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    (11/24/10) - An interesting aquaintance, collapsing dream worlds, and a great adventure!

    by , 11-24-2010 at 10:53 PM (630 Views)
    Ok, so I just woke up, and I think I finally discovered the perfect time for me to do a WBTB. Before, I was doing them at 5:20, because it had worked a couple times and gotten me great lucids, but the problem was, I often would just remain awake in my bed at that point rather than fall back asleep. It was just too late in the morning. So last night, I tried going to bed an hour earlier and getting up for WBTB at 4:00. Same amount of sleep beforehand, but it was still so early that I would fall back asleep easily.

    Before I get around to those dreams, though, I want to mention something that happened at the beginning of the night. Now, when I first began to lucid dream, I would always see this eye staring at me when I'd close my eyes. I'm not sure when that stopped, but I just realized as I was going to bed that I hadn't seen it in a long while. So I closed my eyes and began to look for it. It didn't take long for it to appear. But what was weird this time was that it didn't stay just an eye forever. Pretty soon, it took on a 3D feel to it, and an entire face appeared around it.

    "I am your dream guide. You have been looking for me."

    Then the eyelashes on the first eye I'd seen began to grow longer and longer until they became almost plant-like vines extending out and encompassing me. Then the DG said:

    "Embrace eternity!"

    And all went black.

    Then at 4:00 I woke up, went to the bathroom, and, as I said, fell back asleep easily. A bit too easily, perhaps. I had only started my mental preparation to get me ready to RC and recognize when I was dreaming when I fell asleep!

    Dream 1: I was in a very rainy world. It looked as if it had been raining for quite some time, since there were floods everywhere. The only reason my house wasn't flooded was because I was living with several DC's in a house that was high up on a platform, just off to the side of an electrical tower.

    Nowhere to go...pretty boring right? Well, it was, but then things started to get interesting. All of my DC friends and I were standing below the highest part of the tower where it was dry and we could see for miles, when we suddenly heard this deafening, sickening creak. It came from the structure we were standing on. And then...



    We all looked in horror as to our left, a smaller tower that was connected to the main one fell down right on top of our little house! The house was not professionally made; it was just a bunch of plywood, really. The thing was totally smashed, and as if that weren't enough, the cord tied on to the top of fallen tower got enough of a tug (I guess it was caught on something under the water below) to pull it--and much of the house's remains--over the edge and out into the flood.

    "That's...not good." Said one DC.

    "We'll...we'll be ok." Another said, hopefully.

    He spoke too soon. Another smaller tower in front of us snapped and splashed into the ocean next as well.

    "We have to get out of here." I said. When they all looked at me with blank stares, I explained what I meant. "With those two towers taken down, there won't be any electrical charge running through the main power line up at the top of this station. We can ride it across to the next safe area, but we have to hurry! It won't be long before this whole place comes down, now."

    We ascended for the top, I in the lead. Gathering up all my courage, I jumped, grabbed hold of the wire, and began flying through the rain on the high-speed zip-line. Then lightning flashed...

    And I woke up. Even though it hadn't been lucid, the realism was simply incredible. All the rain hitting my face as I rode the zip-line, the sounds and sights of the smaller towers breaking...every detail was so accurate, and there were a LOT of details in this one, particularly with physics. So now I'm pretty confident that I've found when to lucid dream.

    This knowledge in mind though, and it still being very early morning, I went back to sleep almost immediately, and the dream continued:

    My DC friends and I had made our way to a kingdom which had also seen its share of damage (debris was everywhere), but at least it wasn't flooding...or raining at all, for that matter. In fact, the place was rather dry and desolate. We walked into the castle and explained our situation to the king, who was more than sympathetic.

    "You may have noticed," he said, "that our own fair home has seen its last days. We've suffered many attacks from the ghouls, and I fear we must move to another location. The King of the West has agreed to take us in among his people, but we'll have no support in the transition. Join us if you wish, but be wary: it is a dangerous road that we travel."

    "I don't think we have much of a choice." I said, as the unspoken leader of my little group.

