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    The Stream (two nights in a row)

    by , 09-09-2020 at 02:18 PM (346 Views)
    These dreams came only a few weeks after I began working with LD techniques.

    I enter the dream fully lucid and high over a field. Below me is a stream that flows through the field from the woods beyond. there is a figure standing in the stream. I fly down to the stream and become the figure.

    Now I am standing in the stream with the water flowing toward me. I can feel the force of the current around my legs as the water is up just above my knees. I walk slowly upstream to where the stream is tumbling gently over some rocks into a small pool. On the left is a small patch of sand. I look up stream further to where the stream emerges from the woods and I see a small tree that has fallen out over the water. One of it's branches is intermittently caught in the current and it bobs rhythmically. I walk out of the water and up on to the sand. There is a path that leads away from the stream. I wake up.

    The very next night......

    I enter the dream fully lucid and I am flying high over the exact same scene. This time there is nobody standing in the stream. I fly down and land in the stream I walk up to the sandy shore. Everything is exactly the same right down the the tree with the branch bobbing in the current. I walk back into the water this time and lay down on the bottom of the pool below where the water is tumbling down.

    I lay on the bottom breathing in the water and looking up at the clear blue sky.
    michael79 likes this.

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