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    JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

    by , 08-04-2010 at 12:41 PM (540 Views)
    Burning (DILD)


    I was in the grounds of some rich guy's house at night with my family. My mum, dad, three brothers and granny were there. We were in a horse enclosure, where I was trying to teach the horse a trick using some crackers. It ended up just licking all over my face. Then my granny got agitated. She said she heard something, and we should get out of here. I listened for a second, and heard an ominous hissing noise. It sounded like hundreds of snakes, slithering somewhere in the grass. I couldn't find them anywhere though. I led my family through the various gates and wire fences, out of the gardens. I turned round to see my dad heading off in the opposite direction. I called after him but he just kept walking. Looking down at the grass, I saw he was following a thin trail of black smoke. It looked kind of like the smoke monster in Lost, but much smaller.
    "I'm calling bullshit," I said, and looked at my hands- where I found several fingers missing. My dad entered another enclosure and shut the gate behind him. I ran up to the gate and tried to open it, but it was locked. My dad walked up to three shady-looking figures and said something. One of them held out his arm at my dad, and he burst into flames. It wasn't like normal fire. There were flames combined with writhing black smoke, and visible cracking of electrical sparks. My dad disintegrated in front of me. Now I was pissed off.

    I forced what felt like a lot of energy into my right hand, and discharged it on the gate. The concussive force it created blasted the gate off its hinges. The three figures looked up, startled. I strode towards them with murder on my mind, and when I was a couple of metres away, held out my arms, as one of them had done. I clenched my fists and two of them were immediately consumed by fire, smoke and lightning. They howled with pain as parts of them fell off and melted. There was soon nothing left of them but a small pile of what looked like charcoal. The final guy started running. I narrowed my eyes at him, which stopped him dead in his tracks. From there I used telekenisis to grab and pull him towards me.
    I find telekenisis always works when I imagine an invisible rope betweeen me and the object. He flew towards me, shouting loudly as I readied myself into the correct stance. Right as he was about to smack into me, I punched as hard as I could. My fist and arm went through his chest like it was butter, coming a good way out the other side. He spluttered, still not dead. I removed my arm and got him in a headlock. After a quick psych-up, I jolted and snapped his neck. It was all very cathartic.

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    lucid , memorable
