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    Kraom's Dream Journal

    Short little DILD

    by , 07-09-2012 at 04:37 PM (426 Views)
    The dream starts with me being in a world where it was an online game but I was actually there controlling my character, which was like a little lego man. I remember before I became lucid there was a contest about who had the best object and it was between these talking animals. I helped a raptor whose poll was stuck behind a brick. It was sort of like an ornate lamp post. I was giant in comparison to these animals, I think because they were characters in the game and I was there to control mine with my hands. So the raptor ended up winning the contest for who had the best object. After this I remember being in a hall and I had my character, which again was a lego man, and I was making him break dance. Then I saw someone else's character do a knee-slide by my character challenging mine to a dancing contest. So after this I made my lego man do the moonwalk and then I stopped to look at the person who was controlling his character because there was a person controlling my rival dancer. And when I looked at the person I realized that the person I was dance battling against was myself. So after I saw this I thought oh I must be dreaming. (Yea not a talking dinosaur and me being giant, but seeing myself made me become lucid.) After becoming lucid the dream scene immediately changed and turned into an ice-rink where I was ice skating with my younger brother. Since I was lucid I wanted to do something in my dream so I knew one of my goals was to fly so I hopped up and started floating, but I was indoors so I couldn't fly anywhere especially not with the speed I wanted. My brother then started talking to me I don't remember what he was saying, but I do remember that I said something along the lines of, "Ya ya hey I have to go." And I went out of a door that led me out into the open. Outside I was in a parking lot there was only one car. After I had exited the ice-rink I no longer had my ice-skates on. Anyways I jumped off of the curb to fly because I was outside now I could soar! And.. I hit the ground. So, after this I just sort of floated up off the ground steadied myself out and I was pretty high up in the air around twenty feet directly above the car I had mentioned. And then I put my arms out and clenched my fist and made a little whoosh noise like I had made the vroom vroom noise for the motorcycle the morning before. After this the dream suddenly ended. It didn't fade the dream in its entirety just ended. So, I think it's because A- I didn't stabilize at all or B- It was just near the end of the dream because I became lucid pretty late in it.

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