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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Portalling and Derrick Rose

      by , 08-23-2011 at 09:17 PM

      DILD + FAs

      Recall: poor

      I had a lot of work with the new portal technique. This time although it would create portals, they took me to the wrong place.

      I was looking for Jonah with some adult guy. We walked down this hallway and I wondered if he maybe went through this mirror. I touch my finger to it and see if it is made of goo. I think he could only do that if it is a dream so I RC.

      Lucid, I try to go through the mirror. However, I fail and my dream soon goes black. I am still feeling my way around for a bit.

      I thought I woke up and tried to DEILD. In retrospect, I think I was still asleep in an FA. I remember thinking that I should probably get up soon, but I really wanted another chance to LD.

      I believe I RC and continue trying to teleport. I am making some portals for a bit. I remember being able to walk through them, but not being very happy with the destinations.

      I think I FA again and I am watching a basketball game. There was some issue with reporters doing something to the players so there were some strange interviews. The game started 1 on 1 with Ben Wallace and some other guy. Ben Wallace got the ball first and went down the court. He turned around and hucked the ball, trying to make a behind the back 3 pointer. When that happened, all of the other starting 5s rushed the court to start playing.

      I am now playing too. They think I am Derrick Rose. I know it is a dream and that I am not Rose, but I feel like I have to play because they expect me to. I am terrible. I do make a few good plays to get good looks, but I miss every shot badly. The ball is also bigger than normal.


      I become lucid and go back to making portals. I am trying to find Heather. I imagine her as vividly as I can, and try to draw a portal. But this time I can't even make a portal. I try it again, and I see it. I walk through, still imagining her, but I end up laying down in the dark. I walked through the portal and ended up laying face down about 2 ft. past the portal in darkness. I stand up and am now standing back out of the portal. I step out and soon lose the dream.

      FA. I am disappointed that I couldn't find Heather and give up.

      Some guy is talking to me and I get some mail. Heather had sent me a letter. It was from some club she was doing and I assumed it was an invitation. I open it and I find my name on some roster. I can't find her name.

      I become lucid somehow and try to portal to her once. It goes to some random room and give up. I want to teleport to the DVA. I am imagining the outside of castle. It is stormy with winds howling. My breathing during this sounds just like whipping winds. I imagine stormy waters. I look at the portal and head through. But it takes me to a random room again.

      Updated 08-30-2011 at 12:49 AM by 41128

    2. DC's jet advice on flying attempt

      by , 08-21-2011 at 06:54 PM

      DILD + DEILD

      Recall: somewhat poor

      The first bit of the non-lucid that I remember was in a park. There was hanging handle you could slide on. I jump on and use it. A group on black kids were upset that I used their thing. One of them was a big kid. They are being pretty hostile towards me. Will is there and they somehow get distracted for a second. I use this opportunity for a surprise attack. I hit one away and start stomping on the fat kid. Will stops me and asks me what I'm doing. I said they were about to attack me so I struck first. They said they weren't going to do anything. I apologized for acting rash.

      The dream skips to his big room. I am talking with some girl about dream sharing. We thought it is awesome that one dreamer can enter another's memories. We end up playing out a scenario where I am exploring a memory she had (still not lucid....). Eventually I get this big textbook that I was looking for and leave.

      I somehow become lucid and realize I have to fly somewhere. I have this backpack with a heavy book in it. I am worried this will ruin my chances of flying, and of course it does.

      I somehow end up this house with like 4 other people my age in the kitchen. They are all talking and I move over to the hottest girl and see if I can make a move. In response to my advances, she said, "let me see what you got and we'll see." We had to leave the room before she would try anything. I thought she might be into the kinky stuff so I just throw us onto the floor right outside the door. She is not impressed and leaves.

      One of the other girls knew I had trouble flying and needed help. She was upset that I was just using this opportunity for sex. She didn't believe I really needed help; she thought it was all a ploy for sex. I then became sad that I let her down and I really needed help. To prove I can't fly I open a portal next to her because it is my only means of transportation. I divert my gaze and draw a circle on the wall. A very lop sided red shape appears. And it is like 5 ft. off the ground. I climb into it and imagine my house. I fall out the other side and land in my house.

      I go out back to try flying again, no longer having the backpack. I failed again. My mom was behind me and told me to imagine how it would feel to be a fighter plane. I lose the dream

      I am awake in my bed. I can vividly picture the centripetal force with every turn of flying a jet. I keep this sensation in my head and DEILD.

      I am on my back porch again and excited to try to fly again using tactile imagination. I imagine the sensation again and try to fly. It worked for a bit, but it was not sustained. Eventually I lose the dream.

      The DCs were very interactive and helpful during this dream.
    3. DEILD chain sex attempt

      by , 08-18-2011 at 07:35 PM

      DEILD chain (~5) + DEILD chain (2)

      Recall: somewhat poor

      Notes: This dream sucked

      The dream started in a hotel room. I had been roomed up with some random girl. She is pretty tall with shoulder length wavy blonde hair. I say, "lets do something rash." I was talking about having sex with a completely random person right after we met. She agreed and we laid down on the bed to get started.

      Once we started going at it I became semi-lucid. It turns out my mom was is the room so I asked her to leave. She obliged. We are still pretty covered up in sheets so I am hoping she didn't see me. A minute later I see that my brother is watching TV in the room too. There is some dirty stuff on the TV. I ask him to leave too, and he heads out the door. I didn't care that he was trying to watch porn, I just hope he didn't see me either. The TV is on throughout the rest of the dream, playing porn for part of it. We are doing cowgirl, but I keep having to shift positions a bit. After a few more minutes I lose the dream.


      I am back in the dream for like 2 minutes having sex before I lose it again.

      In the next 3 or so DEILDs, I went back into the dream laying on the bed with the girl on the couch next to me. I tried to tell her to come over but it woke me up. If I moved towards her I would wake up. I was stuck laying there speechless. If I talked or moved I would just wake up.

