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    The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal

    5 dreams in one night, basic version of the MILD technique.

    by , 08-01-2010 at 09:22 AM (474 Views)
    So I went to bed a few hours ago and decided to try a little bit of the MILD technique before I went to sleep. Basically I repeated "The next time I dream, I will perform a reality check, and realize I'm dreaming."

    So I dreamed that I was in some sort of giant maze with a bunch of random people who were randomly transported there. We were all running like mad back and forth. The maze wasn't one level. It was multi level. There was the main level which was gigantic, like a closed of basketball court, and covered in a padded like substance. At one end of this padded level, about a hundred feet in the air, was this tower looking area with a slit for a door.

    Anyways. Suddenly we're all running around like a race had just started. I notice that, as we're running around, some people are wearing all white and some people are wearing red and white clothing. Sort of like the Assassins Creed outfit. At some point in the dream I realize I'm supposed to chase down and try and save the people that are wearing both red and white and to try and be with them because the groups of straight white are chasing us down and capturing us and doing, I'm not sure what. But every time anyone gets caught they start screaming, terrified. I remember thinking: "What kind of God or gods would make us follow one thing and then make us suffer for it?"

    At this point I almost become just a pair of eyes with no arms/legs and simply watch as things unfold. I remember this one man running up to a high level and seeing three different options to continue running. It's dark up here and he sees a flash of red and white so he knows to run that way but then he sees flashes of JUST white and knows that he's been cornered. In "my" head or the narrators head I remember narrating his final actions: 'And knowing full well it would be his last desperate moments the man sprinted head on towards what he believed.' And sure enough: my narration was right. He get's tackled and I'm whisked away somewhere else.

    I think I'm "me" now in the dream. I'm running up and down more of these padded stairs. I see this woman running screaming and across some sort of opening I see a man wearing white and red face paint, very vividly. I feel like I should follow that person. He feels important. So I start chasing after him and I'm running up stairs to keep up and another guy is with me running, he's on my team. We reach a point where the stairs don't go any further so we turn to run back but take a different way. I yell, "This way is no good!" and sure enough, it isn't. We near a part where it looks like the stairs are OK but in fact, at a different angle, they are all broken except for one. We turn back and run again.

    And then I must roll in my sleep or something because suddenly I'm at the bottom again and there are a bunch of boxes, about 8 feet tall, that look like giant pillows set all over the bottom floor. The lights are bright and I feel like a ton of people are there again. At the middle of the room is a guy that looks like Drew Brees, a football player, and he is being interviewed by some guy with a mic. He says: "I'm not going to do anything crazy. If I could: I'd like to hit in an NL ballpark." Or something to that affect. He's talking about some sort of baseball competition he's going to have, with just himself, to show off. I then woke up and my heart was racing and my first thought is: It's kinda funny I had two dream fragments but both of them deal with "teams". Hm... back to bed. It's still only 3:22. Will edit with more dreams.

    For some reason I start dreaming and I'm running the "fast break" in basketball and I do a behind the back pass to another kid with curly hair and freckles. He doesn't seen the layup coming and it goes outta bounds. I run over to him after the play ends (and suddenly we're in a cafeteria) and introduce myself. I tell him that I didn't know his name or else I woulda warned him about the pass so he coulda got it. And then suddenly my dream warps into this next one. I'm not going to post much about this fragment as it was super jagged and weird: I was Bart Simpson, or a look a like, and I was running around all over this school wreaking havoc. I would make things blow up or hide things or make mean people get in trouble. And I was constantly getting chased again. My " final moment" in this dream was when I decided to do a suicide mission. I made something blow up and then I tried running away But the explosion caught me as I was running and launched me backwards. And suddenly that dream bled into the next one.

    So I dreamed that I was in some sort of sitcom where I would stage situations to make me look like a hero in order to pick up chicks. I pretended to save Emily Mortimers daughters life (she seemed to live in the same apartment complex as me) and later that I day I made myself "happen" to walk by and she invited me in to chat. She had just broken up with her boyfriend/husband (played by a guy I know, Matthew D) and everything was really tense. But anyways we get to making small talk, which I can't remember, and it seems like she's liking me when suddenly her brother (or a close friend of Matthews) comes over and sits down on the couch while she's in the kitchen. I can tell he's pissed I'm there but I act polite and say "Hey, what's up." He says not too much and is mostly polite back. I don't remember what happens next but suddenly he snaps at me. I get mad at him and almost drop an "f bomb" which he starts to grin and say: "Oh yeah? An f bomb? That's not her style at all." And I get even more angry but I hold it in and mutter that he's the kinda guy that sits at the top of the movie theatre so he can look down on everyone. He goes "So I'm some kinda class racist eh?" and starts laughing at me. Emily walks back into the room and says: "I don't need this!" and then next thing I know the brother/Matthews friend is kicked out. And then suddenly we're in a different POV, almost like a sitcom opening, where I'm following three similar looking brothers. One brother is played by the guy from Cloverfield, the main character, and then two guys that look kinda like him. And they're walking up some sorta steps to the top of the apartment building. It's sunny and it looks kinda like California. As they walk up the steps some music is playing and scenes of guys telling girls to "go to roof 7" occurs. Apparently, in this dream sitcom, when you don't want to get with a girl you tell her to go wait at roof 7. And then one of these guys shows up and "sweeps her off her feet" for a one night stand. Anyways. These three guys make it to the top of the apartment building "rooftop 7" and look around. It's all concrete with a few potted trees and benches. There are two groups of people: all guys. The brothers seem super dissappointed and then one brother mentions Emily living in the apartment and how he's going to try and get with her. At this point I realize that I am the main character (the guy from Cloverfield) and for some reason I don't say anything back. My "brother" says "it's gonna be awesome. Gettin' the second girl this week that you been with, haha" implying that they'll enjoy being with him more. And that's pretty much it for that dream. I DO remember that the one brother had one giant tooth instead of regular sized front teeth. Teeth getting messed up seems to be a theme in my dreams.

    And my fifth dream in one night: I remember standing around in a parking lot with a buddy of mine, Austin. He had come driving up from somewhere. And anyways in the back of his van was a bunch of music equipment. So he comes flying across the street to where I'm hanging out at and pulls around and parks and pops his trunk. I'm super worried he forgot something we'll need but I keep finding out that he has everything. I remember, from across the street, watching him running holding my amp head with one hand and the thing dangling around like it was going to fall. It was sorta funny. So we start jamming out and I keep all of the equipment underneath the door of his trunk because I'm afraid of rain. And then we invite my friend Chris to come play with us and he shows up, too, from across the street. From there forward it gets pretty hazy. He mentions how his class gave him the day off or something but he's thinking of going back anyways. Somebody makes a joke where the punchline is "I wouldn't even show you my penis online." And that's pretty much it.

    So, wow. The MILD technique really does work. No Lucids but 5 completely separate and memorable dreams. I'm going to keep this up.

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    Updated 08-01-2010 at 02:36 PM by 33935

    non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment
