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    LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5

    ARCHIVE: Thursday, June 10, 2010

    by , 06-11-2010 at 02:58 AM (673 Views)
    Quote Originally Posted by LiveInTheDream View Post
    Finally, another long and fun-filled lucid dream!! Unfortunately, my dream recall has been at a low point as of late, so I can neither remember every detail nor what order things go in...but I will certainly do my best.

    When the dream began, I was simply walking through some store. It wasn't your average store; everything was painted black or a dark gray, and the lights were kept just bright enough to see comfortably. I'm not sure what they were supposed to be selling at this, since I never saw any products anywhere, but there was a single cashier behind a solitary desk.

    As I walked through this place, something suddenly bothered my nose. Maybe a fly nearly went up into it or something; I'm not really sure. But I simply reached up and rubbed my nose with the back of my hand, which should have temporarily cut off breathing...but it didn't.

    "That felt weird." I thought. "I had better check again."

    This time I pinched hard and still breathed in effortlessly.

    "Ok...do I actually get to say it?" I asked myself, realizing with excitement what was going on. "I'm...I'm dreaming! Yes, I'm actually aware of it! I'm dreaming!"

    Of course, the first thing that came to mind then was the question of what to do with this dream.

    "I need to have a Matrix fight!"

    The moment I looked down, I was suddenly no longer myself, but Neo. And when I looked all around the room, doors had appeared in the walls. I took my stance and waited. Within moments, all sorts of people rushed in from them; agents, the Twins, and all kinds of other henchmen, too.

    Although the ensuing fight was enjoyable from Neo's perspective, it was altogether far too short. I simply unleashed my dream body in a fury of moves that would be too fast for waking-mind reaction speeds, but as the dream itself was a matter of thought processes, my actions could apparently be just as quick as each electrical signal that formed my environment. This effectively sent people flying everywhere, and when they hit the walls, it was usually hard enough that they did not get back up.

    I looked around after the last man was down, saw their bodies laying everywhere, and figured I should move on to something else.

    "I should accomplish some dream goal or task of the month. Don't think I'll be doing either of those here, now."

    Since I was already Neo, I bent low to the ground, which sent small waves out from under me, just before I shot straight up into the sky, phasing right through the ceiling to get there.

    It was night all around me, but I could see a sea sparkling beneath a sky full of stars off to my right, and a city alive with lights in every window to my left.

    "Let's see, what was that task of the month? Oh yes. Pyrokinesis. I think I'll skip on the mushroom patch...Neo just doesn't seem to fit in that scene."

    I reached my hands up over my head and formed a large flame in between them. Since I had nothing better to burn, I threw it down towards the store I'd just been in and watched it explode as I continued to feed fire into it from the palms of my hands.

    Shortly, however, I came to the realization that my goal had been accomplished, and once again it was far too short. I needed new territory; new people. So I shot off across the sea to my right and planned on just going to whatever place struck me first.

    I ended up having much less say in the matter than I had planned on, though. For some reason, soon after crossing the sea and arriving in another city, I began to lose my ability to fly. At first I tried to just change my position a little, but that only sped up my descent. Eventually I was plummeting straight down and I could do nothing to stop it.

    My fall ended at a glass roof in someone's apartment. I went crashing through, suddenly myself again and no longer neo. Of course the family that lived there was startled to say the least, and instantly ran to see if I was alright. I'm sure they expected blood and glass wounds, but I only ever saw one piece of glass in me, and as soon as I pulled it out of my arm and passed my hand over it the wound was gone.

    From this point on, things get very hazy, which is frustrating, because the longest part of the dream came hereafter.

    I stayed with that family for days (though I didn't see every moment of each day), trying to regain my ability to fly, and also using them as an experiment. Over our time together, I didn't just outright tell them they were part of a dream, but I slowly built up their knowledge
    of the world until they understood that none of it really existed and that they could bend or break all the rules as they wished. The parents seemed to have a hard time accepting it, only ever being able to do things like move pencils across a table with telekineses. The younger ones, however, caught on quite well, and when I finally did recover my ability to fly, they could easily join me.

    There was, however, a LOT involved in all of that; this is one of the longest lucid dreams I've had in a long while. I simply don't remember all the details

    After a while, I went into a false awakening and tried to write down the previous dream. Unfortunately, all I succeeded in was screwing up my recall, since I wasn't truly awake.

    It doesn't actually seem like that fun of a dream now that I write it, but while I was going through it it sure seemed enjoyable

    NOTICE: This shall be the last of my dream journal entries that uses this format. From now on I shall use the new DJ Blog format. I intend to get everything migrated over there, so all these entries will not be lost in the midst of a vast archive, but for nostalgia's sake...so long, my first-ever dream journal!

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    lucid , task of the month
