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    Old Couple/Trap/Shopping Mall Exploration

    by , 08-22-2015 at 05:16 PM (414 Views)
    Old Couple

    I was in an attic with a old man and his wife. She was telling me about a magic radio and about antique plates she had.


    Went to Mcdonalds and met a tech boy who showed me something where you could keep your parakeets safe. They looked like wallets that he stuffed the birds in. I got scared and recalled that they needed to breathe and started opening the wallets like crazy. A hand ball of dirt came out of a small bag i opened too.

    I was at a park where a crowd of people were watching a man doing funny stuff. As he was making the crowd laugh he started getting closer to me and i felt creep out by him. I moved than suddenly was warped into my bedroom where I started to talking to a girl that reminded me of my old friend from high school. But than she changed into a light skin girl with a long black pony tail.

    That's when i realized that she couldn't have been my old friend from high school. Besides she was acting really strange. Suddenly she told me how her cat really liked me and came closer like she was going to show me something. But ended up trying to rape me instead. So I left the room and ended up in the living room where she had released the cat. It was hiding and i was going to look for it but when i saw her step out of the room I just ran out the house.

    I thought I was being haunted for a moment when i ran outside though. I looked around and looked like it was the afternoon but getting dark. I was afraid my dad would come home and wonder where i was but i just felt like i had to run away from that girl. I tried to take a guy's bike i saw but than changed my mind and looked at my porch. The girl came back outside, looked around than went back inside.
    I than thought about how stupid i was being because she looked sort of disfigured when she came out and remembered it was a dream. But the question was. Should i go back inside....i woke up before i could decide.

    Shopping Mall Exploration

    I had arrived outside of a shopping mall surrounded by other stores around it. I had the feeling my mom had wanted something from payless but also felt like buying something for myself with the money i had but i didn't know what. I went around a store hoping to find the entrance to the bigger shopping mall. But ended up back where i started. I looked around at the crowd of people around me than back at the stores i saw before thinking to try again. I ran around and ended up in a different place but it still looked like i was in the same area. So I decided to run around again and after running for the last time it occurred to me that i must be dreaming.

    At the same time though I started getting a feeling that I was being followed by the cops or someone in the crowd. But i decided to dismiss it. What I really wanted to do was search for something interesting i could only find inside my mind. I walked further and ended up inside a mall library store. It was filled with fresh new books just calling for my attention. I really love going to a store that sells new books and paper and pencils. Why? I'm just a creative person who enjoys making things and learning about new things that grab my attention. So anyways I ran through the store looking at all the books happily but than someone pulled me into a corner.

    In that corner I saw a rack filled with clocks and antiques. Mostly of cats. But there was this white rectangular clock on the rack with a small pink decoration on it that grabbed my attention. I thought about how funny it would be if i saw this clock in real life and my mind replicated it but i cant recall it. Than the so called person pulled me back and i started talking to it. It was a guy because i heard the voice but could not see him. As I was talking though out of no where a phone appeared in my hand and i started talking to him on it.I remember some of our conversation go like this...

    "Whats your favorite country?"[me]
    "My favorite country...Utah. Theres a lot of good looking people there."

    {Utahs not even a country now. its a state. >w>
    Now that I think about it though when i asked the question I was thinking of the US being a possibility so I must have forgotten to mention country or state.- w - Wow.)

    "Um...I forgot where that was. Is that in Texas?"[me]
    "Sorry. I'm not very good with places.Well, whatever..."[me]

    Than he starts talking about something I don't remember and i cut him off.

    "So whats your name?"[me]
    "....ria...aggh I almost said it. I'm not telling you my name."
    "Why? Just tell me it!"[me]

    Than he ends up taking me to a room and tells me to go to sleep cause hes going to see a little girl. I say no at first but than just lie down and wait for him to come back.But than i get bored of waiting and get up and walk around. I end up somewhere inside a city though and start calling for the guy to come back. That's when a black suited, neon blue, ninja appeared and made clones of himself in front of me. I asked if her was the same guy i was talking to and he said he was and seemed like he was going to try and scare me though. But he didn't. He just grabbed me than two other people came to the picture and they looked like my brother's friends.

    Than something happened where they wanted to do a video game ritual where their sins would be transferred into reality by a controller. I tossed the controller that they handed me though an than they started making fun of me. We ended up back in the house though where i told them to shut up and punched someone's face even though it didn't hurt or make them budge. Than I woke up.

    No way is Utah in Texas. XD This is definitely because i haven't looked at the maps a lot.
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    Updated 08-22-2015 at 05:39 PM by 67570

    lucid , non-lucid
