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    Dream Journal 7/2/2011

    by , 07-02-2011 at 08:08 PM (447 Views)
    been a loooong time since i last wrote in my dream journal, but i've been remembering my dreams a lot lately, so here it goes

    first dream i remember was that i was still in school. kevin yun came over to my house with someone else and they were in my room. i remember kevin being super annoying, jumping on my bed and crap and blasting hella loud music, making me embarrassed to have them over. i then had to go to school but kevin was ditching and was staying at my house. i was just like ugh. then i remember facebooking it LOL saying "never letting kevin stay at my house again" and i got like thousands of likes and comments saying they never will either. i then woke up like it was a nightmare for some reason.

    second dream, i was in bed with my supposed girlfriend. i went over to kiss her on the forehead, and then that turned into making out and foreplay. felt super real... lol. then all of a sudden i hear like police outside, and then im on the run trying to get away from the police as i take my girlfriend with me. we did twists and turns and went through secret doorways until we lost them. we eventually stopped at some crowd to blend in. i think we met some friends there. this felt like a recurring dream, because all of a sudden the police started lining up all the people they arrested and ordered them to go to this place to get shots. they said if you know your on the list you better go with them, so i went. but i never got the shot lol. i felt like i had had this dream before for some reason, but im not sure.

    third dream i remember, was being in this weird enclosed hallway. whoah wait a sec, major dream recall just happened. there was this guy, who was very sad i think i remember.. he was at the cemetery. something like that, trying to solve the answer to how someone died. a girl sees him there and falls in love with him. then dream switches to me and him and alvin in the hallway. the guy accuses alvin of killing his friend. then as he's in the middle, and alvins at the end and im at the other end, i raise my gun at him and say "confess, you killed him." alvin raises his gun as well. he starts walking towards me and i shoot, he backs away, i say "don't move... CONFESS!" he starts moving towards me, i shoot again, he backs away. then, he starts moving again, i shoot, but he keeps walking like he doesnt die. eventually i run and he tries to stab me with a knife. i counter it and take the knife from him and stab him but he still doesnt die. the dream then switches from being dark and suspenseful to something like a video game. i then decide i just want to leave so i do. turns out we were in some park. i went inside their mall thing cause i was hungry, and then i remembered that i had a disneyland gift card for $20 that i left at home so i cursed myself. i was around looking for something to drink, but i realized i already had a jumbo dr.pepper in my hand. i met ian on the way. i remember seeing my brother complain to someone on the phone about what they wanted him to buy (strawberry pizza o_O). i passed chipotle and went into the tostito store or something like that, where they had a whole bunch of i forgot what it's called.. mexican eggroll things lol. all different kinds of flavors. i met ate there, and she said hans loved meatballs lol. then the dream switches to me back at home saying bye to alvin and shenel and kalvin.

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    non-lucid , memorable
