. She was in a hall lined with clear tubes.
      Within these tubes were people with transparent skin just like her. It appeared as though their bodies were literally being regenerated as I saw various organs and body parts materializing. I surmised that these were friends that Kenda had lost in the battle against Angelica and her crew but now that Angelica has been defeated, she was able to bring her friends back. I smiled, I was happy for her.

      I walked outside to where the terminal was and saw that more people from the city were waiting there. Apparently, word had spread that Angelica had been defeated and now people had gathered to celebrate the return of their water supply.
      I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty stoked. This was by far the longest and most epic lucid dream I have had yet and now I would get to see this story to completion. As I walked towards the terminal with the key-disc in hand, victory music began to play in the background. I opened the terminal, placed the key-disc where it belonged, and closed the terminal. In that moment, blue streaks of light began to emanate from the terminal and travel all throughout the mall, signifying that the water supply had been unlocked. It truly was a magnificent sight as the victory music picked up and everyone cheered.
      Unfortunately, the excitement was a little too much for me.
      I woke up shortly thereafter.

      I went ahead and decided to compose the victory music I heard. I'm trying to get good I remembering the songs I hear. Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/ghostchild191/water

      Updated 10-27-2017 at 07:48 AM by 69528

    8. Angelica's Reign: Part I

      by , 10-26-2017 at 05:43 AM
      24 October 2017

      We began at Patty's Pub. I was observing what appeared to be a budding relationship between an adult Angelica Pickles and an older gentleman whom I will name "Jenkins." Angelica seemed to be happy in the relationship and everyone agreed that they were a good fit. Jenkins' extended family was there with them and they could not be happier. Though I would soon learn that Angelica did not share this sentiment. I witnessed her in the back room, freaking out over the prospect of being in a relationship with this man. In truth, she was disgusted by him and wanted out. There was a problem, though. Angelica felt that she could not just break it off, for some reason, she felt that she had to make him out to be a monster, assuring that she would be completely justified in her decision to break up with Jenkins. I watched as Angelica went out and accused Jenkins of sexually assaulting her.

      Later we were at some sort bookstore in a mall. At that point, everyone had heard the stories that Angelica was spreading about Jenkins. Thankfully, no one within the family believed her. The entire family was supportive of Jenkins. Unfortunately, Angelica knew that this family would discredit her so she decided that she would discredit the entire family. I suddenly found myself observing the events through Jenkins' eyes. I could even hear his thoughts as he walked throughout the video store, seeing the damage that Angelica was doing. Angelica had sparked fights among the family members and now rifts were starting to form. Not only that but Angelica's accusation had had a negative impact on his personal life. I could hear him thinking, "I thought I had found a nice girl but she turned out to be a psychopath!" I began to feel angry for Jenkins as he continued to walk through the store. He could only watch helplessly as family members turned on one another. Over and over again, Jenkins just kept thinking to himself, "That girl is a psychopath! That girl is a psychopath!"

      Sometime later, I was myself again. I was no longer experiencing the world through Jenkins' eyes. Word had spread of what had happened and people had come together to help Jenkins expose Angelica as the narcissist she is. I remember that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were both there. I don't remember what the plan was exactly but I do remember what was involved. We were in a small blue theatre within the bookstore. The room was dark except for the bright blue light that was emanating from the screen. I was helping the team tape what appeared to be a line of security cameras connected by a single cord onto the wall. Once everything was set up we all hid in the back and waited for Angelica to show up. I may not remember what we had prepared for her but I do remember the sense of anticipation that filled the room. I couldn't wait to see the look on Angelica's face when we finally got her. Just a few more moments....

      Sadly, I would never see our plan come to fruition. I was awoken by mom as she entered the living room. I lay on the couch and groan, upset that I would not get to see how this story ended. Little did I know that this was only the beginning. My mom left the room and I drifted back to sleep. I reentered the dream realm and found myself standing outside the mall where Jenkins and Angelica were.

      And so the story continues...