      Eventually I get past this and am able to have sex for a bit before I lose it again.

      I give up, roll over, and have a non-lucid.

      After that last dream, I am able to DEILD into another lucid and I am outside. The girl is with me. I try to make a move and I lose the dream.


      I am planning to make another move when a guy comes up. He is dressed like a British cop and says something like, "If you try that one more time I am going to pull you right out of this dream." I agree and walk on, trying to find something else to do. I end up wandering around back to her and he still sees me, so I move on.

      I become fully lucid, finally realize I can do anything I want, and go to work on my flying. I look at the moon, and shoot up to the sky. I try to level out, but can't be completely level. I am slowly losing altitude and I cannot pull back up. I am flying over a bunch of red roofs, in what looks to be a small fishing village. After awhile I decide I should just fall to the ground. I pull up as hard as I can (without gaining much altitude), and I just stall out and complete my flip in freefall. I land, and decide to try and go to the moon. I try to fly to it, but as I get close, I realize it is behind 2 barriers. There are rectangular openings in large wooden blocks. Each opening is at a different angle. I try to climb through the first one, but I can't make it through.
      Tags: flying, sex
    4. Chichen Itza

      by , 08-17-2011 at 12:35 AM


      Recall: good

      I am taking a nap and laying on my back. I had woken up from dozing off and was laying there a bit (too long for DEILD). Suddenly, I felt the first round of vibrations. I don't move, keep my attention focused. Another round of vibrations and I determine it is okay to sit up.

      I sit up and pinch my nose, success. I had trouble separating from my other body. Although I am sitting up, I can still feel the bed on my upper body. My vision is also very blurry. I stabilize for a second, and my vision clears. However, I am having trouble breathing. My real body is on my back, and I think my tongue may have semi-blocked my airway. I decide if it was a real problem I would be forced to wake up, so I wheeze and trudge on.

      I open the door to leave my room, and I enter this white hallway. It looks somewhat like the scene from a previous dream. It appears like a white maze. I decide to just bust out the window and fall to the ground. I land in the courtyard area of a hotel. By now, my breathing feels normal again. I head across the courtyard to what looks like a little bathroom area. (I can't remember exactly what my goal was.) Eventually I find Mohammed and he greets me. I rub my hands together and spin as I respond to him. I remembered that I could try and go to Chichen Itza like all of the IOSDP people.

      I say to Mohammed, "want to see something cool?" I divert my look and draw a circle up on this ledge. He gasps, as I look back. There is the familiar red glow. I tell Mohammed that we are dreaming an climb up on the ledge. We approach the portal and I say "ready?" as I grab his hand. I visualize a jungle and the temple as hard as I can. After a few seconds, I run forward. In the time I was visualizing, he thought he should start a countdown. The last thing I hear as we cross the barrier is "five" as he started counting down.

      We end up in a jungle. The trees are green and relatively separated. A brown layer of leaves cover the ground. I run forward over the forest floor until there is a part in the trees. I look up and I can see the top of Chichen Itza, except it is animated. It looks like Simpsons animation. I am pretty excited for successfully teleporting here as I round the bend and approach the foot of the pyramid. Once we arrive there, it is no longer animated.

      I remember something about a beacon that you are supposed to use at the pyramid. I point my hand to the top of the temple and focus. A blast of green energy shoots up into the air. It looks like a glowing green ribben attached to the peak of the pyramid. It slowly bends down into a green arch and disappears. I want to try a kameyameyah, and decide I can have fun while trying to signal other dreamers. I use my right hand and make a small circle at the top of the pyramid. I put my left hand into my pocket and pull out an arm that I expect to be like Portal. I don't look at my arm directly, but it just looks like it now has 3 fingers in the shape of the Portal arm. I make another circle, and a glowing, yellow outline forms.

      I ball my hands together and get into a fighting stance. I get pretty low to the ground and focus my anger. "Kame." I don't feel anything yet. "Yame." I pause and slowly feel a tingle. Eventually I can feel substantial pressure and I release. "YAH," I say with full force. A white/yellow energy blast goes right into the portal. It then shoots straight up out of the other portal atop the pyramid. Eventually, it too bends down and disappears.

      I decide to go on top of Chichen Itza to see what it is like. I take off by looking at the sky. After like 30 ft. I need to shift my power to my legs. The extra boost of speed makes for a landing with little finesse. There is a hole in the top that you can jump into. It only goes down like 3 ft, but then you can crawl into another small corridor. I decide I might get stuck and didn't venture further. There are no other DCs/dreamers about.

      I start to leave and I decide to try some wand magic. I reach into my pocket and pull out a wand. I get a glimpse of the jungle and suddenly the scene returns to the bathroom. I didn't go through a portal, but it didn't really phase me. There is a half wall that NS and two other people are trying to climb over. "Winguardium Leviosa," and I lift them off the ground. They laugh as I return them to the floor. I want to try a killing curse on someone so I walk back outside looking for a DC that is being an asshole. There is a hotel pool and it is packed. At first glance, no one looks to be causing trouble. I don't want to hit an innocent DC so I give up. Eventually I start looking for women. I find a lady who is a little thick floating on a raft. She has a cute face, and despite being a pool, I can't find anyone else better. I jump on as I lose the dream.

      Updated 08-17-2011 at 12:52 AM by 41128

    5. Elemental Tidal Waves

      by , 08-14-2011 at 06:57 PM


      Recall: good

      The dream started in a car, as I was traveling with Sam. We were going from town to town looking for something. We find out that there is a brothel nearby and we decide to check it out. Before we went inside, we had to sit and wait outside in the dark. There were a ton of other guys stretched over a half block just killing time before they can go in. I sit down in a white plastic chair next to some people I don't know. Some dude goes up to me and points at the chair I'm sitting in saying, "is that seat taken?" A little confused, I said, "The one I am sitting in? Yeah. Its taken." Another DC laughed at the stupid question. I decided to move away from these guys so I pick up my chair and move around them. I see that the guys around me are sitting in a pink, inflatable couch.

