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    1. 1-Dec-2016 - ND + WILD - dv TotY Chimera + DILD - Black Hole

      by , 12-01-2016 at 11:57 AM
      1-Dec-2016 - ND + WILD - dv TotY Chimera + DILD - Black Hole

      ND: I am doing something related to construction (Minecraft-style again), in large scale, perhaps together with more people. Not much recall/detail[/b]

      WILD - Eat and love. Transform a goat into a Chimera, store it into an egg, let it kill a robber, Trump and Hitler
      5:30 AM, ~30 min
      I need some time and several scenario changed in visualization before I can finally enter LD
      First thing I notice is I feel a strong desire, which didn't happen so much recently. I satisfy it and move on.
      I am in a room with some people and much food. I try some different samples from a plate, no taste...
      I think about tasks - I would go for the Fairies, but since LD looks decently stable, I decide attempting the harder Chimera
      I am in a grassy area with some trees. I wander around for some time, looking for a goat. I see rocky mountains in the background, then finally I find the goat. It's got dirty white / gray long wool, looks quite sturdy, has short straight horns.
      It does not look very stable at first, like my mind it's definining its final structure, I glimpse its head and the back in a square-ish shape before it becomes a goat-looking goat. I suspect it's due again from playing Minecraft. Hmmm...
      It has a bell below its neck, I remove it.

      Out of nowhere I pick up a book with brown leather cover. I browse some pages, it contains symbols I don't know, looking like a mix between runes and Japanese. After some pages I find the drawing of a Pentacle, I somehow recognize it's the spell I've used to summon the Demon few days ago, than find a drawing of a circle of mushrooms, I take note to look at the book again when I'll attempt the Fairies task. After some more pages, I find another pentacle with another different drawing and more runes, I know it's the right one.

      When I look at the goat, there is a pentacle on the ground close to it. I push it to move inside the pentacle, the book still open. I wish it to morph.
      A lion head appears to the right of the goat head. A snake body and head appears from the lower back. Dragon wings appear at the middle of its back. A lion tail appears (additional to goat's?)
      Well, it's definitely looking meaningless =D
      I think it will do. I put the book in an inner pocket of my jacket.

      I do not see how I can find a DC here around. Also, I do not wish it to attack innocent people.
      From the jacket internal pocket, I extract a plastic (?) egg (Minecraft again most likely), I open it like a box, and the Chimera jumps inside. Good.
      Then I open a "zip" portal mid-air, to a city, and walk through it.

      I am in a city looking very much like Chicago, light train above us. I walk around, looking for a dark alley, hoping to find some robber, which of course happens. There is a guy on the ground and a dark guy with a wallet in his hand.
      I take the egg and open it. The Chimera jumps out, and I mount it.
      I look around me, it's kinda freightening; the snake head is just behind my back, the lion head below me on the right side.

      I face the robber. The lion head emits a frosty breath, he becomes an ice statue. It assaults the guy with fore paws and bite, breaking the statue into small ice shards.
      I think that this is fun and I don't want to stop. I just need to find more bad guys.
      For some reason I think about D.Trum-p - actually I don't dislike him that much IWL, but at this time I don't really care
      He appears in front of me and the Chimera, in a timeless and spaceless environment.
      The Chimera extends its lion tail and stings him, releasing a cloud of thick green vapor around him; not yet happy, with a paw it removes all his hair, then set him aflame. He drops to the ground, contorting, then we throw the body in some nearby water.
      I want the Chimera to hit some really bad guy, and for some reason Hitler comes to my mind.
      He's in front of us, with an elegant gray suit.
      The Chimera is in bloodlust mode. It immediately assaults him with paws and bite, then sets him aflame, then keeps hitting him. I feel like very light and satisfied in doing this.

      After that, I dismount the Chimera, and let it into the egg again. I use open another "zip" portal to my tower.
      I remember I think that I love this way of moving around. I enter the tower, leave book and egg there.
      I am thinking about making an inventory of the items there.

      A yawn comes to my sleeping body, I experience it from a "spectator" perspective, quite interesting !
      When the second yawn comes, I quickly check time, it's 6AM, roll to my side and return to sleep.

      DILD - Drive X-Wing into a Black Hole
      ~6AM, ~20min
      ND:I am playing LEGO with my son. I am looking for an L-shaped black part, I know it's there, I cannot find and start disassembling some Pirates' Island buildings. I find some similar parts, but not the one I am looking for.

      DILD:Realizing this is a dream, I just summon the part. However, I lost any interest in playing with LEGO.
      I turn around, there is a window, look outside, there is a nice garden with trees and flowers. I go out of the window.
      The Fairies TotY beckons, but I want to do something different, and think about the "Black hole / Wormhole" task I assigned in LD4All LC56

      I need an airship. I find myself inside a big hangar, with lots of machinery, but no suitable vehicle.
      I turn into some corridors, and find another hangar, however it is used as garage. Lots of cars and few vans.
      I know the next hangar will be the good one. I take a door, there is another hangar, this time a sort of X-Wing fighter is parked there. Nice.

      I climb in the pilot seat, buckle up and start clicking random buttons in the cockpit.
      In front of me, the hangar door opens to a town street.
      The fighter gets inclined until its nose is pointing upwards, then I take off. Unfortunately no particular sensation.

      I am in the outer space. I look at my left side, there is the blue Earth below me.
      I move around, until I find a black circle "suspended" in space
      I see particles going towards it and disappear.
      I fly in front of it, keeping distance. Then I turn towards it, and point inside.

      As soon as I am inside, I see the cockpit and the structure of the airship become transparent and disappear, then my hands and arms disappear, too.
      I am bodyless, still conscious.
      I appear somewhere else

      Dream recall quickly fades, 6:30AM work alarm goes off.