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    LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5

    ARCHIVE: Monday, May 10, 2010

    by , 06-11-2010 at 02:53 AM (365 Views)
    Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
    Well, it's been a while...between work and an otherwise busy schedule, I just haven't had time to write here lately! Not that there was much to tell...but keeping up with any dreams will help recall, so it's a bit of a shame nonetheless.

    But today I've got the time, and last night I had a little lucid dream, so here we go again!

    I was working in a department of a huge mall. At first everything was normal...just work as usual. I was talking to my manager, when all of a sudden, some guy with a mask ran in and started shooting! Got my manager two or three times. Strange thing was, though, he didn't get me.

    See, as soon as that bullet had fired, it was like the dream went into slow-motion. I whirled around and saw the bullet tearing through the air and was able to dodge it without a problem. This clearly upset the killer, because he suddenly forgot about everyone else and just went after me. But I worked my way up closer and closer to him, dodging bullets all the way, and then eventually I let out a punch that threw him half-way across the room!

    That was when I realized I was dreaming.

    "Oh, why didn't I just use some psionic ability to take him down?" I thought out loud.

    With a thought, I brought my manager back to life and then walked out of the store.

    "Since this is a dream," I thought, "I should try some moves..."

    So I did. Right in the middle of the mall, I started doing handsprings (front and back), aerials, flips, and other fun stuff. In the middle of all this, though, I got interrupted by an older lady who wanted some packages delivered. At first I tried to just make excuses and leave, but she was persistent, and I couldn't see why it would take long to deliver packages in a lucid dream, so eventually I gave in. I flew around the mall and tried to find the people to deliver the packages to, but it was actually harder than I thought to locate them. I caused everyone's names to appear over their heads so I'd know who to find, but I still just couldn't find everyone.

    Eventually I did find one person, so I landed and delivered it to her, but then she turned around and told me about something she wanted me to do.
    I can't remember where exactly my lucidity faded, but every time I delivered a package, there would be another mini-quest thing that I was supposed to do, and eventually the dream was more of an RPG than anything. I still had lucid powers and I retained my moves (both of which I used frequently), but the realization of being in a dream was gone.

    I can't remember all that I did...but it ranged from deliveries to rescuing people out of burning buildings to taking down assassins before they could reach their target. Most of it was kind of hazy from this point on, but that burning building experience was very clear. It was difficult to get inside, but eventually I managed to rip away a garbage chute that was coming out of the side of the building and get inside that way. Once in, I could feel the heat building up, the loud rumble of the flames, the boards beneath me rotting away...the entire building nearly collapsed with me inside. It began to fall, tilting the entire place, but I used telekinesis to hold the place up long enough for me to find the little girl I was sent to find and bring her out alive.

    Well, it certainly took long enough, but eventually I had all mini-quests cleared and all packages delivered. I walked back to the place I had started at, told my manager what a crazy day I'd had, and soon
    woke up.

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