      So this dream was a long one, I don't have time to get it all down now. I decided to split it into two parts. I'll post part two later.
    9. A Walk Through the Mall

      by , 04-04-2017 at 07:44 PM
      Not much to be said here. I found myself in the men's room at my local mall. I was looking in the mirror that was mounted on the door and noticed that my hair looked like it had been cut recently. That wasn't right. My hair had been cut weeks ago and was already growing back. This can't be right unless...

      I realized I was dreaming and was unsure as to what to do. I'm not sure why but I went ahead and decided to send an email on my phone to a familiar that I met in a previous dream. She never responded so I walked through the mall looking around for anything out of the ordinary I made it the escalator at the other end of the mall and decided to turn back only to find that a rock band had materialized behind me. There stacks of records blocking that hall so I was unable to go back the way I came.

      That's all that happened. Then I woke up.
      Tags: band, hair, mall
    10. Intruder

      by , 03-29-2017 at 08:28 PM
      Not much to tell here. The sky was overcast and I was helping my friends with something just outside of my apartment complex. I looked through my window to see a stranger sleeping on my couch. Obviously, I was upset. I went in and told him to get the fuck out. Then he just sort of looked at me at left. I asked him how he got in here in the first place and he said that one of the maintenance guys was letting him crash there in my apartment for the night because he was broke and had nowhere else to go. He then made me sound like a jerk not being more sympathetic and letting him crash there. It actually worked. I did feel bad for some ungodly reason. I mean, was it not my duty to help the less fortunate or some shit?

      I decided to give him some food and some money but forgot about him and fell asleep (in the dream). I "awoke" the next morning realizing that I had forgotten to give him the food and the money and so I quickly get it all together in a to go box and proceed to seek the guy out. And again, for some ungodly reason, all I can think about is what the maintenance guy must think of me for not being more generous. I then begin to contemplate the consequences of what I am doing. If I give him the food and money I would be sending a message that this is what happens when you break into my home. I give you food and free money. Worse yet, he had a copy of my apartment key so nothing would stop him from opening the door and walking right in. Worse yet, next time he might bring guests of his own. I began to consider the warning that Jesus gives in Matthew 12:43-45. Maybe I shouldn't do this...

      I then woke up for real though I was half asleep so I thought that all that stuff that had happened in the dream happened in real life. For a split second, I worried that that guy would return and questioned every decision I had made in that situation. I breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing that it was just a dream.
    11. Social Status Experiment

      by , 03-28-2017 at 08:38 PM
      Another job in the dream realm. This time I was working a futuristic warehouse. The place was dark and almost desolate. I remember being in a big empty room with a transparent monitor screen suspended over the door displaying the date and time. It was at this moment that things did not seem right. I didn't work at a warehouse anymore (I used to work at one IRL) so why was I...?

      Son of a bitch. I was dreaming. I stopped and took a moment to examine my surroundings. It always amazed me how real and tangible everything felt. As I stated once in a previous lucid dream one of my reality checks is my magic watch.

      Now one of the tools I use to tell if I am dreaming or not is my magic watch. Every once in a while I will do a reality check IRL by checking my watch. I will press two ‘buttons’ (they’re not buttons IRL) at the top and the bottom of the face of my watch. If nothing happens (or if I’m just not wearing a watch) then I know I am not dreaming. However, if the face of my watch unlatches and opens up then I know that I am dreaming. This has never failed me. Now in The Dream Realm, I will use this magic watch as a bottomless storage device. When the face opens up I can reach in and pull out anything that I want.
      ~Excerpt from an earlier dream called Lucid Highway

