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    JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

    by , 06-27-2010 at 12:13 PM (407 Views)
    Nigel Powers (WILD)


    Semi-decent WILD this morning. I've no idea how long it took to get into the dream, as I lost all sense of time.

    It began with a false awakening, where I was almost completely paralysed. There was a fat dude sitting on my legs. I was surprised to see him there, and after thinking about it for a minute, I concluded that this had to be a dream. He started trying to tell me a story, but I interrupted him, and said,
    "God dammit mate, let me sleep." With that I drifted off to sleep (in the FA) to a dream-within-a-dream.
    This seems to be a good way of getting rid of situations where you can't move or if you ever get trapped in bed in a LD. Just WILD then and there and find yourself somewhere else! Good times.

    Suddenly I was being taken through the streets of Belfast, leaning on somebody's shoulder. My neck didn't seem to have any power, and my mouth was hanging open. It was like I had no muscles in my face. It was night time, and we headed down an alley beside a shop I sometimes go to. I managed to ask the person carrying me,
    "Where are we going?" in a mumbled voice. He explained that we were going to a nightclub run by Nigel Powers. Normally I would have been pleased about this, but I thought I was in no fit state to party! The guy supporting me seemed to be friendly with the female japanese bouncers, and went straight to the front of the line. My head rolled around on my neck a bit, and for a second I was back in bed with the fat guy sitting on me. I put it out of my head and tried to concentrate on where I wanted to be, in the club.

    There was a little bit of missing time here. After which I was semi-lucid. I had just got on a bus, heading for a night out. There were about 10 double-decker buses picking people up. A girl I know started giving me seductive looks from another bus, so I ran down to the front of mine, and jumped from bus to the other. I went upstairs to her and kissed her. Then I woke up!

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