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    1. Surrealistic musically synced object-waves

      by , 08-19-2011 at 05:36 PM (Exploring the Unconscious - Bob's Dream Journal)
      Started off with a really trippy part, I want to get that down first:

      I remember seeing a screen and watching these pixelated, intensely colorful 3-dimensional objects flowing into and through the screen in succession like waves. There was some music playing too, and these shapes represented visually the way the music sounded to me. I was seeing very accurately the images I see in my head when I hear certain sounds in music. I wish I had a stronger recollection of it all! The one waveform/object-wave that stood out most presented itself after a bellowing strike of organic bass drums and brass - its thick, soft columns were orange and yellow, with caved in tops - identical at least in shape to the imagery I experience in my head when I hear sounds like that.

      On a coincidental note, I read a few parts of Enter the World of Lucid Dreaming' yesterday, and there was a section that talked about surreal sensory environments that occur occasionally in dreams. This was definitely one of them.

      In a dream I had just before waking, I was with my cousin. The first segment of the dream took place in the context of some war that may have been aliens vs. humans. We were piloting tanks and running from hostile tanks, causing and evading big explosions. It ended with us being at Camp Chawanakee, with my old scout master showing me how to chop wood after I had failed.
    2. What is this? Will it end?!

      by , 08-16-2011 at 07:59 PM (Exploring the Unconscious - Bob's Dream Journal)
      Had a rough one last night.

      I can't exactly recall what perceiving it was like. But I remember my mind being in tatters, like I was going crazy. All I knew was that I was going crazy. Or that I was dying, or something; I just knew that something was very wrong and that nothing was what it seemed. Of course, I was dreaming but I simply could not quite figure that part out. I wanted to escape to the real world but was unsure of where I was in relationship to it, or was unsure of what the real world really was. This dream was fully inspired by the few-and-far-between deep Salvia Divinorum trips I had in my youth. It was exactly like an experience that played out almost completely similarly, in which I knew that something was very wrong but could not figure out what it was.
    3. Raw milk

      by , 08-13-2011 at 08:38 PM (Exploring the Unconscious - Bob's Dream Journal)
      All I remember is talking to a girl I met last night about dairy pasteurization. She told me that she drank some kind of special milk, and I was excited thinking that it would turn out to be raw milk, but it was some other bogus.

      Not much to write down here, but you've gotta get down everything you can...
      Tags: milk, raw milk
    4. Luminescent fairies within the head-crowns and the Atlantean War conspiracy; among others

      by , 08-08-2011 at 05:14 PM (Exploring the Unconscious - Bob's Dream Journal)
      These were my first decently vivid ones in a while... some weird shit, bro!

      So in one of these dreams, I was at some kind of theme/thrill park - but this park was in the forest, and everything was built out of old wood, and the paths were dirt. There was a "ride", or more like a tour, that I went on that involved walking around this old wooden enclosure that was extremely humid. I had some notebooks and back-to-college items with me, and everything was getting all wet and fucked up. It was making me so angry! There were these little Lilo-and-Stitch creatures too (in that they looked like Stitch... never seen the movie) that had these fleshy crowns on top of their heads. When I wasn't too busy trying to save my notebooks and getting soaked by the hot dripping air, I would look up at one of these guys and that fleshy crown would open up to reveal some kind of luminescent glowing fairy thing. Later on, me and another visitor had a great little chat about religion.

      In other new, I dreamed of going to war. Kind of. This section was wrapped around some kind of conspiracy theory... I THINK it went as follows, kind of: all that our military truly has access to is bows and arrows, and all this stuff we see about guns and tanks on the TV is just a big computer-generated lie, and our military hasn't had access to such technology since the Atlantean War in '92.

      Anyways... I was somehow armed with an automatic rifle despite this conspiracy, and was involved in a trench-style standoff between my unit and oncoming military. Who were also armed with rifles. The shooting was very video-game-like. With digital crosshairs and such. I took a few out with headshots and it was damn satisfying. Towards the end, there was kind of like a "boss level" where tons of enemy guys rushed at me. I wasn't scared because it had become far too much like a video game.

      There was also a segment that started out with Dad being angry at me and making me run laps. Don't remember what for. Eventually, that seamlessly morphed into some kind of scene in which I was atop a wooden tower with an annoying woman-friend of mine, while watching a riot/and/or/party burning on the street below us. Burning, like fire.

      Finally... a really disturbing dream slash nightmare managed to sneak in. It was inspired by my reading about the inefficacy of evil Chemotherapy before bed. (Something to look into, by the way: the FDA works to serve Big Pharma, not the individual: they have been systematically preventing the release of natural and effective cancer preventions and cures for at least the last decade-and-a-half: they profit off of keeping you sick, not curing you...)

      Moving on, in this dream I saw a bunch of old people thrown into this bare, concrete room as they underwent Chemotherapy and were subjected in their delirium to toxic drugs, pissing all over each other and dying slowly in this cold room, each one blindly hoping for a cure... God, I don't know if I want to go on. :/

      7.5 hrs sleep
      Hemp protein/rice-milk/tomato/avocado/Spirulina/Chlorella smoothie before bed
      Woke up around 6am to go to the bathroom, which gave me a good chance to review and commit to memory the first part of the nights dreams.

      Updated 08-08-2011 at 07:04 PM by 29285 (Added the 'Circumstance' footer)