      The dream skipped and we are inside. The whole group of guys are still waiting in this room. The room had a bunch of red velvet it was all pretty fancy looking. Finally, someone walks into the room who works there and calls everyone's attention. He throws out these slips of paper. I look around and see that a few landed by me. I grab one and look at it. It had some weird markings and appears to have been torn out of some other magazine or newspaper. There is a 4 digit number written on there that I cannot make out. I am pissed because apparently we are randomly assigned girls instead of choosing....always a dangerous game.

      The head guy comes over to me and sees the pile of 3 other numbers by my feet. He jokes that I'm hogging all of the numbers. I grab him some numbers and he hands them out so everyone has one. I start walking with him downstairs, still a little confused about this whole process. He asks me if sometimes my words aren't observable as quickly as my thoughts are. I get the gist of what he is saying but I say, "what?" anyway. He says another convoluted statement, but I know he is asking about my stutter. I am just at a brothel, I don't want to talk about this, so I tell him that. He is a host, and I am a guest, so he politely drops the subject.

      We enter a room with a bunch of couches all lined up. I sit down and there is another random dude. Three girls show up. The most attractive one goes to the other guy (figures...). There is a decent looking brunette and a blonde who was a little thick. She had a really round face. Apparently she was new and needed training so I got a 2 for 1 deal. She starts giving me the low down after seeing how nervous I was. This was the part where you just got to know your hooker (on a side note: get to know a hooker is a good idea for a TV show). She said that light arm touches and linking arms are ok. She also mentions something about kissing, and then she dives right in. We made out for half a minute or so. It was nice at first, but then my tongue kept hitting teeth and hard palate. We start talking for a bit. The girls kind of switch off talking to me. I notice they laugh a lot at my terrible jokes, but I guess hookering has to involve some acting.

      The guys are asked to leave and talk with the main host again. I go over and sit next to Sam. The host hands us some cards and starts to talk turkey. He is talking about how much it will cost and other rules as I look at what he gave us. It was some sort of bill. The first thing was a 4 drink maximum. Some drinks were written below it, and they matched the drinks I "remember" having. I didn't drink anything but I thought I had. The total was $45. I didn't think that was so bad. Apparently we still had another "date" part of the encounter coming up, and I was pissed that I used up my drinks. I had no idea that going to a brothel had so much emphasis on the date/talking part. Sam raises his hand to ask something of the host. I look up, and he asks if this date part is required. It is, and Sam doesn't look happy with that answer.

      I lose the dream, and am laying in my bed. I'm pissed that the dream ended before anything good happened. I spent so much time at that damn brothel. Then I feel stupid that I missed a bunch of dream signs.

      Before I know it, I'm back in the dream and outside the brothel. I immediately start running and looking for something to do. I decide to stop, stabilize, and calm myself for a bit. I plop down onto the ground. The ground is some white, powdery stone; it looks like I'm in a quarry. I look up into the daylight, but don't see a sun. I decide to take a lucid pill to increase the dream length while I'm here. I reach into my pocket and grab a good sized pill. I try to take it, but I can't swallow it without water. So I just break it in half and eat the powder.

      I wanted to try to crash the sun into the earth, but there was no sun. I go for the next best thing and stretch my hand to the horizon. I focus hard and slowly raise my hand above a mountain in the distance. Nothing happens, so I look to the side while still pulling. Then, the ground shakes. I look back and this tidal wave of lava is now launching into the air over the mountain. I pull it towards me, and this big, red behemoth is approaching rapidly. It formed a long river of magma as it flew across the sky. As it began to arch down, it looked like a blood-red rainbow; it was beautiful. The river of lava crashes like 30 ft. from me and flows along the ground. The DCs around me were terrified. The river is expanding and flooding up to where I am. I jump back, just as it almost devours my foot. I scramble away, and look back. It appears to be receding now. Within a few seconds, there are only small pools of magma scattered around the quarry.

      I turn around and there is a camera flash. There is only one guy standing right be behind me. He looks at me and says, "I know you're dreaming." I didn't like how he snuck a picture of me and knows this fact. He doesn't seem like a DG and seemed confrontational. I make my move; jumping at him, I am able to wrestle him to the ground. I stand up and suddenly there is a black SUV with like 5 more of these guys in suits. I look up and try to fly, at first I fall back down. On the second attempt, I take to the sky.

      I can feel propulsion coming from my legs as I am heading for the stars. I level out and fly over grassy terrain. There were beautiful rolling hills. My legs start to bend in a sitting position and suddenly I'm flying in a plastic chair. In this position, I lost all of my thrust. Eventually I start losing altitude and land outside this building.

      It is a construction site, and I start up the scaffolding. Jonah is there, and he is hiding from these people. There are a bunch of men in suits. We duck out of view, and I have an idea. I look to the horizon again and raise my hand. A towering pillar of water crests the mountain and guides toward us. Seconds later, impact. The whole building is rocked as I cling onto the nearest object. I stand up and there are massive holes in the walls. No sign of the enemies.

      I get sucked out of the dream so quickly I couldn't prepare for another DEILD.

      Updated 08-15-2011 at 06:52 PM by 41128

      lucid , memorable
    6. Taking on Megatron

      by , 08-07-2011 at 06:00 PM

      DILD into DEILD chain (~3)

      Recall: somewhat poor

      This was my first time using a new flying technique and it worked pretty well. I used the magnet technique by focusing on a destination to take off, but after I was in the air, I switched to my own propulsion. I could feel myself being propelled from my thighs.

      The dream started with me walking up a snowy hill in the forest. The snow was like a foot deep so the trek was difficult. After reaching the top, I somehow became lucid.

