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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Prison Complex, Soylent Green is People, and Puppy Cake

      by , 07-21-2010 at 11:56 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations
      i inner awareness, a action, f form, c context

      Prison Complex

      I was in some kind of prison complex ( c ). I felt as though I was trying to or wanted to escape. Briefly the perspective was third person and from a 2d side on perspective like a 2d side scrolling brawler or platform game ( c,i ).

      Back in the first person view I was standing in a hallway. The walls, floor, ceiling, everything was grey concrete. There was a large dark window on the wall looking in to a room and a mop and bucket next to me. I moved forward slightly and as I passed a corner I noticed there was a prisoner next to me. I knew he wasn't a real prisoner. I had a sense of injustice, and I think I said something to the effect of it being unfair. The fake prisoner punched me. He had a silver coloured ring on.

      Soylent Green is People!

      I was at secondary school sitting in the boys changing rooms with the other people that were in my year and a few years either way above and below ( c ). We were going to be turned in to some kind of stew to feed to the current generation of kids at the school. It was supposed to make them more intelligent by absorbing the knowledge of those who had come before them, and thus raise the status of the school ( c ). I recalled that they must have done this back when we were at school and thought of S's eldest brother being turned in to a stew and having ate him.

      We were being led out of the changing rooms towards the main entrance and outside when myself and some others were removed from the line by Mrs. M ( c ). Apparently we were being spared to be part of some special group. We were standing around outside of the main entrance. I only recognised L ( c ). She was standing across from me looking disinterested. Mrs. M explained that we were going to have some special procedure done that would make us unable to hear a certain frequency of sound. She ten revealed that I already naturally was unable to hear the frequency, and I recalled that this was true ( c,i ).

      Along with the ability to hear the particular frequency, we would also gain the ability to not be detected by a certain scanning device ( c,f ). I imagined a strange hand-held device with a blue light on top of an antenna that would beep faster when it was facing its target person. I was then talking with L and explained that the downside to not being able to hear the frequency was not being able to hear some alarms.

      I woke up with tinnitus...

      Puppy Cake

      I was in a supermarket. Everything looked like a cartoon ( f,c ). I was looking over at an aisle with cereal on the shelves. There were men dressed like superheroes. One in particular was dressed in a purple suit. He was wearing glasses over the face mask. and had regular looking shoes on. I knew he wasn't a real superhero but was doing some kind of promotion related to the cereal.

      I was in a queue for the checkout with Joe from Family Guy ( c ). He was still a cartoon but his hands and arms looked real ( f ). We shook hands -- his hands were extremely sweaty and it was kind of gross. I could see the sweat on his palms. The superhero guy shouted over to us that the cereal Joe was buying wasn't as good unless you ate it where it was made. It was some kind of chocolate based cereal in a yellow box. Joe replied that Quahog was where it was made, and that was where we were ( c ). Then we high-fived, and again his hands were really sweaty.

      I was suddenly holding a blancmange and cake based dessert ( f ). It was in the shape of the face of a dog. It was white with brown ears and had it's tongue out. The eyes were not quite on centre, so it looked a bit retarded. I placed it on the checkout conveyor. Joe's wife commented that it looked just like a dog they used to have that died. We started to eat it then and there. When we bit in to it, it made a strange noise ( f ). Joe's wife commented that the dog they had made the exact same strange noise...
    2. Playing Mouse Trap, and New Bioware Game

      by , 07-20-2010 at 01:13 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      Playing Mouse Trap

      I was walking down the stairs at home. There was an old man with long white hair, wearing no top and tight trousers. He was on the ceiling above me. Suddenly he threw a mouse trap at me! It managed to catch me and snapped shut, gripping my skin. Ouch! I quickly removed it and threw it back at him. It caught him on the back and snapped shut, gripping his skin in much the same way. He scurried off.

      Downstairs I ran in to my brother. He explained that a weird old man had just thrown a mouse trap at him. He also told me that it was some kind of twisted game where the 101st person to be caught by it would die. Of course, he threw it at me and it again caught me. Naturally, I was having none of it and I threw it back.

      We proceeded to chase each other around the house throwing it at each other in turn. We were essentially trying to kill each other, which isn't very brotherly. Eventually he missed me, and I threw it at him again. I suddenly recall no more of the dream, so I don't know if it ended, I killed him, or if something else happened.

