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    LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5

    Thursday, June 18, 2010

    by , 06-18-2010 at 02:29 PM (767 Views)
    I DID IT!! I finally was able to WILD from a fully awakened state!

    I went to bed last night at about 11:30pm. Woke up (due to awesome dreams about being in love with this incredible girl) at 5:47am and decided to try a WBTB and WILD so I could visit that girl again. I stayed up for about 10 minutes, fully awake. I even splashed water on my face. But at the same time, I stayed away from things that would make falling back asleep a difficult thing to do (i.e. screens).

    After that, I lay down on my back on the floor with a t-shirt wrapped around my eyes and ears to encompass myself in total blackness and silence. I was very alert at this point, and concentration was easy. I consciously relaxed everything, starting from my toes and moving up to my head, and then counted down from 10, telling myself that I would be very close to lucid dreaming by the time I hit 1.

    It almost worked. I felt that beginning sensation of disconnection with the conscious mind, and knew I was close. But I still needed some help. So I visualized a hand reaching down out of the blackness and pulling at the center of my brain. That went far better than expected. Instantly, the hand drew back, but the difference was, now I was moving along with it! My eyes started to move rapidly; I was entering REM, the place of lucid dreaming. Unfortunately, my heart rate increased very dramatically at the shocking success of the visualization, and it was like I fell from the height the hand was holding me back into my real body, and my eyes stopped moving so fast.

    I tried to just go back through everything again right there, but somehow I just couldn't. The hand wouldn't pull me back with it anymore, my eyes would never move very fast...I didn't even see HI anymore.

    So then I got up (or at least I attempted to; one of my legs had lost its circulation, so it was like rubber and I couldn't stand on it, so I had to pull myself into bed with just one usable leg ) and tried the same thing in my bed. By now it was 6:30. Time was running out. I thought the change of location might be enough to get me in. But after a couple minutes of no luck with that, I just thought: "How often do I fall asleep on my back? Almost never!" And then I just got into the most comfortable position I could, re-relaxed (which was a bit more difficult to concentrate on this time, but I did it) and then watched the oncoming HI and waited.

    In a very short time, things started to shake, I felt myself slipping away, and next thing I knew...

    I was sitting up in bed. I didn't really need to RC; I knew where I was. But I didn't want to take any chances, so I did a check and found myself to be dreaming. I jumped down from bed and started going around the room slowly. I felt the walls, I looked out the window, I looked down and could see myself standing there...it was all incredibly realistic. I ran all over the house, then calling out for this girl, hoping to find her around a corner. But I never did.


    I was back in bed, wondering if I had woken up. Did a reality check, and tested to still be dreaming. This time I flew outside, doing a corkscrew simply to see if the dream world would continue to function realistically if I were upside down. To my amazement, it did. Once outside, and with my orientation corrected, I hovered in the air, looking around me. I laughed with pleasure when I saw how realistic everything was...there was even a road construction crew out in the distance, just like in real life. I was going to fly off to the girl's house, then, but...


    I was back in bed, and wanted to get back to work, so I did an RC as I threw myself over the edge of the bed and on to the floor. I remember thinking: "The people on DV are going to have a fit when I tell them my reality check was throwing myself on the floor to see if I fell through!" I did fall through, however, and attempted to teleport as my body passed through.

    Where I ended up was not at all what I had intended. It was some kind of restaurant with old-looking wooden rooms. Many of my friends were there, and even some family members. One of them was asking me to go fill up three drinks. For some reason, this temporarily caused me to lose lucidity. I tried to get the drinks for them, but the soda fountain was made from obsolete equipment, the cups were difficult to find, and the method of payment was so strange I never did figure it out. It was something like this: you'd put a couple coins into a slot on the desk, and then there was this tube with rings around it. You'd slide all the tubes to the right to correspond with how much money you paid, even though it wasn't sufficient to cover the cost of the drinks. Everyone around me said that was all I had to do; they never compensated for the extra cost. I got annoyed with them for not understanding my point that it was a bad system, and for their annoyance with me for not being able to figure it out.


    Back in bed, lucid once again. Threw myself on the ground as a reality check. This time I ended up teleporting to some farm where two pirates were standing in front of me. They were threatening in graphic terms to tear me apart and kill me. I just smiled at them the whole time, and then used descriptive commands to transform them into girls about my age. "Shorter. Skinnier. A bit younger." With each command, they would automatically be transformed. (This is, by the way, a method of dream control I've used ever since I was 4, when I had my first lucid dream) It took a couple minutes to get them both looking right, but the results looked like they'd be good.


    Now I was getting a bit ticked off at my frequent blackouts and false awakenings. I did one solid reality check and then tried once again to stop all the nonsense and find the girl I'd come into the dream to find. I looked all over the house, tried to call her on a phone, but I just couldn't get her to show up anywhere! So again, I tried teleporting.

    This time was very different, though. Rather than be presented with a new, weird location, all I saw in front of me was a panel of buttons. There was one for each location I'd been so far. I pushed the button for the farm and was dropped there immediately. The pirates were still girls, now also in normal clothes instead of the pirate stuff they had had before. And for some reason, one of them had aged about ten years, while the other remained exactly the same. I invited them to come to the restaurant with me. I'm not sure why, but I just had this feeling that they'd help me find this girl that I was looking for.

    "No thanks." The younger one said. "I kind of like it here. So peaceful and quiet. Especially at the lake! I think I'll go there right now. See you later!"

    The older one was fine with coming, though. "Good enough," I thought. I put a hand on her back and prepared to teleport...


    There was the restaurant...we were there.


    There was a static image of several dream characters.


    I was in bed, I did a reality check. I could still breath through my nose, but it was partially blocked now.


    Then I sat up in bed for real. It was 7:30am now...I'd been in a dream for nearly an hour.

    The blackouts sure were annoying, but I'm really glad I've found a way that I can WILD from being fully awake! This could even work in the afternoons...which would be really awesome indeed! Then I'd have a couple chances for LDs every day!

    I'd say WILD has now become my focus once again. Wish me luck! I'll keep you guys posted on what happens

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    Tags: wild
    lucid , false awakening , memorable


    1. Indeed's Avatar
      That's great! I'm amazed that you were able to stay lucid through all of the FAs.
    2. LiveInTheDream's Avatar
      Yeah, I tend to anticipate false awakenings in WILDs...for some reason that method almost always throws at least one FA my way. And besides, to avoid them further, I make sure to ALWAYS do a reality check first thing after I wake up each morning, so it's as much habit as anything.