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    The castle that kills

    by , 01-20-2011 at 04:59 PM (443 Views)
    20th of january 2011

    This night i had one long detailed dream and a dreamfragment in the morning.

    The castle that kills
    The dream begang with me being in some of classroom in the sourthrend part of Denmark new Germany (Dunno why?). I cant recall 100% what the teacher told us but i just remember she was very mad at us. Anywho. The dream skips and we are infront of this very big castle like house that we had to go into. It was me and two good friends i know IRL who had to go inside. The big main doors opens automatically with the usual squeaky noise and we entered the first big room. At the end of this hall there was two other big doors and we moved on. The next room was full of old war armour, weapons and that kind of stuff. There was a door on the right and we entered that. That room was empty / no recall what was in there but on another door on the left was leading to a very VERY strange room where the fucked part kicks in: This HUUUUGE room had a whole fuckin' river inside! The dream skips a little bit and one of my friends have to go down this big river for some strange river. i think he had to retrive something for our teacher. He got into the river and had to get over this big log of wood. After he went over to the other side a vortex kinda think sucked him down and he didnt come back. After that i told my second friend that when it was his turn we use the rope we got with us so that wont happen again. He refused of course.

    After discussing for some time everything went silent. The doors slowly startet to close and we got this feeling we REALLY have to get out of here and we had this strange feeling that if we didnt get out in time we would not survive. We ran as fast as we could. First out of the river room, throug the empty room and into the armour room. The doors were about 50 cm open and i almost jumped all the way to get out in time. My second friend did not make it...

    I stood.. Outside the castle.. Alone.. in the pouring rain.. Just starring at the two big doors..
    I herd a terrifying scream...

    19th birthday (A fragment of a dream ruined by my alarmclock)

    The dream starts at a house in a forrest. I was my friends 19th birthday and the party was awesome! We stood outside in the good summer weather when a big black 4x4 drives up to the house. Out comes the italobrothers! Apperently my friend knew their lead singer very well..

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