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    Catching Shrimp

    by , 09-10-2012 at 03:44 AM (1122 Views)
    Non-dream Dream

    Dream 1:

    Did this a few times - 1. Buy 2 white bricks (drugs) and a lighter. 2. Go into a secret door in a hotel and use the lighter to see. 3. Find a secret room downstairs - pay hookers and do the drugs.

    A fine ass prostitute came up to my hotel room right before my wedding. We are ready to go but she has to pee. Then my wife gets back early from wherever she was. She tells me we have to do some wedding thing where we have to dance around all of our guests. We go outside and there is a huge pool with all of the guests seated around it. We all dance in a line around the pool. The hookers were invited and we were on roller blades.

    Dream 2:

    I pick up some dirt with my Dad's truck. I am with Bender from Futurama. Someone steals the truck. I become a cloud and I can see Fry's (from Futurama) face stretched around the planet. Then my wife and I are swimming in the ocean with a big net. I am explaining how to catch shrimp. We drag the net through the water and catch one shrimp. My wife is so excited.

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