      New Bioware Game

      One of the guys that runs the game developer Bioware was showing me a new game they were working on. There was a big LCD screen and he was walking me through it, although the dream seemed mostly like my perspective was that of the camera in the game rather than me looking at a screen.

      Strangely, it wasn't really an RPG but more of a Real-Time Strategy game. There were tribal looking guys standing around a camp fire. He sent them out and eventually he captured a small group of people who were hanging out on the map. Then he captured some more and built a large tent structure. There was a guy of some significance, like a leader character for the settlement or something. Anyway, it was explained that he was automatically generated, but could be deleted and a new one placed which could be named and have his appearance customised. So, the guy was deleted and a new guy created. He was showing me what were pre-generated characters. He selected from portrait pictures similar to the Baldur's Gate games, but they became increasingly surreal looking like strange abstract portraits.
    3. Don't read this boring fragment...

      by , 07-19-2010 at 11:32 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      I'm experiencing terrible recall lately. I haven't had any substantial recall for days now. Last night I only recalled a bit a fragment of a dream. It's barely worth writing down, but I will anyway for the sake of consistency and discipline.

      Tea on Tap Fragment

      I was in the kitchen. I was going to make a cup of tea. I went to the sink to wash a cup, but the water that came out of the tap was tea and I filled my cup. I recall being slightly confused, and then just accepting it.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. It's all just bloody fragments!

      by , 07-17-2010 at 02:22 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      Hopefully I'll have some multiple detailed recall soon rather than all these fragments and disjointed scenes.

      Convicts Fragment

      I was trying to catch two escaped convicts. I recall having tricked them in to going to some kind of theatre. I was sitting in a comfy red chair and looked over at them. I told them they were rumbled, and one ran. The other guy just seemed to give up. I thought that one out of two wasn't bad.

      Sex Fragment

      I was having sex with someone. We were outside in the middle of the high street in a nearby town, except nobody was around except for me, the woman I was with, and apparently a few other random naked women.

      TV Fragment

      I was with a weird mix of different people I've known over the years. We were all at J's house and were going to some TV show recording. The next thing I recall is that it was over. I was sat next to D. When I got home the show was already airing and my parents were watching it. The house I was in was a mix of J's house from earlier and my deceased grandmother's. I was using a computer to talk with C online. I was telling him that he should have come along.

      Then my parents said the show was over. I turned to the TV to see the camera pan over the audience. It stopped on me! I looked really haggard and was a bit pissed off.

      Spiders Fragment

      There were spiders on my bed. Two small light brown coloured ones and several black ones with turquoise patches on their backs. I was squashing them.

      I'm arachnophobic, so that's where this dream came from.

      The Name Change

      I seemed to pick up a bit from the previous dream. I was in the same house. I walked out back in to the garden, which was completely like my deceased grandmother's. I had a laptop and sat on a bench. J came out in to the garden next door. He said hey, and I replied to him but using IM on the laptop. We had a brief conversation where he was talking and I was replying using IM. Eventually we both realised I should just speak since he was in front of me.

      He told me he had changed his name to "Grandfather." Which I said was a bit dumb. We were chatting and he hopped over the fence and we went inside. For some reason he was now about 4 inches taller and bald. We were in the kitchen grabbing something to drink, when my parents walked in and were confused as to who the random extremely tall bald guy was. Then they realised it was J. I told them he wasn't J any more, he was "Grandfather" -- with a knowing glance that it was dumb.

      Updated 07-17-2010 at 03:39 PM by 32666

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Yet Another School Dream

      by , 07-15-2010 at 12:02 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      This is all I can piece together from a rather uneventful dream. Maybe something exciting happened in the middle that I don't recall... heh.

      It was the first day of term. I was back at secondary school, although I think I was in my final year. I walked through the front gates and looked around at all the people. School sucks, I thought. I was looking around for familiar faces but couldn't see anyone. The only people I recognised were P, G, and B. I never liked G and B much, but P was an all-right guy so I had a chat with him. Then I remember being in my old geography classroom briefly.

      I was hanging out with some friends at J's house. I left my coat there, but didn't realise until I was getting on the bus home. I had a carrier bag with change in it, and I fumbled around to find money. When I got home I realised that J was going away on holiday the next morning so I got my dad to drive me back over to his house to pick up my coat. It was important since my wallet and keys were in the pockets.

