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    JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

    by , 08-04-2010 at 12:32 PM (606 Views)
    Rambling Through Dreams (DEILD)


    I had about 7 DEILDs this morning. Lay on my back the whole time. Even though I wrote down some notes immediately after waking up, I doubt I remembered them all. These were a new kind of DEILD for me- Instead of going for the usual "tactile entry", I focused my vision on an object or scene. I kept looking intently at the same object or scene until it became "real". Sometimes I wasn't sure if I had woken up or it was a false awakening, but I kept the rules in my head, which helped me tell the difference. If my arms were easy to move, it was a dream, simple as that.

    The first segment was where I was sure I woke up. I spent a couple of minutes lying on my back trying to bat away a large fly that was zooming about. It's only after waking that I now realise it wasn't real.

    For my first DEILD, I visualised the wall opposite my bed. I just stared at it. My eyes could even have been open, I don't know- it sure felt like it. A picture on my wall had changed to a calendar for some reason. I think it might have been a Simpsons one. It started flashing through lots of different faces, and there was something quite menacing about it. I didn't think about the scariness, I only took it as a reassuring sign that a dream had definitely begun. I was still in bed, so I tentatively tried to move my arms. I found I could, and quickly fell out of bed. I ran downstairs and out into the street. My friends Hugh and Darren were there. Hugh was carrying a bottle of Jack Daniel's, which he handed to me. We walked up the street to a petrol station, whereupon I took a giant swig from the bottle and threw it over my shoulder. I heard the smash and walked through the automatic doors. I pondered for a minute about whether I should try to do some of the task of the year, but all my lucids recently have been pretty short, so I thought there would be no point. Also, I was just stealing a few extra minutes sleep and expected to be woken up at any minute. There was a great-looking girl working behind the till, so I wasted no time in going at it with her. The people in the shop were staring at me like I was insane, and I became slightly self-conscious. What if I was merely super-drunk and not dreaming at all? A quick hand-reality-check allayed my fears, and I continued. Then the alarm went off, and shutters closed down on every door and window. I suspected that I might be trapped, so in a way, it was lucky that I woke up.

    Still very relaxed (and maybe in sleep paralysis), I went for another DEILD. I looked closely an image which formed in my head as before, and soon
    found myself standing in some sort of facility. The walls were sliver-grey, and there were lots of people walking about in a hurry. I did a little experiment, and found that it didn't matter whether I had my eyes open or closed in the dream, I could see fine if I wanted to see. I did the experiment whilst looking at an old woman leaning on a railing of a balcony. Satisfied with my discovery, I strolled along the balcony, gazing out over the wooded area outside. It looked like the sun was going down. Along a bit, I found a table with benches around it. Sitting on one was a girl I know, who I plan to ask out soon. She was wearing a strange light-blue swimsuit. I sat down beside her and we began kissing. Soon I woke up again.

    This time the DEILD transition was a bit different. I moved a little, then "fell" to my left, and
    ended up on all fours on a stony surface. I stood up and looked around. I suspected I might be in the wooded area I had seen from the balcony earlier. I started running through the trees and entered an area of ancient ruins which was pretty overgrown with plants. I thought about the strangeness of running in dreams again, and I chuckled as I automatically started taking deep breaths as I do when I run in real life. Was there any point in talking bigger breaths, or noticing breathing at all? The ruins started to look a bit like a multiplayer level in the Aliens vs. Predator game, the name of which escapes me. I jumped about 10 metres onto a stone platform to look around. There was movement all around me. I had no doubt that Aliens and Predators were the culprits, but I couldn't get a clear look at one. With a screech, an Alien dove at me, mouth open and arms outstretched. I caught in in mid-air by its neck, and proceeded to perform one of the more brutal execution moves from the game on it. Then I noticed that I had a predator's blades attached to my forearm. I extended the blades and started admiring them, but I was jumped from the left by another alien. I swung round and delivered a downwards blow with my blades through the alien's skull. It cracked like an eggshell. I woke up again.

    I was having so much fun, I decided to try to go back there. I don't think I managed it, but I had
    a short lucid where I played a sniper in Call of Duty.

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