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    JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

    by , 06-27-2010 at 12:15 PM (455 Views)
    Fishbowl (DILD)


    I was out the front of a supermarket with a few friends. The supermarket was situated on the edge of an area of rock pools, the kind you get at rocky beaches. There were some areas covered in slimy green seaweed and moss, other areas where there were deep pools, and some bare black rocks. Me and my friend Mark were waiting on the edge of the rock pools for a few other people to finish up inside. A few minutes later, the rest of our group came outside, and we started heading across the rock pools.

    Somebody was carrying a large round fishbowl with a single small fish in it. The fish was orange and about an inch long. It was flatter than a goldfish, with a bigger tail. The guy carrying it tried to hand it off to me, but I just looked at him and shook my head. There's no way I was going to carry that over this terrain! Plus he bought it, his responsibility! We started making our way over the rocks. I turned to Mark and said,
    "Fuck, it's like the dead marshes in Lord of the Rings." Soon somebody stumbled with the fishbowl and the fish fell into a small rock pool. We spent five minutes trying to scoop the fish up and chasing it around the pool. My jeans got soaked up to the knees. Eventually it stopped for a second and I grabbed it. I put it back in the bowl.

    I tried to keep up with the rest of the group by taking shortcuts and cutting corners, but no matter what I did, they always stayed ahead of me. At the bottom of the rock pool area was a fast-flowing stream. It looked almost artificial because the surface the water was flowing across was so flat. One of my friends started walking along it, and I said,
    "You might be better to sit down and let it carry you!" No sooner had I said this than his feet slipped out from under him and he went on his ass, thanks to the slippery seaweed. I carefully made my way over to the stream and suddenly realised I was wearing swimming shorts.
    This turned me lucid. I sat down in the stream and was immediately carried off at quite high speed. The stream was becoming like a water slide. Further ahead, I could see that the slide just ended with a drop into a river far below. Above the drop was a bridge that my friend Darren was crossing. I pushed myself along and lay down to increase my speed, and soon I flew off the edge. Everything went into slow-mo. I whipped round in the air to wave at Darren and make a "whoop" sound, then did a backflip before hitting the water. The river was much faster-flowing that the stream above. It led underground and round a corner to the right, then just stopped. The water drained away through a grate, and I was in a large room not unlike my old school assembly hall. Lost lucidity around here. There was a strange bluish tint to the light in the room, and there were three boxing rings at my end. I ended up refereeing a boxing match which looked a lot like Street Fighter, except real- and I looked like a massive wolf in clothes. At one point in the fight I got bored, and jumped in with a headbutt which sent the guy flying.

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