      Yeah... what an exciting dream... -_-'
      Tags: school
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Car Un-park

      by , 07-13-2010 at 08:22 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      My afternoon nap WILD attempt failed, but this is the dream I recalled anyway.

      I was chatting with an friend, A, over MSN. A was telling me that he was doing some project at our old university and needed access to my final year project work. He was typing really really fast and I couldn't keep up with reading what he was going on about. For some reason he also wanted the domain name for a website I developed a while ago, and I told him that he could because I still had it registered but the site wasn't up any more.

      I think I arranged to meet him at uni. I was walking down the road to the art and design building and saw a car racing around in the car park. The car park was different. Instead of the usual parked cars and gravel ground, there were wrecked cards stacked up and the ground was thick mud. The wrecked cars formed a track which lead out on to the road along side through holes in what was a wall previously. A was in the car, driving around like a madman.
    7. Clone Dance, Cornered, and Taking the Fall

      by , 07-13-2010 at 12:36 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      Three dreams recalled from last night. It's been a while since I've had multiple recall! I should have written down the second one during the night because there was so much to it, but oh well, you live and learn.

      Clone Dance

      I was watching people dance. They were on a stage and all were men. One of the men was there three times. He explained that one of the other two identical people was his son -- who was identical to him but about 2 inches shorter -- and the other was just doing a very good impersonation of him. The original guy and the guy doing the impersonation laughed and started to do a rather complex dance routine, which was pretty exiting to watch.


      I was in my brother's room. However it was lined with a rusty metal tank. The corners of the tank had been cut away. One by one they were covered up by objects that fit into the specific sized holes in corners. The final hole was filled by the top of a man's head. He was bald. I recognised him as Jesse from Burn Notice. I felt like he had betrayed me. It went dark, but then I remember being outside of the tank.

      Taking the Fall

      I was in one of my old science classrooms at back at secondary school. Three kids were there who were in the year above me, L, N, and P.

      For some unknown reason they were coming at me as though they were going to beat me up. I told them that they were mistaken if they thought it would be so easy and that I could take all three of them. I quickly dispatched L to the ground and then tussled with N. P was about to attack me when he was struck down by a stool. I dropped N to the floor and turned to see that Elliot from Leverage was in the room and had helped me out. Turning to P I saw that the stool legs had impaled his chest and he lay dead, oozing blood.

      The door to the classroom flung open. There was a man demanding to know what happened. I explained, but said that I had picked up the stool and killed P by accident during the fight.

      Now the room was full of people. We had to stand in a line around the classroom, almost like we were soldiers standing to attention. I was told I had to stand at the end because I has a disgrace and that my future at the school was in question. I felt really sad. I looked around the room and caught Elliot's eye. He looked grateful by also very sad.

      Someone was droning on about something. Most people were bored of listening and started leaning on the walls and desks.
    8. 6,000,000 Levels. 2 Companions. 1 Diablo.

      by , 07-11-2010 at 02:01 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      I was a hero, or soon would be. Tasked with defeating the almighty Diablo atop his tower, I prepared for my quest. A magical bird warrior, Phoenix, had been sent to accompany me; offering both his companionship and some much needed combat experience.

      Phoenix was a bright orange bird. His back and the rear of his wings were covered in a blue armour plating -- it appeared to be natural. I got the sense he was young for his species, but somehow very wise by comparison to myself. The journey ahead would be treacherous and I was glad that I didn't have to travel entirely alone.

      We set off on our quest, and before we knew it we neared the top of Diablo's tower. Victory was within our grasp; all that was needed was to fell the demon.

      I could see the sky as I walked along an exterior stairway leading to the flat circular roof above. It was dark and purple clouds swirled around menacingly. Occasionally there was a flash of what seemed like lightning, but there was no accompanying roar of thunder. Silence is all I heard. I grew anxious as I climbed the stair, but it was not warranted.

      A man greeted me and was very quick to inform me that I needed to gain another 6,000,000 levels in order to defeat Diablo. In the distance, across the other side of the roof I could say the demon lying in wait. He was a fierce looking beast, not dissimilar in shape to a dragon with no wings, perhaps 60 or so feet in height as he stood on all fours. His skin was scaled and purple, and his head was horned and protected by a frontal dark grey layer of natural armour. I knew at that moment that despite the terrifying spectacle of the beast that lay in wait, I would train longer and harder than ever before and return to slay the beast after gaining another 6,000,000 levels...