      I wanted to work on my dream snowboarding. (many previous efforts have led to difficulty). I look around and find a snowboard bag. I unzip it and remove the board. I somehow attach the board to my feet relatively easy; I don't remember how exactly I strapped in. (Previous dreams have had strange contraptions to try and strap into.) It is a very shallow slope with a few rails. I decide me make a go for it and I line up my run. I board slide onto the first rail and then switch to a backside board slide. As the first rail is ending, I 360 onto the next one and then ride out the backside board slide cleanly. I was super pumped that I pulled off a sweet trick. I decide to try and do a back flip. There is no real lip to jump off of, and the slope doesn't allow for a lot of speed. Nonetheless, I went for it and hucked off a small roller...no dice. I guess it wasn't feasible enough for me to even imagine a flip. After 2 attempts I lose the dream.


      This dream is all sexual. I think I am at some house party, and I find a babe named Lindsey; she is a brunette with a nice body. We fool around for awhile, and I lose the dream.

      DEILD (from here on, I am not sure when I restart dreams with DEILD or when they just change scenes)

      I think this one starts with Lindsey also. We fool around for a bit and then head outside. There is a car that I want parked out front. Some dude is sitting in there and I ask for it. He is resisting so I decide to try and convince him. I reach into my pocked and feel around for a the cool, metal butt of a gun. My pocked is surprisingly shallow and I can't find one. I can feel my hand be kind of wrapped in something. I pull that out, expecting a gun, and point it in his face. It is just my hand in a weird distorted position. I just pull him out of the car and get in with Lindsey. I get a little road head.

      DEILD (probably)

      I am still outside of that house. I decide to work on my flying. I look up to the stars and pull myself toward them. On my way up, I remembered the platform technique where you imagine an invisible platform pushing you. I try that and can feel me being propelled from my feet. That soon moved up to my thighs and stayed there. I had good power and control through turns. I try to go to space, but it turns out the starts were just details on some roof. It felt kind of soft like felt. I turn back down and there is more trouble ahead...

      Out of nowhere appears a HUGE robot. It looks kind of like a robotic version of of a person. It is very blocky and square, kind of like the old school optimus prime. Instead of a metallic face, it was just a giant blocky human face. I start flying laterally past him and looking for a way to take him out. I go for a kameyameyah, but it doesnt work. Out of ideas, I shoot myself towards his face and land a forceful punch right to his dome. He recoils from the hit. While he is in defensive mode, I pile it on. Another couple of hits and he cowers to the ground, incapacitated.

      I most likely DEILD and have another sexual dream with my Lindsey.
    7. From Alice in Wonderland to Brendan's House

      by , 08-06-2011 at 12:10 AM


      I have noticed recently one way that I have been able to become lucid as I am losing non-lucid dreams. Sometimes I will be talking to someone, and they ask me to repeat something I said (usually by saying "what?"). Right before I say my line again, I realize if I speak, I will lose the dream. If I say my previous line verbatim, the dream will fade out. I can't describe this feeling, but my environment feels like it is on the brink of fading to black. This time, I realized this and altered my line just enough to maintain the dream with some stabilization techniques.

      I was able to get my previous portal method to work again. It is now 2/2, and I am excited about it.

      The dream started with Jack, and we were barbecuing something outside. The setting looked kind of like my cousins house. He asked my a question and I said my answer. He said, "what?"
      I became lucid and knew I couldn't resay what I just said. I say something similar and I everything starts to go fuzzy. I rub my hands together and wander off. I quickly lose lucidity as I find a tree stump out in a field. It is a passageway into an underground area. The inside is pretty strange. I can't remember most of the details. Both the entrance and freaky underground room reminded my of Alice in Wonderland. There were goofy mushrooms and plants everywhere. I feel bad for leaving Jack hanging after not really answering his question. I write my answer on a little slip of paper and put it by the entrance of this underground wonderland. I turn around and see Kevin in there too.

      Seeing him makes me lucid again. I ask if he knows where he is. He says no. I say hes in a dream and lead him to the entrance. There is a shaft that is about 20 ft. high to the entrance. At the bottom there is some sort of bubble to jump off of to make it out. I tell Kevin how to leave or that because it is a dream, he can just fly. I attempt the jump but it only gets my half way. The bubble threw off my take off when trying to fly. I extend my arms and legs to the side to hold myself on the wall. I ninja warrior myself up and out of the stump, and Kevin soon follows.

      We end up outside of this garage area. I super jump onto the wall and talk to him for a bit about being in a dream. I show him that he can fly by taking off. I launch like 100 ft. into the air and then fall back to the ground. I want to show him that I can float, so I try to hover off of the garage to the ground. I am not able to hover as successfully as I planned. I ended up gliding to the ground slowly instead of being suspended in the air. I think it still gets my point across.

      I decide to try and make a portal with the same method that worked earlier. I point my hand to the side of the building across the way. I look away so it is just in my peripheral vision. I draw an oval, and out of the corner of my eye, I see a red outline. I look over, and there is a perfect glowing red oval. It looks like a red version of the Portal (game) portals. I now try and decide where it should go. For some reason I want to show Kevin where I used to hang out during high school. I imagine Brendan's attic, and walk through.

      It works and I am pretty excited. Kevin walks in and turns the TV on and off multiple times. I ask him what he is doing. He says it will freak out Brendan in waking life to see his TV turn on and off randomly. I think that is genius. Screw shared dreaming; I am going to affect waking life. We also mute another TV, and brendan wakes up. He cannot see us because we are in the dream world (and I think he isn't). We quietly back away down the stairs. He follows us and as I am about to turn and leave, I look back. We meet eyes and he says, "I can smell you." I assume he smells weed. Me and Kevin leave.

