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    a teahouse inside my head.

    squares and stairs.

    by , 12-02-2010 at 05:17 AM (499 Views)
    Sidenote: I decided against polyphasic sleeping. I woke up on time (at 3:30am) and stayed up for an hour but I was so tired and I thought of how exhausted I would be for weeks as I was transitioning and I decided it wasn't worth it. I am going to continue waking up in the night (though about an hour later) as a WBTB.

    Dream 1: Pre-Three Thirty
    I was with my friend Jacob (who seems to be in all of my dreams right now). We were eating vanilla ice cream that looked kind of lumpy and homemade (like the kind we made in chemistry class with liquid nitrogen). I remember saying something along the lines of "more food?" or "I'm so full but I'll eat this anyways" and I kind of remember seeing a ton of plates of food in front of me. We were sitting at a table in the middle of a square in a European looking city. We were watching the area as if we had been placed in a movie or a book and were watching some story take place, though I can't remember anything happening in front of us and I don't think anything was happening. I also remember Jacob saying "well it's up to you" as if we were deciding what we would do.

    Dream 2: Post-Three Thirty
    I was in some kind of room with people from my school. My friends Cora and Davida were sitting with me. One of them was sitting on a chair like this, the other was sitting on one of the arms, and I was sitting on the other arm. We were talking and decided to go outside. We were in a square similar to the one I was sitting in with Jacob but instead of being a flat square it had a round "pyramid" (like a round staircase up to a platform). We went back to the room and we were talking to this boy Adam. We went back outside and Adam's ex-girlfriend Hazel was sitting at the top of the stairs. Then we were looking online at some kind of message board about NaNoWriMo winners/losers (Cora and I both attempted NaNoWriMo which ended at midnight and lost).

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    non-lucid , side notes
