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    JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

    by , 07-27-2010 at 12:37 PM (535 Views)
    Holiday (WILD)


    Another HILD (Hangover-Induced Lucid Dream).

    Recall is shabby. I had unwittingly inserted myself into a holiday scenario. I was walking downhill on a busy street with a bunch of friends. Strangely, it was a group of people who don't really interact in real life. People I was friends with, but who didn't all know each other. Everybody was in holiday gear- shorts, sunglasses, bikini tops, flip-flops etc. and the weather was warm. I walked at the head of the group, and although I didn't know where we were going, they all followed me. On the way down the street, I practiced some superpowers. Last night I had thought about trying to create electricity (and eventually lightning) from my hands, so I tried that. I opened and closed my fingers, and tiny blue-grey sparks flew between them. I could feel a tiny static shock with each spark. I turned round and poked a girl in the arm for a laugh. She yelped, then laughed. I showed off my new ability (babe magnet, this one) and the rest of the girls stopped to look as well. One took my hand and examined my bizarre fingers. There were a couple too many. She pulled one of the extraneous ones and I didn't feel it at first. But the more I concentrated on that finger, it became a working finger, and another became the odd, extra one.

    Later on, we were going to a restaurant for dinner, like we did every night before hitting the town last summer. There was one dude with us who looked very much like a younger Paul Rudd. (from Anchorman, Friends, 40 yr old Virgin) The restaurant was a bit of a dump. All the tables and chairs were made of old, dirty wood, and there were too many of them for such a small place. The waitress came over and asked us to move tables. Paul Rudd got into an argument with her, and ended up telling her,
    "You're like fourteen, who gives a fuck what you say?" She was very insulted, then a group of police officers threateningly told us to leave.
    "Dude," I said to him as we were leaving.
    "Whatever," he replied sullenly. He didn't seem to be in a friendly mood! Our gang began walking down the street again. I started talking to a hot girl who walked beside me. She told me she had been mountain climbing earlier, and pointed to the right, where I could see a mountain made of red rock. It looked like a romantic spot, so I took her in my arms and flew to the top. I had to get over some streets and houses to get there, and I had a bit of trouble maintaining any decent height. Flying up the mountain itself wasn't that hard. I kicked upwards off a rocky outcrop every time I lost momentum. Carrying the girl didn't exactly make it any easier though.

    I had a strange false awakening. I was staying at a friend's house in real life, and I "woke up" in the same room I had gone to sleep in. But I didn't fully wake up. I saw the blurry outline of my friend Darren come into the room and approach me. He shook my shoulder to try and wake me up, but I couldn't move. I assumed I must still be in sleep paralysis. My entire body was numb. However, I was able to mumble to communicate.
    "Dude, you're going to have to smack me in the face to wake me up, I can't move here," I mumble/whispered. I didn't hear his reponse, but I found I could move my hands, which lifted the sleep paralysis. I got up out of bed and stumbled round the room for a minute, before my mind stopped spinning and I stabilised myself.
    "Whoa," I said, turning to Darren. "I was having one of those crazy lucid dreams I was telling you about!"
    Darren is one of the few people who knows about my hobby. I did a hand reality check, and realised I hadn't actually woken up at all! I sat down on the bed and promptly informed Darren that I was still asleep.
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    lucid , false awakening
