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    TOTM, but not quite lucid?

    by , 06-07-2013 at 05:34 PM (559 Views)
    Fragment 1: I was very pleased about some crystals I got that worked extremely well, with obvious results. I think I got them from Judy Hall (author of a few crystal books I own IWL).

    Interestingly, I had placed a double-terminated quartz I had once dug up in Arkansas under my pillow after reading that those aid in dreaming, and ended up having more dream/fragment recall than ever. I've slept with various other crystals over the years to no effect. Hmm.

    Fragment 2: I was cutting/texturizing the ends of my hair, not even looking into the mirror, just grabbing the ends and snipping little triangles.

    Fragment 3: I found out that Merlin was going to continue. It wasn't even going to be a sequel picking up where the finale left off, but stuff that happened between Arthur's death and that shot of Merlin in present times.

    Watched the season finale on Syfy last Friday and was very disappointed in it as well as about the series coming to an end.

    Dream 1: I was at a place that was a cross between a warehouse, a grade school, and a thrift store (IDK!). I had to help organize stuff and was annoyed about it. There was a guy who seemed around my age who owned or ran the place. I also passed by some schoolgirls while carrying stuff.

    Dream 2 (post WBTB): I was sharing a dorm or hotel room with two other girls. It seemed like a school setting, and I don't know where the other girls went, but I was preparing for my upcoming audition.

    The place was really cluttered. Still, I thought I should hang up my coat in the wardrobe. On my way, I passed a closet and something inside it moved. I concluded that I was being haunted.

    I stopped dead in my tracks because between the wardrobe and the closet I had just passed was a mirror. I've heard many stories throughout my life of people seeing scary figures -- or even looking demonic themselves -- when gazing into the mirror, so I was afraid. But I didn't want to let my fears get the best of me and I also remembered that finding a mirror in my dream and describing my reflection was one of the TOTMs, so I proceeded boldly.

    I stopped to look into the mirror, except now it looked like a somewhat distorted 50s style television. At first I got kind of scared because there was something definitely wrong with my left eye. I looked closer and realized that it was swollen (though it didn't look like a real swollen eye would). I figured it was related to the discomfort I've been feeling there due to my recent migraine.

    While I was not aware of dreaming in that last dream, my thought processes before looking in the "mirror" resembled my waking thoughts more than the majority of my dreams do. Usually when I make decisions in dreams, it doesn't involve a drawn-out and coherent thought process. The summoning of will and courage in a dream is also something I don't remember experiencing in a dream before. Then again, I was terrible at recall until this year and especially these past two weeks, so maybe I'm just not familiar enough with my dreams.

    Also, that last dream is my first successful dream incubation Wish it had been a more pleasant experience, though.
    CanisLucidus likes this.

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    Updated 06-07-2013 at 06:00 PM by 63380

    non-lucid , memorable , task of the month , dream fragment , side notes


    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Very nice! Lots of good stuff going on in that post-WBTB dream. First of all, you clearly had dreaming and Task of the Month on the brain. This kind of thing is such a good sign. I get dreams like this, too, and even though I wake up feeling a little silly, this is exactly the kind of mindset you want to have in your NLDs to give you the best chance of breaking over into full lucidity. It's good that for (at least) two nights in a row you've been getting these dreams about dreams and levels of awareness that seem to be just under lucidity.

      Did you do anything in particular to incubate your dream of a mirror? It's not that I'm trying to get you to tell me just so I can steal your technique. Oh wait, yeah I am.
      LadyLoki likes this.
    2. LadyLoki's Avatar
      Honestly, I didn't do much. I just tried to keep the two basic tasks in the back of my head. Particularly when playing on the forum or before bed, I'd tell myself, "If I become lucid in a dream, I should remember to speak gibberish to a DC or look for a mirror."
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by LadyLoki
      Honestly, I didn't do much. I just tried to keep the two basic tasks in the back of my head. Particularly when playing on the forum or before bed, I'd tell myself, "If I become lucid in a dream, I should remember to speak gibberish to a DC or look for a mirror."
      Well that is all a very good sign. Incubation is something that only recently have I had much luck with, and it's still quite hit or miss for me. I mean with lucids I can still go hustle and make something happen by putting in the effort, but shaping NLDs like that is only now starting to come about. (Somewhat imperfectly too.)

      Keep up the great work. If you find that you have a reliable knack for incubation, you could even try incubating a dreamsign that you think you're likely to catch. I'll be jealous!
      LadyLoki likes this.