      Phoenix and I returned to the world below. We had not completed our goal, but we knew exactly what we had to do. Waiting for us was another bird-like creature. His name was Garr and he bore a striking resemblance to my companion, Phoenix. Unlike Phoenix however, his armour plating was much thicker and covered a greater amounts of his body, including parts of his face. He looked strong and stood proudly on his legs, which were unusually muscular. Phoenix on the other hand flew everywhere and rarely stood up right like this other bird creature.

      The two birds spoke for a while. I gathered that Garr was Phoenix' father. Somehow I sensed that Garr was a great warrior, and was disappointed with his sons failure. I requested that Garr join with us on our next trip up through Diablo's tower.

      We left for the tower again and again it seemed like we were immediately climbing up the stairs to the final confrontation. I felt stronger now. I had surely gained more than 6,000,000 levels in the time since I was last hear -- I could feel it.

      The same man was there and he told me that I was still a few levels short. I was having none of it though and decided to take on Diablo now. I knew I was ready...

      And then, as with all my favourite dreams, it ended prematurely. I wish my dreams had proper resolutions, especially when they follow a narrative that is stricter than usual.
    9. Immolation

      by , 07-10-2010 at 01:31 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      I was on my primary school playing field, although everyone around me was from my secondary school. A kid I used to know, T, was kicking this other kid who was on the floor. Then T set fire to him! Everyone who was nearby was totally shocked at what had happened.

      Somehow he managed to get away with it. I was aware it was now another day and I was in the same place. T was again kicking the same kid, except he was covered in burns. Again he set fire to the kid! Nobody had grassed him up before, but I decided I was going to. The kid who was burning slowly turned black... it was quite horrible to watch.

      I was then in a class room talking to one of T's best friends, S. He was pissed off that I had grassed up T, but kind of understood. He was more interested in trying to get me to burn some DVD for him though. S was trying to convey the title to me as a code so nobody listening knew what it was. I had no idea what he was on about.

      The next thing I knew I was in a different class room talking to another of T's friends, D, who used to be a good friend of mine. He was super pissed at me and called me a grass. I just told him whatever and that T was a psycho.

      Then I was talking to someone about various TV shows, movies, and games and it was like a debate of some kind, but I can't remember any details.
      Tags: school, violence
    10. Catching Up with Old Friends

      by , 07-09-2010 at 12:19 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      To preface, this was one of the most vivid dreams in a real setting with characters from my own reality that I've ever had. Aside from some minor dream weirdness it was so very realistic.

      It was a normal day. I was on my daily trip to the post office. Just as I turned the corner and approached the entrance I realised I had forgotten something. Damn it! I decided to go back and collect it and return to the post office later.

      I was hurrying back when I saw two familiar faces coming the other way: two old friends L and S. I let on to them but I was in a hurry so didn't stop to chat. A short way down the road I ran in to another two old friends from my school days. Technically it was one old friend, R, and a guy I never really liked, G. This time I decided to stop and catch up with them.

      They told me they were on the way to our old secondary school.
      Although they were in the totally wrong place and going the opposite direction. I asked them why and they told me that they helped out there. I wasn't clear on what they meant, but they said I should go with them and I agreed.

      Next thing I knew we were in our old secondary school. We reminisced a bit.

      We were standing outside of the main entrance and there were school kids all around in massive lines, shuffling along. It was hard to move. Some of my old teachers were standing around. One of my science teachers, Mr. M, one of my maths teachers, Mrs. H, and my design teacher, Mrs. M, were just standing around. I went up and said hi. We talked about stuff and they asked how I had got on since leaving school 7 years ago
      (Wow, it seems like forever ago now... I feel so old.) They were all so extremely vivid. I noticed that they were really tall and I had to look almost straight up to see their faces. They had to get on with whatever they were doing, so I said bye and walked back towards the entrance gate.

      I ran in to another teacher who was a pretty regular substitute. I always got the feeling he didn't like me and so I was surprised when he let on to me and recognised me. We had a brief chat.

      The next thing I knew I was talking with R and G again. We were standing on the edge of the playing field. We reminisced some more about our school days. I asked R if he had kept in touch with any of our group of friends from back then. He hadn't. I told him I was still in touch with our friend, A pretty regularly as we had attended college and uni together.