      There is a party back at our place. I still think I am invisible walking around the real world. I eventually see Mallory (old crush) and I start talking. I ask her if she can see me and she says yes.
      Once I know she can see me, I lose lucidity. We start talking and sit at a table. I mention that we just found a roommate, and she was upset. She said she was going to take the room. I felt so stupid that if we waited a few more days, Mallory could live with us. I say we could try and squeeze in another roommate. I say our rent is like 320 with utilities for 4 people. So with 5, it would be under 200. (Those estimates and math are completely off.) She is shocked at how cheap it is. I start talking with this other girl and we leave the group. I meant to leave alone, but she left at the same time so we ended up walking together. As we enter the house, I lose the dream.

      Updated 08-18-2011 at 07:41 PM by 41128

    8. Haunted House

      by , 07-31-2011 at 05:28 PM


      This was the most vivid LD Ive had in awhile.

      I was riding in the back seat of a car with Ben and Nick up front. I found a sweet toy on the floor. It was a little cannon and there were 2 small fireworks that could be loaded in and shot. The cannon barrel was around 4 inches long. After struggling for awhile, I load the first charge and stuff it in. This supposed to explode and launch the second firework out of the cannon. It is small and cylindrical with a giant fuse. I light the small projectile firework and throw it on top. We are driving on Kenilworth past Oak Park. I hold the cannon out of the car window and shoot. It fires with a loud bang. Nick was shocked and asked what that was. I told him and he was pissed he hadn't heard about that toy earlier. We drive up to the projectile and it is now the size of my fist (was pea sized). Nick said that was HUGE. I said it was smaller when I shot it, it must have fused and expanded.

      I am walking with Ben around the outside of what appears to be a giant church. We are then walking around outside this big church. and meet up with some more people. There are the 2 twins, A and D, some half black kid, and 2 girls. The church is apparently Bens house and he wants to give a tour. I have apparently been there before. He says it is haunted and that the twins should go first to get the full experience. They walk down this spiral staircase into the darkness.

      I, for some reason, jumped over the banister and fell down like 15 ft. to the ground. As I landed, one of the twins was whispering. I ended up looking up to him with a weird perspective of his nose. Because of this he looked and sounded just like Voldemort. I told him that and we laughed. One of the twins has a laser pointer and points it at some intricate glass table ornament. As he does, the laser gets reflected all over the room, like a disco ball. It was pretty cool so he did it again. We continue the tour around this amazing home. The half black kid mentioned that he just got off work and was beat. He wanted to smoke. We go room through room, and each is more extravagant than the last. Everything looked very clean and white. The place was like a maze or gorgeous rooms. I end up getting separated from the guys in the group. I look over and the 2 girls are completely naked eating each other out from behind.

      I starting thinking to myself, there is no way this is happening. This is INSANE. It must be a dream, but it feel so real. I do a the nose RC still believing this felt too real to be a dream.
      I can breathe! I recheck just to be safe. So I go over and join the 2 lovely ladies. One was a brunette with good sized breasts and the other was a skinnier blonde with small boobs. I ask if I can join and we start messing around. I started to focus more on the brunette because I found her more attractive. The blonde says, "oh...so you like Mindy more." So I guess her name is Mindy. I know a Mindy in real life who has the same body type, but I decide it doesn't look like her. Mindy starts nibbling on my ear and whispering to me. The blonde girl gets the other ear. I put my arm around each as the boys rejoin us.

      It is kind of an awkward scene to walk into. They have like 1 comment about it and leave it alone. They started talking about the house. Suddenly the girls and I are all clothed again. I decide to scare them a bit with the haunted house. I use telekinesis to lift a candle up and float it across the room. This scares the hell out of the twins, and I do it again. Ben somehow knows its me. I admit to it and say this is a dream. Thats how I can do this. I end up making one of the twins float as a joke. I wanted to show them more lucid tricks. I think I did a few more demonstrations that I am forgetting here

      Suddenly, a man with a gun barges into the room, pointed it at us. I duck behind a couch and expect to grab a gun out of my pocket. I feel something and then grab in the other pocket for a clip. I pull both out, but only end up with the clip in my hands. I pop the clip into nothing and pantomime shooting, but there are no shots. I eventually jump at the guy and start punching him. He falls to the ground; time to have some fun. I grab his feet and start hitting him in the face with them. I kept saying, "stop kicking yourself, stop kicking yourself." Eventually I ball him up into the size of a basketball. I use telekinesis to lift him up and shoot him out this window. The gang was really enjoying the show. I woke up soon after.
    9. Attempts to find the Academy

      by , 07-30-2011 at 01:29 AM

      DEILD chain

      I decided to take a nap after already having a ton of sleep. I initially tried to WILD, but that only led to me having a short daydream. After awhile I was able to DEILD like 4 or so times, but I could not get a dream to last longer than a few minutes.I think it is because I have slept for 10 hrs last night and then napped so my body doesnt stay asleep long.

      Some background...each time I try and find my DG, he or she looks and behaves differently. I don't believe I have one, but I often try to summon them to give me powers. I was trying to perfect my flying abilities. I found more random people as DGs here. First here is the initial daydream fragment.

      I remember trying to WILD and losing sensations in both of my arms. I felt like I could move them, but they had been still for so long, I stopped feeling them. In the dream I was smoking with Christo and someone else. We went back to talk to a few more guys. I had mentioned that we were pretty high from smoking a bowl and a joint each. I end up getting passed a giant 3 ft joint. I find it super easy to inhale for a long time despite it being massive. Eventually I retract my jaw in the dream and this happens in to my real body and I wake up.

      I am upset at my failed WILD so I just roll over. I get pretty comfortable again and try to fall asleep.