    Suddenly, a bit of one of the stained-glass windows that lined the border of the castle walls shattered in, as if a rock had been thrown through it. Only pure white light shone through behind it. I could hear ghoul war-cries off in the distance. Soon, other holes started to appear in the shattering windows.

    "What's going on!?" I asked the king.

    "The dream is collapsing!" He said. "What you see beyond is the great void. You never created anything beyond this castle!"

    Something clicked, then.

    "Wait, you mean all this is my dream?" I asked.

    "Yes!" The king pleaded. "Only you can change it! Only you can save us from this oncoming battle!"

    Empowered by this thought, I marched straight up the stairs to the balcony, where I could see out the windows clearly. Then I held up a hand and ran it across my vision, intending to fill in each window that my hand passed with the proper scenery behind it. It worked. What was left of the windows stopped breaking, and behind them, off in the distance, I could see the silhouette of the other buildings in the kingdom. They too were broken down as badly as the castle, it seemed.

    "What shall we do now?" I asked the king, knowing full well what he'd say.

    "We must defend ourselves from the ghouls! Quick! I have swords and armor."

    Suddenly every one of us was wearing a suit of armor and holding a sword. Being lucid, the armor didn't weigh me down or make me less agile. It was mostly for looks, honestly, since I couldn't be harmed anyway. We all then ran out of the castle, swords blazing, and began attacking the ghouls as they ran up to us. There were hundreds of the miserable, scrawny, gray things, but we took them all out, and not too cleanly, either. I jumped and flipped all over the place, first using just my own sword, but later using a second sword I spontaneously created. I hacked off the heads of the creatures, often multiple in a single swing. Before long, the battle was over.

    Unfortunately, something about that battle had caused my mind to lose sight of the fact that it was a dream, and I returned to being non-lucid.

    The king had been wounded in the battle, so everyone decided it was high time to leave for this other kingdom that was going to take in all the people. We put the king on a sort of bed that could be carried, and then started out on our trek.

    I can't remember how, but somewhere along the way I got separated from the rest of the people, and as I tried to find my own way back to the path we'd been following, I came across Gollum, and asked him to lead me where I needed to go (even though I wasn't lucid at this point, something in me still knew I couldn't get hurt, so I wasn't afraid of Gollum attacking me or anything).

    "This way!" Gollum said, leading me into another broken down castle. "We must follow the path of the Gol-Keep, yes we must."

    "The Gol-Keep?" I asked.

    "Yes! Yes! The Gol-Keep! This way!"

    False memory told me the Gol-Keep had a reputation of being the most evil place in existence. Sounded scary...which sounded fun. Gollum lead me into a tunnel that had been dug through the old castle. It wasn't very scary, though. I was disappointed.

    "This isn't so scary after all." I said. "Isn't there something better?"

    "This tunnel avoids the worst." Explained Gollum. "We don't wants to go through the other tunnel!"

    "Take me there."

    He did, but then let me go in alone. This other tunnel was totally dark, wet, and the home of a thousand creepy voices all around me. I could hear movement and occasionally feel a hand brush up against me, but I just kept walking, enjoying my invincibility in the midst of something that usually would have freaked me out.

    I made it through the tunnel quickly and came out right behind the rest of the people as they entered the second kingdom. The king had died en route, so they were looking for a new leader to represent them to the King of the West. When they discovered that I had survived going through the Gol-Keep, and without any fear, I was chosen.

    When we met before the King of the West, however, he was less convinced about me.

    "We must have a duel to prove your worthiness." He said. "If you succeed, I will grant you continued rulership over these people beneath my rule alone, and a place to stay in my kingdom. If you fail to best me, however, then I fear I must turn you all away."

    "I'm ready." I said.

    The king fetched his sword and gave me choice of my own weapon. I settled on four swords, two in each hand, and then the sparring began. We went back and forth for quite some time, but no one really gained on the other. Eventually, I flipped two of the swords around and held them backhanded, so I was essentially wielding two double-bladed swords at once. This was indeed too much for the king, and I quickly knocked his sword from his hand.

    I woke up right about then.

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    lucid , non-lucid , memorable
