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    The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal

    Three fantastic and interesting lengthy dreams recalled.

    by , 09-10-2010 at 04:45 AM (615 Views)
    I don't know what I did right last night but I woke up three separate times and each time I had a really lengthy dream recalled. Lengthy at least for me, that is. I hope this is a precursor to things to come. I would love to experience my first LD.

    I come to in the back of some truck on some highway. We are speeding down it and I notice we are being chased by another truck. This one has a yellow cell in the bed of it and it says "jail" on it. A friend of mine with black hair (who I've never met) is driving. We race away in an awesome chase and manage to pull over and we both jump out and run.

    Now we are in some sort of cafeteria and my friend looks depressed. I'm trying to explain to him that they chased us because we don't belong in this world and that it isn't the normal one. He keeps getting more and more mad even though I'm trying my hardest to be nice.

    He finally eases up on me and we make some sort of amends and before I know it we are driving back on this highway. This time we aren't fast enough and we get caught by the people driving that yellow jail truck. Once caught I demand to know what we did and they tell us we are an abnormality and we don't belong here and it's their job to catch abnormalities.

    So we are thrown into a weird yellow prison and locked there. I don't know how it happens but some woman comes and helps us break out. We steal the jailers truck and speed back off on the highway. We pass by one of the big jailers and he knows we aren't real jailers because of how fast we are driving. He says the speed is irregular. We pass a semi with him in pursuit and pass one that's laden with tires. As we pass it we slam into it causing it to unload it's tires on the people chasing us. The dream fades.
    I'm in some sort of underground cavern. Again Pastor Li is there and he seems to be running everything. There are crowds of people there and a bunch of kids about my age. Lawrence is there and I go join him.

    It looks like Pastor Li is hosting some sort of summer event where the kids all play games. This event has a bunch of kids partnered up in doubles and staring at a row of big statues with televisions on them. Each television has an album cover and a song and artist name.

    The Pastor explains that the point of the game is for him to play a song and we have to guess who's it is. Whoever does it the fastest wins that point. The first song is clearly by The Who but we have trouble matching it up with the title. Literally as soon as it starts playing Lawrence mouths the artist name to me. I raise my hand to guess and I'm wrong. This goes on for a little while with each group guessing until finally I get another chance and I nail it. The next song is some sort of heavy metal song and I have no idea. My team guess all of the album covers with heavy looking fonts.

    Eventually this part of the dream fades and now I'm separated and somehow upstairs in a different room in the cavern with different kids playing different games. I don't like it because I miss people that I know. So I leave and try to find my way back. On the way I stumble by a staff bathroom that has all of its info written in Spanish. I go in anyway and go to a very narrow stall. It has someone else's name on it and there's a man in the one next to me. I don't feel like getting on trouble so I leave and find my way back to Pastor Li and everyone else.

    He is underwater with about 18 kids and they are playing some sort of game involving some sort of religious dance underwater. Julie walks up and notices this and says mockingly "Are they really doing a holy dance?" I turn back with anger in my eyes and say that they are and of it bugs her she can leave. Now she looks mad and asks me angrily why she would want to.

    I watch for a little bit until Pastor Li notices me and invites me to play. The dream fades from there.

    Pastor Li buys a Borders for 14 mil
    --says he can make 14k a day with it

    Lawrence and I want to buy the Borders
    We drive over make an offer
    -The place is under renovation since my Pastor had just purchased it. We walk up, through the doors, and see Li there overlooking the process.

    Larry says he wants to offer
    They act shocked and say just by virtue of owning it they've made 10000 bucks in a day.

    We leave with a crowd of people down cement steps. It's sunny out. I make a zombie noise and everyone laughs and runs. I catch a ride with Lawrence but he doesn't wanna drive me cause he's nervous around me cause he's shy or something. I don't get it.

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    non-lucid , memorable
