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    by , 09-25-2012 at 03:49 PM (871 Views)
    1. I was in the backyard during a party with a bunch of people. One girl had a few awards for being in the Air Force. We began talking about how being decorated makes us feel prestigious. I told her that I could be a bio medical engineering major or I could major in psychology. She told me that it's easier to become known doing something you love, despite the stereotyped reputation.

    2. There was a family party at my house where everyone decided to get high. They rolled some huge joints and didn't know what to do with the trash. I took care of it by throwing it to the side of the house. After this, my step-mom decided to "blaze it" and smoke. She got so high that she needed me to drive her. She wanted to bang the man down the street. She told me that if I didn't find somebody for her to bang, she would bang me.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      We began talking about how being decorated makes us feel prestigious. I told her that I could be a bio medical engineering major or I could major in psychology. She told me that it's easier to become known doing something you love, despite the stereotyped reputation.
      Hey, this jumped out at me. I know that you have just switched majors so I was wondering where this dreams fall on the timeline. Were you still processing this decision at the time? Interesting to see it pop up like this with what almost seems like a nudge from the subconscious.