      I asked for each of their email addresses. G didn't want to give it to me, but I didn't really care as I never liked him anyway. I wrote R's down on my hand it was something "@easyeasy.net" but I can't remember the first bit.
      I wish I could so I could send an email! I gave R my email address too. He tried writing it on his hand but the pen he was using didn't work, so I wrote it for him with my pen.

      I used to write so much stuff down on my hands back in school -- they were always covered in ink. Interestingly I gave him my actual real email address and I wrote it down accurately and it was right! It was a bit of a mess, like I couldn't control the pen very well, but it was legible. I had to pause and check that I was giving him the right email address and I remember saying, "yeah... that's my real email address" as I was really struggling to get it right and write it down. I think that maybe it was a very good time to have done a reality check and tried to become lucid, but my dream self obviously didn't think so. Oh well, always next time.

      Edit: And I just realised that the pen I was using was the same pen that I use (or should use if I could be bothered) to write in my hard copy dream journal. Nice detail.

      Updated 07-09-2010 at 12:23 PM by 32666

      non-lucid , memorable
    11. The Castle, The Prince-ess, and The Treasure Chest

      by , 07-08-2010 at 11:54 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      The Castle

      I was in a large castle. I was a child, no more than about 13. It was night and there had been a murder.

      An old man was there with a short white beard and scruffy clothing. He was distraught. The murder victim was his wife. She was a tall plump woman with grey hair and a grey dress.

      I was aware that I lived in the castle with these two people. The woman was looking after me. There were other children of various ages around too.
      Perhaps it was an orphanage?

      The man said how his wife had always looked after him and he didn't know what he was going to do now she was dead. There was another woman in the castle who now appeared. She looked similar to the dead woman, but somehow more mean.

      Everyone went outside and was looking around in the dark for something
      -- probably the murderer.

      The Prince-ess

      I was in a small dressing room in a tower in some kind of palace or castle. I was a female. I looked kind of like Disney's Snow White, but was realistic in appearance and not like a cartoon. I was bummed out because I was just a servant but totally in to the prince.

      There was some kind of ball or party going on outside in the large central courtyard. There was a window in the room I was in and I could see all the people. The prince was going to choose one of the female guests to be his wife.

      Suddenly there was someone in my room. They were encouraging me to get dressed up and go and win the prince's affections. Alright! It was on!

      I somehow became aware that there were guards in the castle/palace trying to find me and kill me. I didn't know why. All I knew is that we would have to work fast!

      There was another person in the room now and both the strangers were helping me put on a rather complicated medieval gown. The gown looked kind of like Disney's Snow White again. At least, it was the same red, white, and yellow colour scheme.

      All that remained was to go down and woo the prince! But how to get there in time and by avoiding the guards? There was a massive rope that seemed to just hang from the sky -- even though I was indoors. Perhaps I could swing across the courtyard and make a dramatic entrance? Damn right I could!

      I exited a door to my left and descended the spiral staircase beyond. I found myself exiting another door on to a roof. Guards were closing in. I could see my target and was about to make my amazingly acrobatic swing...

      Wait! Someone stopped me and pointed out that I had a beard! Huh? I looked in to a mirror and she was right! I was no longer a Snow White-esque woman but myself! My usual male self.

      But what to do? I decided I better run back up to the room I had just left and shave first...

      Note to self: Did I just have a cross-dressing dream?

      The Treasure Chest

      I was back at Uni. Or rather I was in a room somewhere and the only other people there were people I met back at Uni. For some reason we were planning to build treasure chests! I have no idea why. I intended to construct a giant clam and was planning it out in my mind.

      My friend G was there with this guy I didn't know very well or like very much, J. J asked G if he would work with him to help build his treasure chest. He agreed, but said that he wanted me to help too. J reluctantly agreed.

      J came over to talk to me. He wanted to know if I even knew who he was. I told him that of course I knew who he was, how could I not? I was alluding to the fact that he's super annoying and hard to ignore. I couldn't help but think about how much I dislike him and just ignored whatever else he said.

      Updated 07-09-2010 at 12:44 AM by 32666

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Get Out Of My Town You... Travelling Circus Wrestlers?

      by , 07-07-2010 at 07:53 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      I was a kid again, about 10 years old and back at primary school. A girl who was a friend and my first love interest was there, C.

      Fast forward to sometime in the future and we're both adults -- I assume the same age I am presently. C is wearing a wedding dress and we're getting married.

      When I was a kid I always had this idea that I'd marry her when we were older. Heh, a little soppy for a young boy I know, but I always was a little weird like that.

