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    Randomly Annoying/Petals on the ground/Shoes

    by , 10-08-2015 at 10:44 PM (391 Views)
    Randomly Annoying

    I was taking out a dream character that made me feel bad.[I hate when this happens but it happens] Then the dream shifted to where i was observing my hands. I felt them squishy and like i could only feel the inner part of my hands. After that I was gonna go out the window but than the dream shifted.

    At first I was on my bed but couldn't move. Than my eyes forcefully closed. After that I was pouring a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch when i heard girls talking in the front window. They were teenagers that told a guy to play around with a girl than make fun of her in the end. I took my spoon than told them by shouting that it was wrong to do that. The dream sort of deformed after that than i woke up.

    Petals On The Ground

    I was somewhere where my brother's friend was talking to me about something.Then went to a room where I and a group of other people had to do something with our own weapons to save my father from a life of being a pimp. [Which he is not] Anyways after swinging whatever i had around and trying to bring up a power the dream shifted and I remember appearing in some castle like place.

    I followed a guy who I thought was a familiar best friend and there was a group following me behind. I thought of them as visitors/tourists to the place. I told the guy who was suppose to be my best friend to follow me to a secret passage. I dropped white/pinkish flower petals onto the ground as I led the way.Than we went up the stairs of what was a broken bridge i guess. I saw a earring on the ground so i picked it up than a girl appeared.

    I thought she wanted the earring, which i thought was the earring i actually lost in waking life. I ran with the guy than told him to let me ride his back. I rode his back than looked back. The girl followed but the place became a huge building crowded with people. I noticed my mom so i got off his back than handed my mom a pair of sunglasses. The glasses transformed to a puzzle than my mom's face began to light up with bright make up. I thought it was pretty than a group of ladies surrounded my mom.

    One asked my mom why I looked so shy. My mom said cause i had menopause.[I don't.] Than the lady said they have medication for that and I should go to a place she recommended. I held onto my mom's arm kind than I woke up.


    An old best friend came to visit me. However, I saw her go downstairs without permission than heard her escape through the basement door. I called her than ran with my younger brother to her house. When i opened the door I saw her deceased old cat walking inside than closed the door thinking how i shouldn't go in even if they do leave their door open.[which they use to do. Idk why] I saw her older sister on the balcony and called to her mentioning how she probably stole something. The sister let me in but than my old bf came and asked what was wrong.I asked her why she left so suddenly than she handed me a bag of red/green shoes. I told her i didn't want it.

    Next thing I recall is hanging with a group of people than jumped on a boys back for fun near a park. After that I ran and was told by a girl that i had to use the power of a wooden violin to save some. I tried playing a singing but sounded horrible so i decided to forget about it. Than we left to go somewhere else.

    I ended up at my house where my younger brother mentioned how it is unnatural for people to say a fictional character is cute after someone mentioned something about a character named raven from a book.Than i made a joke where i and some others laughed except my younger brother.

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    Updated 10-08-2015 at 11:38 PM by 67570

    lucid , non-lucid