      Anyway, I've been experimenting with my magic watch and had an idea for it earlier this year. I wondered if I could use it as sort of a Social Status Indicator (SSI) like the one that is featured in Assassin's Creed. This could be used to alert me to any hostiles that may be in the area. I looked down at my watch and was happy to see the social status icon appear on my watch's screen. The SSI was indicating that there were no hostiles in the area. I walked into the next room of the warehouse where I saw a dimly lit room full of pallets of mulch. At least that's I remembered seeing when I woke up. I knew there were pallets though I am not entirely sure what was on them. I do remember the pallets were arranged in rows. I walked past the rows of pallets and looked down at my watch. My SSI was indicating that there was a hostile nearby. According to the Indicator, the hostile hadn't spotted me yet but he was aware that I was in the area with him. I stepped lightly but was not worried. Then I saw the hostile. It was a wolf. The wolf had spotted me and was making a beeline towards me. My SSI let me know that I was now exposed and in the middle of an open conflict. I really was not afraid of this thing as it was slow and rather unintelligent. Now don't ask me where this idea came from but I went ahead and pointed a finger gun at him and "fired." Believe it or not, it worked. The wolf fell over dead. Somehow I knew that that would work. Anyway, I checked my SSI and it was indicating that there was another hostile in the area but according to the indicator the hostile was either not aware of my presence or was aware but simply did not recognize me or was otherwise uninterested. In that case, I did not worry about it and went about my business. I was making my way towards another door
      when I woke up. But I was very tired and fell right back asleep and found myself back in the warehouse pallet room. There, an anime girl was teaching me how the watch worked the many ways that it could be used. I woke up shortly thereafter.
    12. The Equestrian Census Bureau

      by , 03-27-2017 at 11:52 PM
      Somewhere within the dream realm. High up above the clouds. There exists a floating island. One where rainbows flow down from high peaks like waterfalls into iridescent pools of color and magic. One where clouds can be walked on and embraced like puffs of cotton. The structures on this island were grand and beautiful. Sadly further details of this magnificent sight were lost in detail. All I can relay is a sense of awe and amazement at the sight. One would be surprised to know that this place was a place of business. Or perhaps, public service would be a better term. This was the Equestrian Census Bureau. A place where all of the citizens of Equestria are counted and logged. Information on every pony in the nation was contained within these walls and I had somehow found work there.

      I do not remember much else other than a party the took place in some kind of great hall. The princesses of Equestria were all there as well as several other government officials. This was clearly some sort of royal gathering and as a public servant, I was invited to attend. At some point during the party, I was notified that the Census Bureau had caught on fire. This was a problem, as the information was all written down on scrolls and could not be recovered if it were lost. Though they tried to maintain their composure, the princesses were frantic. Celestia, in particular, was very concerned.

      I cannot recall what happened thereafter, however, I do remember visions of the floating island on fire. The whole thing was engulfed in flames and the employees who were inside were working desperately to save as many scrolls as they possibly could. I began to worry about them and wonder what would happen if all that information were lost.
    13. Prisoners of Limbo

      by , 03-24-2017 at 02:06 AM
      21 March 2017

      There were six artifacts he wanted me to retrieve. Who was "he"? Your guess is as good as mine, reader. Unfortunately, the identity of my client was lost in memory as was the exact nature of our agreement. All I remember is that he wanted six artifacts; all of which were held in six different locations. I was working with some other people but I do not remember whom. I vaguely remember being at one location. It was some sort of colony built around a really high tower. I remember the tower was miles wide and miles high and the colony was on the tower. All of the homes, stores, and other facilities were built into the sides of it. The last thing I remember about this place is leaving in a hurry. I was jumping off of a balcony onto another one just below me. I was about halfway down the tower. There were some others with me but they had been left behind. We had retrieved three of the artifacts and were now on our way to retrieve the fourth. This one was at a haunted mansion. I ended up going alone for reasons I cannot remember. I remember being taken by fear the moment I stepped in. The mansion's antechamber was lit with orange lighting and had red carpeting. I saw two thin, blue ghostly figures. I attempted to sneak past them to get into the hallway on the left but they spotted me and came after me. I don't know how but I managed to escape.

      Some time later I found myself in the ballroom where there were several other ghosts. Again some came after me but others tried to help me in my task. At some point, I learned that the ghosts were all bound to that mansion through some curse. They wanted to move on and be free from that place but they could not. Through some cruel twist of fate, they were forced to wander in limbo for all eternity. I will admit that I was not so much concerned about the spirits as I was about completing my tasks and getting out of there alive. But I knew that my task was somehow tied with their desire to be free. Freeing this spirits would help me do what I needed to do.