      C and I were outside my old primary school. There was a mob of wrestlers and they looked angry. There was a circus tent off in the distance at the end of a dead-end street. I wasn't happy that these apparently travelling circus people who were also for some reason wrestlers were causing trouble. I was telling them they better leave, or else! Some of them were dressed as cowboys, and I think they all had beards. There must have been 20 - 30 of them, but I was determined to make them all leave, even if it had to get violent... I woke up before it did.
    13. Driving Scares Me and My Hypnagogic Parents

      by , 07-05-2010 at 02:44 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      I was on such a roll when I started my dream journal just over a month ago. Unfortunately it seems the extra sleep I've been getting due to being extremely drowsy from taking anti-histamines for my hay-fever has not brought with it any extra dream recall. In fact the opposite is true; I've had very poor dream recall!

      The 3 dreams I recalled during that period were actually quite embarrassing -- even embarrassing enough for me to not want to post them anonymously on the internet! I'll leave you guessing...

      Anyway, onward and upward and hopefully to lucidity and beyond!

      Driving Scares Me

      I can't drive in real life. Actually, it seems I can't drive in my dreams either...

      I was driving. I had just learned to drive, I think. The break and accelerator peddles didn't seem to work right. The break was more like a decelerator than a break.

      I was driving around, not having a clue how to drive. I kept having near misses with other cars. At one point I was driving over the a bridge near my house and wasn't sure if I should be on the left or right side of the road because I was on the left (which is correct here in the UK) and saw a car coming head on, so I switched to driving on the right and saw a car coming head on again. Stupid roads.

      I've always avoided learning to drive because the entire concept freaks me out a little. I've been thinking about it a lot lately though. I should really just get on with it.

      My Hypnagogic Parents

      This is a bit of a cheat since it's not a dream but a really long drawn out experience with hypnagogic hallucinations. I'm noting this down because my experience with them so far have been pretty simple. This it teh first time I've heard a large amount of whispering voices and felt presences nearby.

      Anyway, I awoke early on Saturday and decided to have a lie in.
      As I slowly fell back to sleep I heard my mum walking around in my room, but I was aware that nobody was really there and that I was actually falling asleep. She started talking nonsense in a kind of whisper. Suddenly I couldn't hear her any more. Then I heard footsteps outside my door walking up the stairs. I could hear my dad whispering nonsense. Then he was silent. Next I heard my mum walking up the stairs whispering nonsense and then fading away. Again it was my dad, then my mum, and so on for what seemed like a very long time.

      The nonsense they were whispering was just random sentences, none of which I can now remember other than that there was something about ponies uttered by my dad's whispering voice.
    14. Wikifragment, and Basecamp / The Big Stick

      by , 06-13-2010 at 11:51 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)

      Just a fragment from during the night.

      I was editing Wikipedia... that's it.

      Basecamp / The Big Stick

      One dream, two distinct scenes. I remembered nothing until I saw a Coca-Cola advert on TV a few hours after getting up and since it featured in the dream, I was able to remember what I think is all of it, or nearly all of it.

      PART 1 - Basecamp

      I awoke in a pitch black tent. People were entering the tent stealthy. I sensed danger. There were three of them. All of a sudden one of them was coming at me. I pulled a pistol, not sure where from, and shot him point blank in the head as he came up on me.

      With one down I saw that the other two were going for two men sleeping in the tent. I shot both the attackers without hesitation. Startled, the two sleeping men were now awake and scrambling around in the dark.

      On the floor there were two more pistols. I handed one to each of them. We proceeded to leave the tent, them following behind me. It seemed I was in some kind of military camp. There were tents all around and a perimeter fence.

      We moved to the back of the tent so as to be along the perimeter. The ground was raised and the fence was pretty tall. The raised ground provided good cover as we silently moved around the perimeter towards the exit/entrance.

      On the other side of the fence there were soldiers of some kind marching. We tried to remain hidden as we moved. Upon reaching the entrance we waited for the soldiers to enter. It seemed clear. I lead the other two men out...

      We must have been caught, because the next thing I knew I was back in the camp. It was light. I was talking to the guy in charge. I recognised him as an ally of some kind. He asked me what had happened to the camp. I didn't trust him, sensing he and his men had betrayed us -- whoever "us" was.

