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    LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    by , 09-07-2010 at 05:20 PM (588 Views)

    Day #7 (NO LUCID):

    Tried a later time for the MP3 to go off in hopes that it would hit me during a clearer dream, but it wasn't late enough...I naturally awoke before the MP3 started playing, however, I fell asleep with it still running, and although I didn't go lucid, I had more control in my dream than normal.

    The dream began with me on facebook, looking at a post from a friend asking if anyone would be willing to do logo design for him (a real life memory that spread into the dream). I said I could do it and asked what the logo was for. When I got the reply, said friend told me: "Oh...just BLACK MESA!"

    Next thing I know, I'm in City 17, and the place is under attack. Both zombies and Metro Cops are trying to take me out, and I'm freerunning the heck out of there. I make it--barely--after leaving behind a grenade that I found on my belt to slow down my pursuers. I didn't stop, though. My brain told me to run through the 'underground railroad' that would get me to Eli, just like in the real life Half-life 2 game.

    The dream basically threw me into my memories from Half-Life 2, then. I did everything on the underground railroad just like in the game, only I was actually all there, and I felt the fatigue of always running and the danger of fighting off enemies. Eventually, I made it to a half-way point; a safehouse hidden off to the side of the canal I was taking the airboat through. Only...there was nobody there to tell me where to go next. Unsure of what to do, I found my way to a bed and collapsed on it. I couldn't rest though...not with the ever-present feeling of being watched. So instead, I got beneath the bed where no one could see me and tried to go to sleep there.

    I never got the chance. Within a few minutes I heard the distant radios of Metro Cops heading my way. They were giving instructions on where to search...and two of them were coming right into my room. I looked around from beneath the bed, but there was no way out. I'd just have to be silent and hope they never found me.

    Their shadows were on the wall...and then, the ominous figure of one of them stood in the doorway. The wooden floor thudded dully with each step of the cop. He looked all around the room, and then turned to the bed. The cop slowly leaned over and peered beneath, staring me right in the eye...but in desperation to not be found, I convinced myself to be invisible.

    "All clear."

    The cop left, and I returned to visibility with a sigh of relief. As soon as the cops were gone, I got up and left to try and complete the railroad myself. But something weird happened, then. The dream went into 3D. I mean, like the red and blue 3D. And in the dream, I put on red and blue 3D glasses and I saw everything in 3D! Like, it actually popped out at me and had depth like I rarely see in dreams! And of course, since it was a dream, the colors looked correct unlike real red/blue 3D.

    That's about all I remember. It was a pretty enjoyable dream, actually...I've really got to be more creative with my lucids to beat these kinds of things!

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    non-lucid , memorable


    1. Hiro's Avatar
      Hah! The same thing happened to me today trying to do an audio-induced LD. I set my alarm for about 6 hours after I went to sleep, then woke up a few minutes before my MP3 went off. D:

      I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that you can set your own "mental alarm".

      Anyway, nice half-life dream.
    2. LiveInTheDream's Avatar
      It's very possible that I do tend to wake up about the time I know the MP3 should go off...unfortunately I can't yet prove if it's really a mental alarm or not, since I naturally wake up every night sometime between 5 and 6 a.m. anyway. No idea why.