      I vaguely remember moving from room to room. I was in the dining room, the ballroom, the kitchen, and the party room. In each place, I happened across ghosts. Some were friendly, some were neutral, many were hostile for reasons I never learned, though I'll admit that I never bothered to ask. After moving through the mansion I finally found myself nearing the completion of my task. I was in a hallway and the artifact I needed was just behind the door ahead of me. There were three ghosts in there with me. The were female, had long brunette hair and dressed in white gowns. I attempted to sneak past them but to no avail. They noticed me and immediately started flying towards me. I ran to the door desperate to get away, hoping that in retrieving this artifact I could release these wretched spirits from their limbo and be done with them. As I ran towards the door I began to float just as the ghosts did and I made to the door. I was in the kitchen. I remember it was well lit, well maintained and very spacious. Definitely, a place that was once frequented by professional chefs. The artifact I needed was not there so I ran to the door on the right and found myself in the dining room where a long table that seats several was located. It was all set up though I do not remember if there was food out. I trembled for I knew that the ghosts were still behind me and they would be in any minute! And then...

      We jump ahead a few moments. I have the artifact in my posession, I am now in a well-lit dining hall with food and festivities, and I am surrounded by jovial spirits grateful to me. I don't remember the exact moment that I did it but I did it. I retrieved the fourth artifact and freed the spirits from Limbo. I would later be invited to join the ghosts in the mansion's chapel for a formal celebratory comedy show. Indeed it was very enjoyable though I was unable to report back to my client nor was I able to retrieve the last two artifacts. I awoke after the show.
    14. Interstellar: The Moon Cult

      by , 03-20-2017 at 10:56 PM
      16 March 2017

      The overseers had made a mistake. Leaving a bunch of inexperienced and overzealous 20 somethings alone in a room full of expensive space equipment was quite possibly the most dangerous thing that they could have done. Even more so since one of them had left one of the starships up and running. I don't remember what we were doing there nor do I have a clear idea as to whom exactly I was with I just remember that we were all young, we were all foolish, and that starship was calling out to us; daring us to try and resist temptation. Of course, we didn't resist. How could we? We entered into the ship, took our seats and, in no time at all, we were airborne. What happens next is rather fuzzy. I remember us being in space and flying past planets but I do not remember which ones nor do I remember who was flying. We eventually made it to a planet that was orbiting a star other than our own. I remember the planet was gray and covered in ridges. In spite of its appearance, we found that not only was it capable of sustaining life but it was inhabited but sapient beings. This was according to our readings. Obviously, we were curious and so, like the eager fools we were, we set a course to land on the planet without calling down to ask permission to land, without letting the locals know we were there, and without considering the consequences.

      We crash landed on the surface and realized something strange about the planet. The entire surface appeared to be made of metal. All of those ridges that we saw from above were deeper and more numerous than we realized. Also, they weren't just ridges, they were valleys and crevasses that were lined with houses, pipes, and wires. As a matter of fact, no one seemed to reside outside of these valleys. While there was air on the planet, there was no blue sky. There was no sky at all! As we explored, we began to realize that this was not a real planet. It was an artificial planet that had been built to sustain life. We eventually came to a radial valley in the center of which was a huge cylindrical tower that seemed to be home to several apartment residents. One of them met us and warned us to hide lest they find us. We didn't know what he was talking about but we went ahead and heeded his warning. I do not remember exactly what happened thereafter but I do have vague recollections of hiding from the guards, whom I noticed were dressed like skull kids from The Legend of Zelda**. I remember seeing our ship hidden within the cylindrical tower. Apparently, the residents had somehow managed to hide it in there. I remember it looking really beaten up from the crash and wondering how we were going to got off this planet.

      In time we learned about the planet's origin. The residents were human and were the descendants of pilgrims who had left earth to build this planet. We also learned that this planet was essentially home to one huge cult that worshiped the moon (I'm not sure which moon). At first, everyone there believed in the teachings of the cult but now the current leader was corrupted and the whole place was under the control of an oppressive regime. If they were to find us, we would be forced to join their cult and live here until the day we died. Obviously, we did not want this. The residents agreed to help us escape and go home.

      Over time we came to make friends with a young resident named 'Morty.' I don't remember much about him, I just remember that I really liked him, everyone did. One day, Morty mouthed off to one of the guards and he was killed. I remember how angry and sad everyone felt. Morty's death was a tragedy that stuck with us throughout the duration of our time on that planet. It was also enough to strike fear back into the hearts of the citizens as it reminded everyone what the regime was capable of.