      I am a camp counselor is a kids soccer camp. I am playing with the kids and I see SD playing. I assume he is a counselor too and we jokingly get pretty competitive together. A ball is hit past us (we are on opposite teams) and we sprint after it. I beat him and we joke for a second as I throw it back in. I am playing for a bit and end up in the offensive corner. I go for a long cross and it is HUGE. Somehow this little girl is able to 1 time it in. I do a celebratory airplane motion and congratulate the girl. After playing some more, I wake up

      I realize that I am awake and try to DEILD. I imagine the sensation of me running on the grass field. I just dreamt it so this was easy to to. I focused on the weight of each foot in the soggy grass, the feeling of my shirt as I bounced up and down, and I would lean in and touch the grass as I ran.

      Soon enough I could actually feel these sensations. I sit down and focus on the ground to stabilize the dream. I am worried about my rushed excitement (I was just running) shortening the dream so I sit down and calm myself. I stand up, and super jump of a fence. I stand and say, "DG, I know you are behind me, and I need your help." I hear a voice behind me and it is a man I don't know. I ask him if he can tell me how to get to the academy. He gives me a bunch of road directions. It is to go up the mountains somewhere. I ask him about flying there and he didn't have a satisfactory response. I shoot into the air and lose the dream.

      Same DEILD sensations as before. I used the running in grass experience multiple times.

      I am back in the field and call to my DG again. As I expect him or her to be behind me, I see a shadow. I turn and it is a girl this time. I ask her to take me to the academy and I somehow lose lucidity. I am riding on a bike up this mountain path when I see a sign. It is the mountain where the academy is. She must have been taking me there all along! I become lucid and speed up and reach the quaint little cottage.

      I lose the dream....DEILD back to mountain

      I am pretty lucid, but not fully. There is a small door and the building is full of small dwarf people. They apparently have a bad history with humans because I say something like, "I am Devin, I am a human. We may not respect you, but I have come to learn." I bow at the one's feet who is apparently the master I was looking for. He takes me out front. Across a small field are 2 eight ft. posts with targets on top of them. He asks if I can fly to those. I am pretty sure I can, but only end up semi gliding and I can only barely touch on with my hand as I have to hold on to the post to not fall. He has a disappointed response. I am upset with how this process is going. I was hoping he would give me a technique to use if future LDs, I cannot stay here though a long lesson; I will wake up soon. Disappointed, I look up to the dark, red sky and take off. Moments later I lose the dream
    10. Attack Helicopter

      by , 07-28-2011 at 08:12 PM


      I had woken up to write in my DJ and had some trouble falling back asleep. I thought I should say some mantras if I was too awake to try a WILD. I repeat in my head, "I will recognize that I am dreaming." I imagined myself in various dream scenarios questioning reality and doing RCs. Eventually I fall asleep.

      The dream started on a plane with my mom and brother. I decide to explore the plane, so I leave my seat and start to walk around. I enter a storage room where I find a bunch of animals in travel cages. At the far end of the elongated room, I can see a small hole that leads out of the side of the plane. Light was shining in through this crack. I see my old dog and a large animal that may have been a sea lion or maybe a large cat (cougar or lion), and they are both not in cages. Then suddenly, the far side of the room dipped. The plane was banking and we slid towards the hole. The plane engaged the flaps so the hole was now large enough to fall through. The big animal started sliding out and looked at me in terror. I slide after it and grabbed onto a paw (or whatever appendage). there are small ledges on the side so I use my feet to stop us from sliding out. I pull it up to safety. The plane kept banking to our side, but we knew it was coming and could stay safe. I also see hundreds of really small king charles cavalier dogs. About 5 could fit in my palm. I think it is a shame that these animals are being shipped somewhere but I leave the storage room.

      The plane has landed by the time I return to my seat. My family has already deplaned and I am gathering my things. I hear that Robin is a flight attendant so I do my best to avoid her. I catch of glimpse of her as I leave.

      I start hanging with some friends at the airport. They were bored and horny so we all went to the bathroom where they started rubbing their dicks against this scaffolding thing with a rubber tube on it. I thought it was pretty gay so I left. But that did get me in the mood so I go and try to find Robin. We meet up and she wants to have kinky, public sex. She was wearing her flight attendant uniform with a yellow skirt. We decide to find a booth in a restaurant somewhere where she can sit on my lap and go at it. Eventually we find one I insert. The room was relatively empty until my friends decided to show back up. They all sat down at our table and started talking. I am trying to thrust incognito and eventually just start flexing the dick muscle. She called that a "pro move". haha. Ben was with the group and pulled up Robin's skirt (while Im still occupying it). They started laughing and said "look, there are 4 of them...1...2...3...4" as he pointed to 4 places up her skirt. I assumed it was some STD shit so I pulled out and left.

      I walk outside pissed off. I don't even know how to get home. I just say this sucks, I bet none of this is even real and do an RC.
      I get lucid and look to the sky. There is a large red cloud. I stare at it as I take off. It is slow at first but after a second of flying I have a burst in speed. I enter the cloud and try to fly through. I am in the cloud for like 6 seconds and it is just blurry gray around me. I start to lose the dream. I realize I have to dive back down below the cloud in order to stay in the dream. I am now out and flying around. I see a helicopter and jet in the distance and decide to go after them. Suddenly, I hit some tree branches. I grab one, stand on it, and take off again. This time I am able to catch up to the helicopter. It was one of the best flying abilities Ive had in awhile. The chopper is only like 5 ft long. I grab onto the landing bars and hold on. I look up to the underside of the chopper, and I see two little army faces looking at me through a hole. The hole is a little larger than my fist so I punch through. I hit half of each face and they recoil. I go around to the pilots door and suddenly it is toy sized. I reach in and pull out live GI Joe looking guys. I toss them out, and when the chopper is empty, I toss it too.

      This was the second dream I had (other is bar fight) where I thought to myself "this sucks, I dont want to do this, maybe its a dream and I wont have to." Both times I became lucid. Possible dream sign.

      Updated 07-28-2011 at 08:15 PM by 41128

    11. Flying to Elementary School

      by , 07-28-2011 at 07:37 PM


      In this dream and the next dream I woke up after the LD and decided to write down notes in the DJ. Both times they were FAs and I really woke up within seconds of reaching for the journal. I need to do RCs when Im thinking of writing notes or just try to DEILD.

