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    dolphin's dreams

    Trying to catch FAs for 30 days

    by , 09-01-2016 at 02:35 PM (387 Views)
    I want to see what happens if I completely depend on catching my natural FAs to have LDs. To LD, all I'm doing is looking at my alarm clock every time I wake up.

    1-2 LDs (Caught FA, WILD)
    2-3 LDs (Caught FA, 2 DILDs)
    3-1 LD (DILD)
    4-0 LD
    5-2 LD (Caught FA, DILD)
    6-0 LD
    7-0 LD
    8-1 LD (DILD)
    9-2 LD (Caught FA, DILD)
    10-0 LD
    11-2 LD (DILD, WILD)
    12-0 LD
    13-0 LD
    14-0 LD
    15-0 LD
    16-3 LD (Caught FA, 2 DILDs)
    17-3 LD (Caught FA, 2 DILDs)
    18-1 LD (DILD)
    19-0 LD
    20-2 LD (DILD, DEILD)
    21-2 LD (Caught FA, DILD)
    22-0 LD
    23-1 LD (Caught FA)
    24-1 LD (WILD)
    25-0 LD
    26-1 LD (DILD)
    27-1 LD (DILD)
    28-1 LD (DEILD)
    29-2 LDs (Caught FA, DILD)
    30-3 LDs (2 Caught FA, DEILD)
    Patience108 and Saizaphod like this.

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    Updated 09-30-2016 at 03:53 PM by 57896

    side notes
