Memorable Dreams
I had this dream a couple of nights ago, but I didn't write it down and Percy wanted to read it. So, let's see what I can remember... I caught a FA in my bed. Percy's dare came to mind so I tried to fly out of the house through the roof. The ceiling rose as I rose though so I phased through the wall. It was daytime, but I looked around for a moon or stars, something I could use to get into space. I spotted the moon. I imagined myself flying past the moon at a great speed. I was able to make this happen and fly into the blackness of space. I spotted what looked like a blue spiral galaxy in the distance. Blue equals water! I flew to the galaxy. I found myself at a planet as I dove down into a clear liquid. I couldn't see the liquid but I could feel it. I looked around and saw robotic looking worms covering the liquid. I looked around horizontally and saw a wall with statues of much larger spiky pink slugs near it. I was looking at these statues when I woke up.
I'm standing outside at a city square across the street from the beach when I remember I'm dreaming. I remember my dare to destroy a coastal city with an army of dolphins. I put my hand behind my back and call for a dolphin. I feel it's beak first and let my hand slide across it's head as it's passing me before I grab it's dorsal fin and jump on it's back to ride it. "Destroy this city!" I say. I look around and see many dolphins swimming through the air, weaving in between the buildings. I feel that I've got this task under control so I just relax on my dolphin while it swims through the air along the beach while the other dolphins do their thing. All of a sudden, there is a scene change and I appear to be in a different coastal city. My dolphin is swimming really slow and seems tired so I figured that time skipped. I get off it and summon another one just like before. When I try to grab it's dorsal fin though it turns around and bites my arm. I manage to get on it and am pleased that it's more active than the tired one.I lose my lucidity before the dream ends.
Updated 10-11-2014 at 04:34 PM by 57896