      All I remember is I became lucid in some desert wasteland place.
      I am feeling pretty horny, and the only thing I could think of was this kindergarten teacher who was hot. I may have seen her in a previous dream but I "remember" her as my real one. So I decide to fly to the school. I boost straight up into the air, and the desert winds suddenly hit and thrust me to the side. They are ridiculously strong. I reorient myself and am now flying with the wind. This is the fastest Ive every flown. I was flying with a tremendous amount of force. Eventually we come over a few towns separated by mountainy regions. I choose my target building over the farthest town and head there. I realize I am flying way to fast to try and land. (I love to freefall to the ground but this was so much faster). I was scared it was going to hurt. I knew I was dreaming but at my speed I couldn't imagine it NOT hurting. I try to slow down, but all I do is rotate my body. So now I am flying at Mach 3 in a sitting up position. I turn shoulder/side first and I close my eyes as I brace for impact. I collide into a wall at full speed and smash it. I am still outside and unscathed. I walk inside and I remember finding the teacher and her classroom. She really wasn't that attractive, just old. A bunch of children start to enter the scene so I just leave.
    12. Racing in Amsterdam, other fragments

      by , 07-25-2011 at 08:36 PM


      I had around 5 or 6 LDs separated by FAs with DEILD attempts. They were pretty sexual at first and then moved into experimenting with methods of dream control. This was the first time I tried to use the "operator" matrix technique for control and it failed.

      The night started with a non-lucid where I was trying to masturbate. I had the ingenious idea to try and have sex with a tissue box because the top was a soft hole. haha. Then it moved to me in a friend's car trying to finish. I had to wait for SC in the drivers seat of the SUV and eventually his dad interrupted me (although it was really BGs dad).

      In the next dream I became lucid in Amsterdam. I went into this sex shop where I saw Mattie working there. I go up and start talking and it quickly moves onto frisking. We continue talking during this process and work our way downstairs. I am rubbing my hands together to maintain the dream. It looks the basement of the Bulldog coffee shop with more places to sit. There were large brown automens where people were supposed to have sex on. There scattered people around so we go to the back. We start taking off our clothes and I must have gotten distracted for a second because I look back and she has short curly jew guy hair and is no longer attractive. She said she got a new hair cut and it was a deal breaker for me. So I head back upstairs.

      Upstairs I found that the place was also part grocery store. I was walking down the frozen food isle and I found a hot blonde. We start fondling for a bit and then I decide to do something better with my LD.

      I walk out front and look for a sweet car to drive in. I see a BMW and got in. The pedals were very close together. For some reason I put 1 foot on each pedal and it was uncomfortable. The pedals were so close my ankles had to touch. I start driving down the streets of Amsterdam (thankfully with no bicyclists on the road). I am going really fast and can swerve between cars. I found out I can push one of the pedals to the side to make it at a normal distance. Eventually I see a yellow race car parked on the side of the road. It looked like a lean formula 1 car and had a huge fin sticking up in the back. The drivers seat was exposed and there was a girl in it. I couldnt resist the upgrade. I walk over and get the girl out of the car. She said it was a bad idea. I get in and the pedals are close again. Then I look forward and there is no steering wheel, just 2 levers. And even worse, the levers are way out of my reach. I am pissed the girl was right and I lose the dream soon after.

      I re enter a dream looking at a TV with a bulls highlight on it. I think if I focus long enough eventually I can make it into a dream. It has an inbound play from the corner. Noah takes the ball and hits it off Shaqs head and he runs the baseline (the ball was already inbounded). He finishes and I think it was a sweet move. Suddenly I am down with some team groupies I guess. It has a girl that I start getting hot and heavy with. Eventually I leaver her to do other things.

      I try to find a safe somewhere to see what is inside. I was hoping it would be some deep secret like inception. I look for awhile and KK (not roommate) tries to stop me. I start running and putting my finger to my ear. I try to call the operator and ask for some abilities. I can only faintly hear my mom's voice talking about me being still asleep. I figure that I hear her speaking next to my sleeping body (despite me not living at my parents house). I lose the dream on the run.

      I become lucid outside of some nice looking campus building. It is large and there are tall trees outside. I am with my mom and tell her that we are dreaming. She says something like, "so i can fly?" I was like sure and tried to show her. I end up only jumping like 5 ft. I retry and then just try to float. I tell her to pretend to be a piece of paper in the wind. I can feel the breeze pick me and gently toss me around. I have no control and am rolling over but still floating.

      I think a different dream starts and I am running around my old house trying to find a token that I can say is magic and give me powers. I decide to ground myself by licking the fridge and it tasked....like a fridge. I open it and taste some pink lemonade. It tasted fruity but not the right kind of fruit. I never find the token and make my way to the living room. I decide to call for my dream guide so he can maybe help get some powers. I see an aura of light by the TV. I say, "my dreamguide!" and as something starts to appear there I hear my mom yell at me. She was standing right behind me with my brother who was sitting on the couch. It was so loud my stomach felt like it dropped out. I then wake up.
      lucid , false awakening
    13. Star Wars battle and bar fight

      by , 07-21-2011 at 02:20 AM


      This dream occurred during a nap. It started when I woke up and was able to WILD. It includes multiple battle scenes, but because the dream is so long, I am missing pieces. For the initial WILD, I had a strong butterfly feeling in my stomach as I entered the dream.

      After I felt my stomach drop, I did the nose RC and I had successfully WILDed. I stood up from my bed but the room was dark and fuzzy. I spun around like 4 times and rubbed my hands together. This did not clear up my vision. As I stumble out the door, I lose the dream and have an FA.

