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    1. In the pub.

      by , 12-05-2012 at 06:27 PM
      Remember a dream fairly vividly last night. I woke up bang on 7:45am, and thought "Ah, I have an hour until I need to awake! Time to recall my dreams!"
      However I suddenly realized that I was in fact supposed to have awoken about 45 minutes ago, and I was in fact very late, meaning I didn't have time to write it down. AAARGH. This obviously meant that my recall slipped significantly, but what I remember was that I was in a pub with some blokes. Not sure who they were but I think they were older than me and I felt a bit intimidated, despite them inviting me along. I think it was the evening time, and it was lit as a pub usually is. I was quite awkward where I was, and at some point went to the bar where my friend Katherine was sat. I don't remember what was said or what happened, I seem to remember a party like atmosphere.
      Tags: pub
    2. Synchronicities...

      by , 12-05-2012 at 12:19 AM
      Can't remember any dreams from last night
      I do remember waking up at 6am (ish) and remembering the dreams, but couldn't be bothered to tap it into my phone.
      My phone is a pain in the arse to work, so I'm going to start writing in my notepad again

      In other news, haven't seen too much synchronicities recently for the paradigm shift.
      However, about 5 minutes ago, I was thinking about how my friend has his ex-band still as his career on facebook after several months of splitting up, and he changed it minutes later!
      side notes
    3. Gig confusion

      by , 12-03-2012 at 10:49 AM

      I think I was in a local village where Chawner, Charlie, Leo etc. live, chilling with my friends. There was a school concert going on at my secondary school, however it was more like a gig for the teenagers. My old band used to play all the gigs, and we suddenly thought it would be a good idea to ask to play in our new band at the gig. I think that this sudden spur of the moment idea came from the other day, when on a spur of the moment Richard (our bassist) told a promoter we could play at his gig, even though we were simply not ready. I was rushing about trying to get hold of people and organize lifts to college (even though the gig was at school!! RC POTENTIAL!!!!) however I was getting no texts back, which was stressing me out. In the end, my Mum was picking me up, yet Chawner picked us up in a big black 4by4 car!! (once again, RC POTENTIAL!) In the back of the car was Marko, and I had shotgun. All I really remember from here is me telling the lads that I was nearly there at college, and them telling me in return that they delayed the gig for us to play, but it was too ambitious and the crowd were starting to get agitated so we had to stop. When he said this I imagined the school hall as the NME tent at reading festival, (RC POTENTIAL)which has actually come up in my dreams before. I was disappointed we weren't doing the set, however although I thought it was the evening, I actually think it was during my friday long free, so all it meant was that I was getting to college earlier so that I could do revision. Cool!
