School, IB, and Turtle
, 03-03-2011 at 06:13 AM (600 Views)
02.03.2011School, IB, and Turtle (Non-lucid)
Log: 11:00pm Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Hours: 7:00m Alarm: 6:00 Audio: None
This dream starts out in a classroom that is on the second floor. I was getting ready to do a project or assignment of some sort, and i needed my dad to bring me something. I was looking out the window at the line of cars piled up outside the school, desperately looking for him. I finally saw him and headed downstairs to go get what i needed. I was in the lobby of the school and i saw that he was waiting there all along and that there was no reason for me to be waiting, i was kind of pissed... I got my polygonal snake figure form him, tried to explain to him what i was doing, then rolled my eyes as he didn't understand, and then i walked away.
The dream either changed or transitioned, but i was now in an office of the school and i saw an administrator that was not my couselor but her role in the dream was such. She asked me why i wasn't doing IB and trying to convince me to join again. She led me to a door, and she was talking about megetting something, i cannot remember what. But i walked through the doors and went through few others. Soon Jaocb had come with me and we were wandering together through this what seemed now to be a hardware store. I told him i was looking for a tiny turtle. We looked and looked, and in the process, we kind of messed aorund in the store, but we knew we were allowed to be there and we weren't doing anything wrong. But soon we came upon a big scary guy, who was apparently an employee. He was rude and told us we shouldn't be there. I told him that we weren't doing anything wrong but he insisted on fighting and taking us down. There was a slight crowd around us now, but it was just him and me now. He started out the fight ok, but i titally owned him beyond belief in a wise, planned out, Sherlock Holmes way. It was amazing and everyone was cheering.