      Finally, the time came for us to make our escape, the ship was fixed and we were ready to go back home. We were only hundreds of feet off the surface when we began to think about the people down below. We began to think about the friends we had made and about how they were trapped. But, most importantly, we began to think about Morty and what he had died for. He died doing what everyone wished they could do. He died standing up to the regime. We realized that it would be wrong to leave these people behind. We knew that the leader of the planetary cult would be at the tower that day. We turned around went back down and started shooting! We exited the ship, guns blazing, shouting, "Revenge for Morty! Revenge for Morty!" Everyone was emboldened by our display of rebellion and pretty soon, all of the residents began chanting along with us "Revenge for Morty! Revenge for Morty!" It was an all-out battle between us and the cult guards. Unfortunately, it was a battle that we lost. We were all captured and brought before the cult leader. He promised to allow us to live and "let" us join his "glorious movement." They were about to begin a ceremony that would welcome us into their cult and assure that we stay there forever. I couldn't take it anymore. I was absolutely fuming. Morty was dead, these people would remain under the thumb of the regime and now we were trapped there with them. Without thinking, I went and attacked the cult leader only to be inevitably stopped by the guards. The leader seemed amused by my feeble attempt and went on to boast about how glorious his planet was and about how it would prosper under the movement.

      I awoke in my bed, the cult leader's voice still echoing in the background. I could still hear him as though he were right there with me in my bedroom. Boasting about the glory of his broken cause.

      **The previous weekend I had been at an anime convention where I came across several skull kid cosplayers.
    15. School Days

      by , 02-09-2017 at 01:07 AM
      8 February 2017

      It seems to have begun with a chase. We were on our way to school, my friend and I, and out of nowhere this gang of bullies started chasing us. We were all on bicycles and my friend (whom I will name Melvin) and I were trying to outrace the bullies. Somehow, Melvin made to the front gates of the school before I did. This was an interesting setup. The school was surrounded by a fence and the gate was closed. There was suddenly a line of cars behind Melvin attempting to enter the gate and they were all honking at him. He was motionless and unsure of what to do. As the bullies and I got closer I saw a perfect opportunity to create a diversion for us to escape. I yelled at Melvin, telling him to create a diversion. What he does next is really weird. He stood tall and declared that he was really great or something along those lines, much to the astonishment and confusion of the drivers and the bullies alike. Regardless of how weird this diversion was, it worked and we were both able to get into the gate and escape the bullies somehow. We then hid under the front steps of the school and waited for the bullies to leave.

      It was at this point that Trixie Tang (from Fairly Odd Parents) and Candace Flynn (from Phineas and Ferb) showed up. Now, these two were our rivals apparently and we did not care for one another. That being said, Trixie did have noble intentions for coming to this particular school. She wanted to better herself. She wanted to become a better person and leave her old selfish ways behind. I did commend her for that but this did nothing to alleviate the animosity between the two of us.

      So we were at the football field later where Trixie's old boyfriend, whom I will now name 'Devon,' came to meet her. This was particularly hard for Trixie because she knew that in order to move on and leave her old life behind she would have to break it off with him. As much as I did not like her, I felt for Trixie. I knew that this was not easy and I actually respected her for making such a hard choice. I never saw the break-up itself but I did see Trixie approaching Devon and I could already tell that this was not going to be pretty.

      Melvin and I are alone with Candace after school. You see, there were apparently two teams at the school. Melvin and I were on one team while Trixie and Candace were on the other team. This would explain the rivalry. Each team had a flag and the flags were interesting, to say the least. The flags were laid out on their own tables and they were decorated with 3D pop-up imagery of old villages, goblins, and other weird things. Now Candace was having boy troubles of her own and I heard her say something along the lines of, "If only one of you goblins could come alive and tell me how to handle relationships." In that instance, a goblin came out of one of the houses on her flag and materialized right behind her. It looked really menacing but Candace smiled at it nonetheless. Then we cut to a scene where the goblin was happily explaining to Candace the complexities of relationships and how they work. The dream ended there.
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