      He said I should eat and drink something. He brought me to a large white tent. Inside there were lots of people, but they weren't soldiers, the were civilians. There were tables of food in the tent, and the sides were lined with free-standing shelving units also full of food.

      I looked for something to drink. All I could see were some cans of coke. I walked over to them. There were six in total. Two regular, two diet, one coke zero, and one cherry coke.

      It was this that I initially recalled when watching the coke advert on TV.

      I picked the cherry coke. I remember thinking that I don't really like Coca-Cola and would much rather have a Dr. Pepper or Pepsi.

      Next I looked for something to eat. There were shelves full of small glass pots, like you'd find sandwich spreads in. I wanted a sandwich but couldn't see any on the tables and shelves. I saw a woman eating one and asked where she got it. She pointed to a seemingly empty shelving unit in the corner.

      I looked and saw that there were only four sandwiches left. Damn. They were all either turkey or chicken, I couldn't tell. I don't eat chicken that I haven't cooked myself so I didnt want to take one. I was starving though, so I picked one up.

      I get sick easily if my food isn't so-so. The scene then changed, or at least that's all I remember until...

      PART 2 - The Big Stick

      I had sold a big stick on Ebay. It was about 20ft long, 2" wide, and a 1/4" thick. It was plastic and quite flexible. For some reason I had to hand deliver the item to the buyer. Not only that but I had to carry it through a nearby town centre.

      I was walking through the town centre holding the stick thing vertically. I had to pass through a small shopping centre. It was easy enough because the ceilings are so high. However, I then had to pass through a videogame shop to exit.

      In reality no such shop exists. I don't know why I couldn't go through the normal exit.

      The shop was very cramped. There were kids everywhere. I had to carry the stick thing horizontally. I kept knocking things over and bumping in to things. The stick broke! Damn. I decided to go home.

      Back at home I emailed to buyer telling them I had broken it. They said it didn't matter and they could repair it. I got the sense now that it was some kind of video storage medium that worked like an old fashioned film reel, but was obviously a stick...

      Weird, but that's dreams I guess.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Dog Murder / Eye Tracking

      by , 06-12-2010 at 04:06 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      One dream recalled made up of two distinct scenes last night.

      PART 1 - Dog Murder

      My family and I were moving in to a new house. The house was my deceased grandmother's. There was already another family living there, and we were going to all be living in the same house for some reason.

      The other family were a couple. They had a pet dog. It was massive and extrememly viscious. It's teeth were gigangic, and it was constantly looking angry, foaming at the mouth, and growling.

      The dog had a tennis ball it liked to chase around the lounge. It would constantly come up to us demanding it be thrown. If we refused it became viscious and would look as though it was ready to attack, so we would throw the ball and play along, fearful that it would kill us.

      I decided the dog had to die. It was evil and dangerous. My mum and I were walking it through some strange back allyways that twisted and turned. It was foggy. The dog came up to me with the same ball, expecting it to be thrown, but instead I took two paris of scissors out of my pockets and stabbed it through the back of the neck, killing it.

      The couple who's dog it was were upset. I told them that they didn't have to be afraid of their evil dog any more, but they didn't care.

      I don't have any particular fear of dogs in real life, although I am allergic so I don't like them. I find it interesting that I've had two dreams with dangerous dogs in them since I started my dream journal. Potential dream sign it seems.

      PART 2 - Eye Tracking

      I had a bloodshot eye. I discussed it with J and R, and they told me that bloodshot eyes occur because of tiny tracking devices that were embedded in people's eyes. The tracking devices were self-repairing and self-replicating, and bloodshot eyes were caused by them replicating themselves. If you looked really closely, they said, you would be able to see them in a mirror. I looked, and I did in fact see these strange looking metal devices in my eye.

      J and R also told me that I could remove the tracking devices by rubbing on my eyeball with my finger and applying some pressure. They were apparently just clinging to the surface. I tried it and it worked. They said I'd have to remove them all though, or else they would just replicate themselves again.

      I was talking to my mum. There was a man in a black suit with sunglasses on in the room with us. She told me that the eye tracking devices were implanted in fabric that our eyes were manufactured from. I visualised large rolls of green fabric with a machine placing this tiny machines in to it. She said I shouldn't remove them.

      The man in the suit and shades spoke now. He told me that the government used these tracking devices to keep tabs on people. He also said that they were linked with the functionality of our eyes, and that removing them all would cause permanently blindness.
      Tags: dogs
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