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    Clydesdale Pegasus 01.31.12

    by , 02-26-2012 at 01:01 AM (488 Views)
    Noelle and I are in a hotel room constantly doing small bumps of coke. I start to feel a little to fucked up and stop. (...btw doing drugs in a dream is always a very weird experience for me) Then, we are looking through a window to my grandma's farm. I see a huge brown horse with brown, eagle wings - a Clydesdale Pegasus - flying through the air. Everything is incredibly vivid and I wonder if I am hallucinating. I ask Noelle to look out the window to see the horse, but it is now gone. I miss the dream sign and conclude I hallucinated the horse because of the drugs we have taken.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
