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    Dream Journal #17 May 19th, 2011

    by , 05-20-2011 at 03:48 AM (382 Views)
    Going to sleep now, it's 10:35 am. I will become lucid.

    First dream I remember was having Sherry come to me and be like, "i think Dan might ask me to prom because vlahblahblah" and she asked me if I knew anything, I said no. So she asked me to tell her if anything came up cause she wants to know beforehand. Soo then it goes to just me alvin and ian playing basketball. I do remember we find out that Ian has a crush, and kuya don don was like dude she's in the philippines? forget about it! but Ian was like no and he said he's waiting till he's 18. So were like whatever lol. Then we go play basketball.

    edit: remembered a couple more things (2 things that i had to stop and think about because of it's weirdness.. almost became lucid i think)

    first thing was me seeing katrina in 5th period with a motorcycle. i was like, hmm.. that's weird.. she got a motorcycle instead of a car? then my mind goes.. OK, THAT SOUNDS TOTALLY FINE. NOTHING WEIRD ABOUT THAT. then i continue whatever i was doing.. which i forgot.

    second was in a FA. I woke up, and I still had my boxers on (i put back my shorts after WBTB cause it was cold, but i didn't question that). Then I look at my thighs and I see cuts, almost like I cut myself on purpose. There were quite a few, and I think I remember seeing cuts on my arm too. I was just like.. WTF? when did I get these cuts?? then again, my mind goes, HMM WHATEVER I JUST DONT REMEMBER. IT'S FINE. and I go into the bathroom and wash my face and everything, and I wake up for real and I'm late to school

    It seems like I'm getting closer to become more aware in my dreams, as I'm actually questioning these weird things that are happening in my dreams. I've never done that before, so hopefully my awareness will boost up over time and I can finally have a DILD in fantasy land.

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