      I "woke up" in my bed with two girls in the room. They were apparently my friends and one may have been SW. I told them I just had a lucid dream and we started talking about it. We thought it would be cool if we could all become lucid and try playing instruments together in a dream. I lay back down in my dream bed and attempt another WILD.

      I sat up in the same bed with the girls there. I did an RC and I was dreaming. So I try to play an instrument like we planned earlier. I chose a saxophone but it looked like a lot of work to assemble, and it seemed like a waste of lucid time so I left the room.

      There is a large gap in my memory here. I think I lost the dream soon after and FAed once or twice. I believe I tried a few sexual endeavors. I remember I was hanging with a group of bandit type people and probably fighting. This is where the memorable stuff starts.

      Something bad happens with my team of DCs. We were trying to accomplish some goal and failed. The leader of the group looks like an Indiana Jones type character. He said we have to go deeper into the dream; it was the only way. Despite the Inception reference, our goal was to take down the server, like in the matrix.
      I realize that I am still dreaming and I am facing a giant metal cylinder and I peer down into it. There is only white abyss. Im not afraid of death, and the leader thought it was the right idea. We all leap into the tube (probably 15 ft in diameter) and land in this hallway with metal walls. A lone stormtrooper is standing at the end of the hallway and the leader incapacitates him somehow. I say "secure the blast doors" just because I thought it was a funny Star Wars line to say. And then I heard a stormtrooper voice say the same thing. We run forward to engage more troopers.

      I split off from the group and enter a room with a few stormtroopers and many big metal boxes just sitting in the middle of the room. As soon as I see the first trooper I use a force push. He falls back like 10 ft. and stays down. I look at another and I shoot a web spiderman style right at his face. I retract the web so he is thrust toward me. I grab him and use him as a human shield as I reach into my pocket. I expect to pull out a handgun and dig for 3 seconds until I feel the right shape. I pull it out, jam in a clip, and shoot over the troopers shoulder at another. I only have like 5 shots before I run out. I drop the gun and charge another trooper. I punched him once in the face and he went down. (Im not sure what happened to the trooper I was using as a human shield. He may have just fell down.) I rejoin my team and we push forward. I lose the dream soon after.

      I have another FA and I wake up somewhere that is not my house. I needed to drive back home, but I was still very tired. I was trying to drive with my eyes barely able to stay open. It seems pretty dangerous so I pull over. My buddy SC comes up on a bike and I grab one and start riding with him. After a few minutes I was tired and complaining about the bike ride. I was like, "this sucks, I bet im dreaming and I dont even have to do this." Not really expecting it to work, I perform an RC and it does. I double check and I am dreaming.

      I tried to show SC that I was dreaming by making a DC levitate. I point out my hand and try some telekinesis. Although telekinesis is one of my most consistent lucid abilities, it didnt work. The DC only looked up as I tried to make her float. We enter a bar in a small courtyard area. There are only guys in the bar when I walk in. Two people are slouching in chairs. We go up to them and they seem pretty hostile. I decide to fight for my dignity. However, there was just a lot of failed control moments. I try many of the same moves as with the stormtroopers but they arent as effective. I decide to pull out another gun, but it jams or something. And it turns out he has a bigger one. I was able to land a few good blows on one, but I was disappointed for being lucid and him only being a DC. Despite this, he was impressed and let us chill at the bar. It seemed to be some sort of test for toughness and I passed. He introduces me to the bartender and I find a girl that I start fooling around with. I soon wake up
    14. The School for Gifted Youngsters

      by , 05-16-2011 at 05:14 PM


      The dream started in a locker bay of my old school as I was getting ready to go home. I was recruited by an old guy to go with him to this place where I could hone my special talents. He was referring to the powers I have when I am lucid. So I agreed and he flew me through a complex secret passageway and I ended up in Disney World. We travelled through most of the park until we hit our destination. It was the first breakfast orientation. There were maybe 50 or 60 kids that all looked confused. We sat down at long wooden tables with cereal in the middle. We were told we had to eat, but we could not use our hands to pour the cereal. I focus on the box and after a few attempts, I can control the box with my mind. I pour it into my bowl. I am sitting next to this girl. She seemed pretty good at telekinesis and I begin to talk to her. Another guy a few tables over is very proficient at this task. He appears to be the best here. I stick with the girl after breakfast. We hung out during some other lessons (the details of which I am fuzzy about) and the guy who was good during breakfast continued to show he was the best kid here. I eventually got some time alone with my girl. She is so amazing and I can completely open with her because she shares my special abilities. I quickly fall in love and we cuddle on this bookshelf. I feel like I can tell her anything.

      We eventually leave the compound and head back home. I stick with my girl and the recruiter who lead the camp. We end up in this apartment. After talking for a bit we are told there is something wrong at the camp. We need to go help them. The recruiter was gone at this point and I decide to take the girl and head back. I thought I remembered the way back. My flying skills were not on par and I got very disoriented. Eventually, I make it to the beginning of Disney World. However, something stops us on the way to the main building and we never make it.

      The plot of the dream shifts and I become lucid. I remember the class I had and decide to spend this dream training myself further. I tried making a portal by focusing really hard on this wall and extending my hands (this worked in a previous dream). However, I could not form the familiar red ring. Then I try to fly. It is a cloudy day. And although I can keep my speed into the air, the completely gray surrounding caused the dream to destabilize. I fell to the ground and lost the dream soon after.

      The non-lucid part of the dream (especially the girl) was actually more personally memorable than the struggling lucid end.
    15. Unstable WILD

      by , 05-15-2011 at 06:18 PM

      WILD (part traditional WILD, part DEILD)

      This WILD, although not a good dream, broke a long standing WILD draught.

      I lay there in the middle of the night trying to fall back asleep. My arm begins to become tingly and numb. After awhile of body numbing sensations, I stand up. The dream is all black and I stare at my hands to try and regain vision. This doesnt help so I drop to the ground and try to feel the carpet in detail but I lose the dream.
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