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    The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal

    I will follow no footsteps. Starting my own routine. Day one.

    by , 08-13-2010 at 03:32 PM (398 Views)
    I dreamed I was swimming underwater. I can't remember using any breathing devices or anything. My friend Lawrence was leading the tour along with a few other people. Everything is tinted hazy blue.

    We come to a narrow hallway with a large door at the end. The guys start moving towards it when I see a glowing parrot looking fish. I'm immediately told not to touch it because if I do it will kill me. So I evade it and we are helped through the gate.

    Once through we are in an even larger area. There is a fairly narrow hallway sort of area that leads up s set of shallow steps and those steps lead into the wide open reef we came to see.

    As we walk up the narrow steps I am stopped all of a sudden and someone points out a little hole in the base of the steps bi am told not go touch it because if I do it will come unplugged and suck me backwards and shoot me outta the room. That's good enough incentive for me to be careful.

    With that in mind I continue forward and am constantly on edge not to touch anything. I see s semi large floating egg, about 12" long float by and I ask one of my guides If I'm allowed to touch the dragon egg even I'd just to save it from floating down the stairs and outta the room. The guide says no and as I watch the egg float by it flashes back and forth between the image of a fish and then back to the image of the egg.

    For some reason Lawrence ends up getting way ahead of us and it's making the guides nervous. I tell them that I want to go back and they point towards the door at the end of the steps. I go to it and open it and then immediately I see the red parrot fish that kills on touch. It is alone in the vast blackness. I change my mind about leaving and turn back around.
    I dream that a small group of people and I are heading down this steep forested hill. We reach the bottom and realize there is no true way out except climbing back up the other side of the bowl we climbed into. Before we do I take time to notice these absolutely gigantic trees that seem to tower over everything and while I do that I notice the spiders.

    The spiders are gigantic and they have weaved a giant web around the entirety if the forrested bowl we walked into. I scream bur our leader ignores it and begins to climb up the side and past the enormously fat spiders. I'm frozen with fear and decide to follow too late. They take the spiders by surprise and manage to make it through a tiny hole in the web. The fat black and bulbous spider crawls over to the hole and seals it up. I am stuck.

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