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    LucasPotter's DJ


    by , 01-31-2012 at 10:27 PM (493 Views)
    I've had many dreams... The first one is just a small fragment. I went into a public bathroom with my girlfriend, there was a line. Everything was dirty and broken, there were about five stalls, but two or three weren't working. Then, one of the girls started mocking another girl who was pooping. All the girls started making fun of her, it was like they knew each other.

    The second dream is longer. I was on a bus, my dad was driving it and there were many people inside. I saw some black clouds and thought there could be a tornado. Then I remembered we don't have those in Brazil, so I figured it might just be a storm. As soon as I thought that, I realised I was in the US, so I was like "OMG, it could really be a tornado!!!"

    While I was thinking that, I saw a playground and suddenly a hole opened on the floor and a toy fell. It was like a earthquake had happened, and my dad sped up. I checked as we drove by and there were no kids playing there at the time. That made me feel better. As my dad kept driving, we saw lots of holes appearing, not close to us, we could see it happening miles away.

    We arrived at a hotel and I told my parents they had to hold my hands. If they did that, they'd be safe, but they wouldn't listen to me. My dad had mentioned that all the holes were appearing on the same road, so I decided to go online and google it. As I was leaving to "my" room, I noticed my dad was acting weird, so I told him he shouldn't go crazy. He laughed in a weird way that freaked me out.

    I woke up... inside the dream. I was afraid of it being a false awakening, so I did a reality check that had worked the other day: I looked at the mirror. Turns out that, whenever I decided to do a reality check, my mind tricks me. I was completely myself in the mirror, so I was like "cool, let me write down this dream", but then I decided to google the road my had talked about. As I was turning on the computer, my dad randomly tried to get into my room through the window and he was laughing... he sounded demented. I freaked out and...

    ...woke up. This time for good. My heart was beating fast and I was scared as hell.

    My last dream wasn't short, but I can only remember one small thing. I was talking to a friend of mine and he gave me a CD. He told me he had burnt his presentation for a class in there and that he wanted me to see it. I said I would, I put it on and the presentation was happening in a cave. And I woke up.

    And that's it!

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