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    Why do people think that DEILD is hard?

    by , 08-02-2011 at 10:45 AM (704 Views)
    because people think like this: "Now I am awake ... Now I am at sleep"

    better question "Am I???"

    they forget that most of the reality they experience on a daily basis is not solid, it`s littered with their expectations and biases

    example: If you hate money, and there`s a 100$ bill in front of you, whether you believe me or not, you will not see it or if you see it, you`ll not pick it up out of pride or some other masked negative emotion ... some researcher guys did an experiment on this, while combining this question with a positive/negative perspective of the people

    on the other hand, I have this theory that Right-brained people are far more likely to become Lucid Dreamers, then Left-brained people

    I mean by that, they focus more on that hemisphere

    left-brained: engineer, doctor, anything tehnical, business guy, stock broker

    right-brained: actor, musician, graphic designer/painter, somebody who is extremely good at people and allways was and never learned that from anywhere

    so just check out the link here:

    and notice stuff on the list like:
    • Prefer visual instructions with examples
    • Follow Eastern thought
    • Like to read fantasy and mystery stories
    • Like to write fiction
    • Fun to dream about things that will probably never happen
    • Enjoy making up own drawings and images
    • Enjoy creative storytelling
    • Prefer to learn through free exploration
    • Good at recalling spatial imagery
    • Solve problems intuitively
    • Dreamer
    • philosophical

    so if you are a tehnical guy, you should be focusing more on right brain activity and that might get you better results

    so try this test to see it

    I am even, that means I use both, most of you are probably left-brained and exercised the other hemisphere wit this stuff, because a right-brain individual would abhor an only text based environments

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    side notes


    1. quietness's Avatar
      Thanx for the nice tip. I've been focusing too much on left brain activities lately, mostly because I am naturally left-brained. But I also draw, so I think I better start going back to that as well.