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    JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

    by , 06-20-2010 at 05:08 PM (422 Views)
    Sleepwalking at a Swimming Pool (DILD)


    I know the dream I was in was extremely long and involved but can barely remember enough to make it worthwhile typing it out. I remember the lucid part though.

    I suddenly found myself sitting on a wall at the edge of a swimming pool. I was on holiday with my family somewhere warm. The first thing I did was reach down and feel the wall with my hands to increase the vividness. It worked, but not significantly. I got up and walked over to the diving board, past my dad in a deck chair. I then had a false awakening. I actually dreamed that I had been sleepwalking along the side of the swimming pool, and that the scenario I was in was actually real life. I don't know how my subconscious managed to trick me into believing I was sleepwalking, in the middle of the day, at a crowded swimming pool. All I remember after "waking up" is thinking, "God, it's lucky I woke up, imagine if I had drowned!"

    Moron lol.

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    lucid , false awakening
