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    Flying Spaghetti Dreams

    1. Fragment #86

      by , 07-17-2011 at 02:58 AM (Flying Spaghetti Dreams)
      after a late night i only recalled a fragment of a dream:

      I was a neuroscientist working on how to improve the human brain, i was trying to help my dad, who had become increasing ill from his stroke. i think i was having some trouble figuring out how to do it safely while perserving the appropriate brain functions.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Dreamclarations of Independence

      by , 07-05-2011 at 12:46 AM (Flying Spaghetti Dreams)
      Last night it took hours to fall asleep and it was a real pain.
      When i finally did i was dreaming i was in the lounge talking to my flatmates and was finding it hard to put my sentences together. I explained that it took me ages to get to sleep and that my brain wasn't awake.

      i woke up and wrote this one down then went back to sleep and dreamt that i was teaching a bunch of children some wholesome life lessons. I remember saying "okay, now i'd like to teach you about ideas" but i forgot the other lessons.
      wish i could've stuck around to hear what i had to say!
      Tags: children, lessons