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    Glieuaeiel's DJ

    Mon Feb 4 (0:52-8:29) **

    by , 02-05-2013 at 02:54 PM (377 Views)
    Holes in the Sky (LUCID)

    Wandering about New York at night with some buddies, we come across their old high school. It's closed now, but we're in the mood for an adventure, so we break in. I'm not totally comfortable with this, and even though there was no audible alarm when we opened the door, I suspect there might have been a silent one. No sooner do I voice this concern to my friends than the floodlights come on and the police catch us.

    Later, alone, irritated by the police and conscious of my lucid powers, I decide to walk around the perimeter of the school and telekinetically make writing appear on the chalkboards I can see through the windows. Let them try to explain that tomorrow morning!

    Soon I wake up, but on a whim I do an RC and find out it was an FA. It's pretty dark, so I try to shout and make it brighter. That doesn't work, so I stop a moment to think. What would be a natural way to alter the dream and make it lighter? Aha! I direct my arms at the ceiling, and a square portion dissolves away to let in some reddish light. A pretty good solution, if I do say so myself.

    Later, while I'm working on something, I see a couple of girls in bikinis off in the distance. I make a note of the location, but honestly what I'm doing now seems more important to me. Soon after, I wake up.

    Previous Sleep Hours:
    Sun Feb 3: 6:07-12:37

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    Updated 02-05-2013 at 08:22 PM by 57256 (added rating)

    Tags: light, night, police
